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Chapter 54
Spiral staircases


Peter ran as fast as he could and didn't turn around, "That was weird." I said,
"Very." Sirius added. We'd walked out to find James, Remus and Lily, James looked to our hands that were still intertwined, "You owe me 5 galleons." Lily said nudging James, "Shut up." James laughed. Alden and Sage gave me a disapproving look at first, but seemed to be okay with it after.

"Where did Peter go?" James asked,
"We saw him run by us on our way here." I said, "We yelled at him but no response." Sirius shrugged, "Weird." Remus replied.
"So Sirius, are you finally going to admit I was right and you were terribly wrong?" Remus asked, "Yes." Sirius groaned.
"What were you wrong about?" Remus teased,
"Everything." Sirius complained,
"And who is the smartest, most amazing friend in the world?" Remus asks, "You." Sirius states.
"Aha I knew it!" Remus smiled,
"You have my blessing." Remus adds,
"Blessing for—" Sirius blanks,
"Merlin I better." Sirius teases before pulling me into a hug, "We have a lot to catch up on." Sirius whispers into my hair, "When will we have the time?" I asked,
"We will make time."

Sirius POV

2 months later,

I'd been spending as much time as possible with y/n, I was stupid and wasted so much of it cowering and being a total jerk, but now I am past that. There have been two attacks since the attack back in October, in those two attacks fifteen students were hospitalized and one dead.
So far none were from the order, which shouldn't make a difference but at least they are defending themselves. Peter has been weird, and distant. He's been hanging around Avery and Lestrange more than us. When Peter ever comes in contact with any of us he is all scared and shy and acts like he never knew any of us, it's bizarre.

Christmas rounded the corner and was only a few days away, we'd planned to go to James again this year for Christmas, y/n is coming and this year so is Lily. James and Lily finally got together, Lily let aside all her stubbornness. They are perfect together but not like y/n and I,

"Y/n!" I shouted, "What?" I heard from a distance, "You need to pack." I said,
"I don't want to." She complained.
"I don't want to either, so come pack." I laughed,
"Fine!" She exclaimed pushing herself off the couch, I heard her murmur something to Lily and Mary, probably telling them I'm a jerk.
She stomped up the stairs, "Sirius I have another two days to pack." She protested, "And are you going to pack in those two days?" I asked, "No." she glumly replied.

Sirius POV

We'd arrived at the Potters two days ago, but this year Peter didn't come, but he did suggest to bring the invisibility cloak and not bring it back. Strange. "How are we supposed to prank people without it?" James complained, "Be sneaky." Remus added, "It will be more challenging thats all." Lily teased,"Challenge. I'm in." James smiled. "Y/n.. we should go get some.. tea." I suggested and y/n hesitantly nodded her head and followed, "We're not getting tea!" I whispered, "What are we doing then?" She asked, "It's a surprise!" I smiled before taking her hand and pulling her up the stairs till we reached the fourth floor, we walked down a hall to a door that looked quite normal, but it isn't. We walked through and it led us to the spiral staircase that leads you to the roof. "I've never been here." She gasped, "This was James ultimate hide and seek spot, it took me three hours to find him." I laughed, those were the most painful hours of my life.

We walked up the staircase that leads to the last door, we walked out onto the roof, it looks over the lake where I taught her how to skate, the pond hidden in the trees that I showed y/n when we snuck out during the summer, and I looked up to the sky, the stars that we would lay beneath and point out constellation for hours.

Y/n had went and sat down with her feet over the edge dangling, "There is Perseus." I said pointing to the constellation, "Son of Zeus, and known for killing Medusa. Then later got killed by Megapenthes." I said, "Greek mythology?" She asked, "It fascinated me when I was younger I suppose." I replied. I laid my back to the ground looking up to the sky, "There is Sirius!" Y/n smiled pointing to the brightest star in the sky,
"No, Sirius is right here." I laughed but she just punched me in the arm.

Snow began to fall and y/n jumped to her feet, "Get up!" She insisted,
"You're so bossy." I teased, "Shut up." She laughed while pulling me tight to her, we swayed under the stars, while the silence filled the air. I took in every moment, this could be our last moment to be happy and free, I took in the stars above, the snow littering y/n's hair, the coldness to my hands and the beauty of her. The way she talks, the way she laughs, the way she go on adventures with me, and the way she stayed in my arms.
I wanted this to last forever,
"Merry Christmas y/n."
"Merry Christmas Sirius."

Sirius POV

We walked back into James room, both covered in snow, "You guys didn't just get tea." Remus laughed, "No we didn't get tea at all, but we should." Y/n smiled, "Did you take her to the spot?" James asked, "Yeah, I did." I smiled, "What spot?" Remus asked, "Yeah, what spot?" Lily asked, "Secret." James smirked.
"Should we go look for it?" Remus asked Lily,
"We should!" Lily smiled before chasing Remus through the halls, "We should go make tea." I insisted, "We should." Y/n agreed.

By the time we got back upstairs Remus and Lily still were not back, "Do you think they'll find it?" I asked James, "No, the door looks too normal." He added. We heard Remus and Lily running down the halls back towards James room,
"Did you find it?" James asked,
"No, but — we found something better!" Remus announced, "They found the wine cellar." I mumbled, "We did!" Lily chimed pulling out a bottle of fire whiskey, "Only one?" James complained and Remus pulled two more from behind his back, "Three!" Remus smiled.


I woke up to Remus shaking me awake,
"Get up! Get up! Get upppp!" Remus chimed while still vigorously shaking me, "What time is it?" I groaned, "Seven.." he laughed. "Merlin." I laughed while rubbing my eyes and pushing myself off the bed, by the time I opened my eyes Remus was gone. Probably going to wake up everyone else. I walked downstairs and wrapped a blanket around myself and cuddled up to Sirius. Remus ran down the stairs, how does he have so much energy? Lily and James slowly made there way down the stairs behind Remus and then Mrs and Mr Potter.

We'd opened gifts together, Sirius had gotten me a Gryffindor crew neck and a pair of diamond earrings, "You're practically a Gryffindor by the amount of time you spend in Gryffindor, so might as well show it off." He laughed while kissing me on the cheek. I handed him a small ish box and he opened it and looked at the matte black watch with black diamonds around the clock, subtle, but still flashy. "Cause you never know the time." I laughed, "I needed this." He smiled while pulling me into a tight hug from behind.

We'd finished opening gifts and decided to go skating which obviously wasn't a good idea but I followed along anyways. "I'm quite bad at skating." Lily laughed on our way to the frozen lake, "No one is as bad as y/n." Remus laughed, "That's very true." Sirius added,
"Shhh! Last time I went you guys all started throwing snow balls at me!" I protested.
"And we would do it again." Remus laughed.


At the end of the week we had arrived back at kings cross and boarded the train, "Well the freedom was nice while it lasted." Remus suggested, "Well it's over now." James added,

"We know."

Authors note

lolll.. looking over my 'plan' for the rest of this book, this is one of the last happy chapters..

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