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Chapter 28
Can I leave?

I've spent the last week in my bed, I've attempted to leave but Regulus has strict rules.
1.) I'm not allowed to leave my room by myself cause there is a chance I could 'hurt myself' walking down the stairs.
2.) I'm not allowed to drink, he took away all my whiskey. He even found the hidden bottle in my closet.
3.) I can't get mad at him because there supposedly 'Sirius' orders' but I can't even leave the common room to go get mad at Sirius.

"Can I please go yell at Sirius?" I laughed,
"No. He said I have to keep you on lockdown a little longer so you don't get hurt." Regulus stated. "How will I get hurt? The death eaters left. I'm doing fine." I sort of lied, I stood up and immediately felt dizzy "Se-e." I smiled, before I almost fell down onto my bed. "All I can "see" is that you are even struggling to stand." Regulus laughed, "If you let me stand more often maybe I would be better at it. If you didn't insist on carrying me everywhere." I laughed as Sage walked into my dorm. "Look what I got!" She smiled holding a bottle of fire whiskey,
"I searched Regulus's dor-." And that's when Sage made eye contact with Regulus and hid the bottle behind her back and put a cheeky smirk across her face trying her hardest not to laugh,
"It's water I swear." Sage laughed and we all burst out laughing, "How did you not see him? He's literally on your bed!" I laughed, "I was in plain sight you bloody moron. If your going to sneak y/n alcohol at least be secretive about it." Regulus chuckled.

Sage brought the bottle to me, "Hide it." She whispered and I attempted to get up fast and run and that's when Sage took the bottle back and ran out the door and I could hear from a distant
"I'll bring it tonight l/n!" While laughed running away from our dorm. "I won't tell Sirius." Regulus added, "Finally. Now when can I leave to go yell at him?" I asked with a smile across my face. "Not yet." Regulus stated.
"When can I leave?"
"When is soon?"
"Soon enough."
Bloody hell Regulus.

The night snuck up on me faster than I thought and Regulus left but said he'd come back later, Sage walked in with two bottles of fire whiskey.
"I went back." She smiled, "I love you Ms Sai." I smiled. Sage gave me a bottle and I took a big swig forgetting the burn it gives in your throat. I coughed and Sage laughed "Has it been that long since you've drank?" Yes, yes it has.
"I forgot how much it burns." I managed to laugh. There was a knock at the door, Sage and I looked at each other, "Come in." We both groaned in unison, Regulus walked in with a huge smile on his face and more fire whiskey and other drinks. "Pass the bottle." Regulus chimed as he sat on the edge of my bed and close behind Alden walked in and jumped onto Sages bed making her scream.

"Pass the bottle l/n." Regulus chuckled, this was the 3rd bottle Regulus and I had went through collectively, while Sage and Alden were still on there 1st. The night passed and Regulus pulled a letter from the pocket from in his robes,
"Oh yeah, Sirius wanted me to give you this." He smiled handing me a letter.

Dear y/n,
How are you doing love? I'm sorry I haven't dropped by for a visit I'm just a bit .. scared.
I told Reggie that it is alright to let you leave but only to see me. All jokes aside I miss you and please be careful darling,
From Sirius

"Reggie?" Y/n laughed, "What? How did you.." Regulus stated and took the letter,
"He calls you darling?" Regulus groaned, "Love, gross." He added. "Pass me the letter Reggie!" Alden laughed and Regulus threw Alden the letter, "I miss you and please be careful darling." Alden mimicked. "Oh shut it." I said pulling the letter from Aldens hands. "I'll be back!" I sort of shouted, "Going to shag Sirius?" Alden asked,
"Oh shut it Alden!" I shouted and left the room making my way toward Gryffindor common room.

I definitely was a bit tipsy as I stumbled up the stairs to Gryffindor common room, please tell me Sirius was here, I don't think I could make it anywhere else. "Mcgonagall." I stuttered, what the hell was the password again, "Mcgonagall." What bloody.. the portrait opened but it wasn't me who had opened it,. "Y/n?" It was Remus at the other side .. "Sirius! Come get y/n!" Remus yelled. I heard footsteps running towards me but everything felt as a blur,
"Y/n." It was Sirius, I could recognize him anywhere.
I collapsed into his arms "Sirius." I breathed,
"Yes- yes darling?" Sirius trembled, "Take me upstairs please." And everything felt like it was spinning.

I woke up in the Gryffindor dorms it was still quite dark and I looked around to see James, Remus, Peter but no Sirius. I had a throbbing headache so I walked out to sit by the fire to see Sirius asleep on the couch, I went and laid down beside him and I felt his breath hitch and he opened his eyes "Y/n?" He breathed, "Yes." I replied placing my head on his chest and falling asleep again.

I woke up to James and Remus cheering,
"I knew they'd get back together!" James chimed, "We knew it!" Remus beamed turning to James for a dumb secret handshake.
"Yeah we made a handshake to celebrate." James boasted sarcastically, "We're not back together." I murmured. "You will be." Remus smiled, and I didn't even bother replying they probably were correct. Remus and James left to the great hall and I finally asked, "Why did you sleep on the couch?" I asked Sirius, "I didn't want you to feel uncomfortable with me sleeping in the same bed as you." He laughed nervously, I lightly hit him the chest "Gentleman?" I inquired, "Indeed." Sirius smirked. "I'm still mad at you." I seethed,
"Why? Because I kept you on lockdown for your own good?" He laughed, "I'm fine." I started,
"You collapsing in my arms last night tells me otherwise."
"I was drunk."
"I said no drinking!"
"See! You ruin all the fun."
"I don't ruin the fun.. I keep you safe."
"Oh shut up." I laughed before pulling his face to mine letting his lips meet mine, he didn't pull me away he pulled me closer. One arm around my waist and the other running through my hair, I could feel the warmth of his body on mine as my heart pounded.
II looked over my shoulder to see James laughing but Sirius could care less he cupped my face and pulled me back.
He'd been waiting for this moment a long time.
Every breath I took smelled of Sirius.

I'm in love with Sirius Black.

Authors note

Hello readers, sorry for this chapter it's kind of meh, I don't have anything else to say.

Until next time ladies, gents and non binary -c <33

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