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Chapter 10
Meant to be broken

I scurried out of potions class avoiding Sirius.
A pang of guilt hit me in the gut. I want to talk him and I need to talk to him, these feelings aren't just going disappear. I caught up with Sage and Alden, "I'm going to go eat lunch somewhere else today." I told Sage, "Oh okay, we will be in the great hall if you need something," Sage replied, "Want us to come with?" Alden asked.
"It's alright, thank you though." I smiled before I ran to Gryffindor tower.

Walking up I saw Remus, "Remus!" I shouted, the boy turned quickly "Yes?" He asked curiously.
"Sirius looks rather distant. Did I cause this?" I asked, "He doesn't talk a lot. When he does it's about you or his parents. He usually studies by himself and goes on walks in the middle of the night to who knows where." Remus said, "I've heard he got detention more than once for being up past curfew." I replied. "I don't know what you did to make him have actual feelings, but I want you to make him go back to his cocky arrogant self. Merlin I thought I'd never say that." Remus laughed. "I need. I want to find Sirius, where is he?" I asked Remus. "I knew you'd come around!" Remus teased.
"Don't make me change my mind!" I laughed.

We kept walking up the moving stairs, "I never get used to these bloody stairs!" I complained,
"No one does." Remus smiled while we arrived a front the Gryffindor common room entrance.
"Baubles." Remus exclaimed and the door opened, he took me by my wrist and pulled me through the door, "Remus! I'm in Slytherin, I can't come in here. We are rival houses." I protested, "Rules are meant to be broken." He shrugged. "I will go find Sirius. You stay here." Remus said while going up the stairs, in the distant I heard him tell again, "Make yourself at home l/n!"

I admired Gryffindors common room, the grand fireplace and the red tufted couch's.
Red chairs scattered the room, with tables scattered with papers, cards and wizards chess.
Then coming down the stairs was the boy with a huge contagious smile, dragging Sirius.

Sirius kept his eyes focused to the floor, I began to feel my hands sweat, why am I nervous? Why is he nervous? "Sirius. You've been planning this apology for awhile." Remus said, "I know." Sirius snapped. "I can come back.. another time." I suggested. "No. Please don't leave." Sirius pleaded. Remus whispered something into Sirius' ear before turning and walking away. This common room is awfully hot. Maybe because Slytherin is so cold. "It's very warm In here, want to go outside?" Sirius suggested, "Yes. Yes please." I laughed. "Something we can agree on." Sirius laughed, there was the Sirius I know.

Walking in silence and once again I stumbled on the moving stairs "God I hate these stairs!" I groaned, "We all do." Sirius laughed, "But there great for getaways when running away from teachers." Sirius added. "I bet you have a ton of experience with that don't you?" I laughed.
"Of course, don't we all?" Sirius asked,
"No, it's just you. You and your little group." I replied. "You don't have to call us 'little group' we call ourselves 'the maraduers' it means raiding, and we thought it fit us well." Sirius said while looking down at his feet, while I couldn't tell if it was embarrassment? or nervousness? Or a bit of both?

When we made it in the courtyard, there was Sage and Alden. While Sage gave me a worried look, Alden yelled "If you mess up again Black I will punch in your little "pretty" face." Alden hissed. "Ignore him, he's just — overprotective." I laughed and flipped Alden off quickly to make sure Sirius didn't notice, but he definitely did. He turned and put his hand down low for a high five.

We made our way to a less busy area and I sat down with my back to the tree while Sirius sat down beside me and he began, "Remus was half right, I did have an apology planned. But thinking back now, that apology was bullshit. So i'm gonna go off heart." Sirius laughed in a nervous voice.

"I know, I messed up. Merlins beard i haven't been sleeping because I miss you. All i want is you, I want you with me. I don't want you with James, or Remus, or Alden or stupid little Étienne. I want you in my arms. I want you with me. Seeing you with other guys just — fuck that should be me!" Sirius groaned.

I laid my head on Sirius' shoulder as he wrapped his arm around me and I felt the tenseness in his shoulder ease, "I never wanted to lose you, you were the best thing that's walked in my life, well tied up with the maraduers." Sirius whispered.
"Sirius, i'm sorry. I'm sorry i was so— stuck up. I should've just listened." I trembled for words, I feel like such a horrible person, I didn't realize how much he cared, well I knew he did. But not like that.
"It's okay, it's okay. Don't worry." He reassured.

For the rest of lunch, I stayed there with my head against his shoulder with his arm holding me, and I had felt at ease, all the stress had left my body. It felt like there was no one else in the world just me and him.
Is this what love is?

Idk how i feel about this chapter, i hope you guys enjoyed it :))

have an amazing day/night :) -c

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