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Chapter 2
When will you learn?

"Get up y/n!" Sage demanded at my bedside,
"It is way too early." I laughed while my eyes were still half shut. "It's seven." Sage said with a disapproving look while she began to shake me.
I'd given in and pushed myself out of bed.
"Give me five minutes." I grumbled, and Sage just nodded in response. I threw on my robes and turned to Sage, "I'm ready." I smiled, "Yay!" She exclaimed while grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the room. Sage has always been a morning person, she enjoys going and watching the sunrise and the cool breeze of the morning, I'd prefer walking beneath the stars while warmth still lingers the air. Sage, in fact, woke Aurora and I up during second year at five in the morning. She'd made us go for a morning walk and then to breakfast, however, I have a habit of waking her up in the middle of the night to sneak into the kitchens, or walk beneath the stars.
Some may say Sage and I are 'polar opposites', however, our differences are what made us connect on a deeper level. Of course, it does cause a few arguments and misunderstandings, but it's worth it. We've been best friends since childhood, and nothing can change what we have.

Sage and I made it to the bottom of the stairs and there stood the two boys. Regulus and Alden.
"Good morning ladies." Regulus said with a big grin, "Good morning." Alden added while still rubbing his eyes. "Someone looks tired." I laughed, "I could say the same to you." Alden chimed.
We'd walked towards the great hall together, and when we'd walked through the entrance we were greeted by 'that' group. The group consisted of,

James Potter; Arrogant, wealthy, gryffindor pureblood, who's family belongs among the sacred twenty eight, and has an everlasting crush on Lily Evans.

'Something' Black; that would be Regulus's brother, I'd never talked to him and don't recall his name, I know he's an accomplice to most of Potters plans. Or maybe even the mastermind behind them all.

His name starts with a P? ; Very shy boy who never leaves Potters side, I'm honestly starting to believe he might be emotionally attached to James.

Lupin; I'd only heard the boys call him by his last name, and he seems quite shy, I haven't heard him talk much. Supposedly he's quite smart, and seems to be the least cocky and arrogant of the group.

I'd looked back to the group to notice James began to approach Regulus, "So Sirius's
brother, who's the girl beside Hale? I mean I'm usually not one for Slytherins, but she could be an exception." James asked with a smirk, "Erm Sage?" Regulus suggested, but James shook his head. "Not Sai, who's the other girl." James asked, "Oh wouldn't you like to know," Regulus laughed, and everyone knows James doesn't take 'no' over very well, "Fine, I'll see for myself." James snarled shoving past Regulus.

He walked towards me confidently,
"Hello, y/n? Is it? I'm Ja-" James smiled but he couldn't finish his sentence."I know who you are Potter, and I'm not interested." I said while imitating his cocky smirk. "What- why?" James trembled for words, "I'm not one for cocky arrogant gryffindors." I laughed while turning on my heel back to the Slytherin table. I could hear James friends all laughing at him, for a split second I felt bad, but, then I realized James will find a new girl by tomorrow. The conversation played over and over through my head, and it clicked. James called Regulus, 'Sirius's brother'
Aha! Sirius Black. Sirius was the handsome one with the dark brown hair.


Regulus motioned at me to eat my food but I just wasn't hungry, "I'm not hungry, I'll see you guys in class." I said with a smile, while getting up and heading towards Slytherin common room.
I was just in front of the common room entrance when I heard foot steps coming from a distance, I turned around to see the tall boy with two scars across his face, Lupin. "Hi, y/n. I'm Remus, Remus Lupin. I'm here to apologize for James." Remus smiled, "Apologize for what?" I questioned. Remus looked very nervous and shy, so I cut in again, "Remus don't worry, nothing is wrong." I smiled, "But you looked upset when you left.." Remus added, "Oh no, I'm just tired." I suggested. Remus pulled out a chocolate bar from his back pocket and offered it to me, he broke off a piece, "Do you just always carry chocolate?" I laughed while taking the piece from his hand. "Yes." He chuckled,
I told him I needed to get to class but I'd love to talk to him during lunch.

He seemed really sweet.
Maybe not all of James group is so bad.

Classes had passed and I decided to make my way to the courtyard, (where I told Remus I would meet him) I saw Remus begin to wave at me while standing beside the handsome boy again. Sirius.
"Hi Remus!" I smiled, "Hello y/n! How was Dada and divination?" Remus asked. "Boring; we just took notes all class." I shrugged, "Oh and this is Sirius, I thought you two might get along. And I can never get away from all the boys, it's pretty much impossible." Remus laughed, I stuck my hand out for a formal handshake, but Sirius gave my hand a weird look. He wrapped his arms around me in a comforting hug, he smelled amazing of lavender and expensive cologne.

"Back. Off." Regulus seethed from behind me while pulling out his wand, "Younger brother what will you do? Did I hug your girlfriend?" Sirius teased, "She's not my bloody girlfriend." Regulus snarled while still holding his wand upwards. Sirius pulled his wand from his robes twirling it over his finger and taking a tight grasp, "Expelliarmus." Sirius said with ease and Regulus' wand fell out of his own hand.
"Accio Regulus's wand." Sirius added and Regulus's wand flew to Sirius hand.
"Oh when will you learn?" Sirius laughed,
"Oh shut up!" I cut in while grabbing Regulus wand and pulling Regulus out of the courtyard.
"You don't need to protect me." I seethed while pushing his wand into his chest and walking away.

a/n sorry this was sort of short, i'm currently #1 in maraduers like wtf? ahh i have solid like 4 views but still? anyways new chapters coming soon

and comment suggestions for what you guys want to happen in this story

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