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Chapter 70
You're head boy?


After arriving at the Potter manor a few days ago, life has finally been.. calm. Or calm as life can be around those three insane boys. But, today we all got letters; school will be going back in session for our 7th year. They presume things will go back to normal, The dark lord has been on the low, and no recent attacks. So we are taking the chance for our.. final year. "We're almost done!" James sung, "Who's going to cause hectic in the school?" Sirius asked, "Shit, we've got to make this our best year!" James demanded.
"You guys say that every year." I laughed, "but not every year.. I am head boy!" James smirked while pulling out the head boy badge.

"Bloody hell. This best be a joke!" Lily laughed, but there was some seriousness in her tone.
"Lily.. are you.. head girl?" James asked curiously, "Yeah. Who else would be?" Lily groaned. "I don't know. Marls? Mary? Dorcas?" Remus suggested. "You guys obviously don't know them well enough." Lily chuckled, "Wait.. James. If you're head boy.. that means we could do so much more setting up during the night!" Sirius said very excited, "Sirius has got a point." I smiled. "This is going to be the best year ever." James breathed.

3 weeks later, back at school.

"I think we should've requested a switch. Y/n lives in Gryffindor, she's practically a Gryffindor at this point." Sirius laughed, "Switch? I do not want to be in the same house as you three." I said sarcastically pointing to Remus, Sirius and James as we sat in the Gryffindor dorms.

"Y/n? In Gryffindor. No way she's totally evil." James said sarcastically, "I agree. She's the evilest!" Remus added.
"Evil is hot." Sirius winked and smiled at me.
Merlin. A knock came from the door, "Boys. And y/n, come see downstairs.." Lily said looking a tad worried. "Evans.. what happened?" Sirius asked, "Look at downstairs.." Lily said while walking to where you could see the bottom floor.
James went to take a look,"Holy shit." James laughed, "Sirius! Remus! Y/n!" James yelled, we all came running to see the floor was covered in snakes."Slytherins are evil I tell ya." Remus laughed, "What shall we do as payback?" I asked.

The boys all looked at me weirdly.. "Payback? Who is this girl?" Remus laughed, "Y/n wanting to help prank her own house." James said sounding confused.
"Set fireworks off?" I asked.
"I like this new girl." Sirius smiled.
"Well.. you know what this means." James beamed, "Zonkos?" Remus implied.
"Zonkos." James repeated.
James jumped up from the floor, "Well we don't have all day!" James said beginning to get impatient, "What about the snakes?" Remus asked. "Screw the snakes. Minnie and Dumbledore can deal with that shit." James laughed, "Now hurry hurry!" James smiled while pulling Sirius up.

We walked down to Hogsmeade just the four of us, and Remus and I decided to go to the three broomsticks, while James and Sirius got fireworks.

"This is a bad idea, you know?" Remus smiled while sitting down, "When has a bad idea ever stopped us?" I inquired. "A few weeks of detention never hurts." Remus laughed.
Butterbeers were brought to the table and Sirius and James were taking forever, "This is taking quite awhile." Remus laughed while foam from his butter beer sat across his top lip.
"I was thinking the same." I admitted.
But of course we had horrible timing, James and Sirius walked into the store with arms full of stuff while wearing strange sunglasses.

"Look what we found." The boys said in unison with their stupid sun glasses, "Moony we got you some too." James smiled while throwing a pair at him as well. "Ugh. What about me?" I jokingly acted offended, "Darling.. don't act like we forgot." Sirius smiled while passing me a matching pair to his.

"They glow.. in the dark." James chimed, while Remus and I just shook our heads. Sirius and James finally sat down and drank their butterbeers while we began to plan out our prank.

"Shut up prongs!" Sirius whispered, "hey, hey I could pull this cloak off you all if I wanted too." James snapped back. "No! No!" Sirius whispered yelled back. "I'm just kidding Black.. or am I." James snickered. "Oh will you two shut up." I laughed. Sirius set down the fireworks on the floor, and James grabbed a match box.
"When you light them, we run down that hall and my dorm is the room eight to the left. Sage might be in there.. but she'll think this is fucking hilarious," I inquired. And in that moment James lit the match and threw it on the firework.

We ran as fast as we could and opened the door quickly and got in and shut the door quickly behind us. The door shut and everyone burst out laughing, "Hold on James.. you guys made sure these fireworks weren't going to light the place on fire correct?" I asked beginning to get a tad worried, "Of course l/n, I'm not that stupid." James smiled. "We made them say "Suck it Slytherins." .." Sirius smiled while sitting on my bed. "This is bullshit." Remus complained, "What?" I asked curiously, "Your dorm. It's fucking huge. And your common room is three times the size of Gryffindor." Remus laughed, "I've told you before .. Slytherin would be great for parties!" James inquired.

A booming noise came from the common room .. "Why did that take so long?" I asked, "Well it was planned.. just wait." James laughed.
We began to hear screams and then a few laughs.
"Suck it Slytherin!" The common room boomed with Snapes voice. "No way!" Remus laughed, "Yes way." James and Sirius laughed and high fived.


This is so boring I'm sorry..

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