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Chapter 7
You're with another


A few months have passed, and it is the final week at Hogwarts. Sirius and Regulus are on horrible terms and I have barley talked to either of them.
I know I sound petty but I didn't want to hear poor excuses whatsoever. What they did hurt me, and I'm allowed to be upset.
I was over the moon excited to go home and get away from this school. I had plans to meet up with Sage and Alden, but Alden said is schedule is very tight due to all his travelling.
I would definitely miss those two and Remus, but I made Remus pinky promise to write this summer. I was completely fed up with O.W.L.S and I'm very grateful to only have one left which is later today.
It was only a charms exam which I felt quite confident in.

I walked down to the great hall and made eye contact with Remus. "Oh Lord." I mumbled under my breath and attempted to walk fast so maybe he wouldn't notice me, but I was terribly wrong.
"Good morning darling!" Remus yelled from across the hall while waving his hand in the air making sure I couldn't miss him.
"Good morning Remus, you ready for our charms exam?" I asked, "Yeah.. I know It'll go fine, I'm just a bit nervous." He smiled nervously.
"Well good luck, I'll see you after." I said, "See you after." He replied. I usually wouldn't try to get out of a conversation with him so quickly, but I knew Sirius would be arriving soon and I wanted to avoid anything to do with Sirius.

I'd finished the exam early and sat there with my head in my hands in exhaustion, but I'd felt a pair of eyes burning into my back, and I knew exactly who it was.
When the exam finally finished I rushed out trying to avoid any encounter with Sirius, I rushed out of the doors and thought I'd escaped. But I was wrong.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned to see the mischievous Gryffindor with dark long hair.
What does he want now.
"What do you want?" I asked angrily while taking his hand off my shoulder, "What's gotten into you.. I just wanted to talk." Sirius said while putting his hands up acting innocent,
"Does it look like I want to be taking to you right now?" I asked, "No, but I need to talk to you before you leave. Whether you like it or not." Sirius said before turning on his heel and walking away.
What the hell?

I walked towards Remus with a puzzled look across my face, "What did he want?" Remus asked, "To be honest.. I don't know." I replied.
"Do you have the rest of the day off?" Remus asked with a smile on his face.
That's a scheming smile. Merlin.
"I do.." I hesitantly responded.
"So do I, want to go to Hogsmeade?" Remus asked.
"Remus.. it's a Monday we can't." I said confused,
"Who said breaking the rules wasn't on the table?" Remus smiled.
Now this was a side of Remus I hadn't seen yet.
Remus grabbed my hand and pulled me through the corridors, not in a romantic way.. but in a bestfriend way.
A platonic way.
Remus was truly my best friend, of course there is Sage, but she's always with Alden. Plus Regulus and I still aren't on good terms. And Regulus is always with Alden. So I don't see Alden as much as i'd like.

We walked towards Hogsmeade while there was a light breeze but eventually the sun began to come out. When we arrived at Hogsmeade memories flooded back, walking this same path with Sirius and the boys crashing, but it didn't ruin the date it just made it a little more.. interesting.
I attempted to shield my mind from all thoughts of Sirius, but it wasn't as easy as it seems.
What would Sirius think of me sneaking out of the school with his best friend?

But I put those thoughts aside, or as far aside as I could and sat down across from Remus in the three broomsticks. "I'm getting flashbacks from when James, Peter and I crashed your guys date. I'm so sorry for that, but in my defence it wasn't my idea it was James!" Remus laughed,
"No I enjoyed hearing your horrible stories and bad Severus jokes." I smiled. "Snivellus you mean?" Remus corrected while laughing.
"Yes! Snivellus." I chuckled.
The laughter died down, "I know this is a touchy subject, but will you and Sirius be okay again?"
Remus asked, "Merlin, no. Well, I want to say no but my heart is telling me yes." I reply.
"You know he really likes you? Correct?" Remus asks, "I know." I lie.
I thought Sirius hated me, and supposedly was going out with a Gryffindor 5th year.

We ended up just walking through a few other stores and avoiding the subject of the Black brothers.
When we realized it was four o'clock we walked back to the school and luckily were unnoticed.
Remus walked me back to Slytherin common room and lifted my hand placing a kiss atop.
"See ya soon y/n." He smiled, and I turned into the common room still unnoticed, or so I thought.

"Don't tell me that was Sirius." Sage said sternly standing at the doorway, "No.. not Sirius." I replied.
Sage gives me a suspicious look and I try to walk past, "I saw the way you just smiled, that was guy you like, or maybe a girl?" Sage asked curiously.
"I'll tell you. On one condition! You don't tell anyone." I inquired, "Deal. Deal. Deal!" Sage said anxiously waiting for a response.
We made our way up to our dorms and I told her about Remus and I'd adventure to Hogsmeade and I also told her that apparently Sirius still likes me.
"Do you like Remus!" She asked excitedly,
"No." I replied.
"That smile told me different." Sage inquired,
I just shrugged with a laugh.
Little does Sage know, I still have feelings for Sirius. As much as I don't want to admit it. They are still there.


The final day of Hogwarts had finally arrived.
I'd miss the school, but I'm excited to not have to constantly be running from the Black brothers.
I packed up my Trunk and grabbed my owl and walked down to Hogsmeade alongside Sage and Alden. We'd found a carriage and I talked to Sage for hours before falling asleep.
I woke up to a knock at the carriage door, and saw Sirius. Merlin what does he want.
Then it hit me.

"No, but I need to talk to you before you leave. Whether you like it or not."

Sirius opened the doors, "Out." He said sternly and I quickly got up and tried to escape the carriage.
"No, You stay." He said staring me down.
"Why would I leave for you, pretentious asshole." Alden laughed, but you could hear anger in his voice. "Cause I told you so. Leave." Sirius seethed, I finally told Sage and Alden to give us five minutes and they listened.

Sirius quickly sat down and ran his hands through his hair,
"Are you nervous." I laughed.
Pft, the famous Sirius Black is scared to talk to me? Pathetic.
"I'm not nervous, I'm infuriated." He says taking in a deep breath.
"Are you going to say anything or can Alden and Sage come back?" I asked,
"Fuck shut up! 1 minute y/n just be quiet." Sirius snapped.
"Merlin." I swore under my breath.
"Merlin is right. Y/n I don't think you understand what you've done to me, I can't think straight when I'm around you, you're the reason I'm up at night trying to think of something to win you back. You are the reason. For some unfamiliar reason I can't get you out of my damn mind. I hate it. I hate you, and the thing I hate most of all is that I can't have you." Sirius breathes.
I want to say something but I have nothing to say.

"I can't just let you fall out of my grasp because of my brother, I can't do that. You have this odd impact on me that hurts my heart; but in the most amazing way possible. You've made me feel more emotions in the past few months then I've felt in my whole life. I just can't - I can't picture you with another so please, please remember me. Remember I'm here too.I didn't mean for any of this to happen, it was a mistake and I'd do anything to go back end take it back. But I can't, so, y/n, please remember me." Sirius trembled.
And before I could say anything he was gone. I got up to run after him but he was already out of sight.
That's when I felt a year slowly fall down my cheek.

This boy is going to tear me apart and I know it. But these feelings won't just go away. Will the risk be worth it, or not?

a/n- that wraps up 4th year, i'm assuming i'll just do a quick filler of the summer and then we'll be back for 5th year ;))

HDBNSS i listened to "Anger - sleeping at last" on repeattttt while writing this lmaooo

anyways have an amazing rest of your day/night <33 - c

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