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Chapter 3
I have a chance

After storming off from the boys in the courtyard
and laid down on my bed while burying my head in my pillow. I was irritated with Sirius and very much Regulus, but I wasn't frustrated with Remus. I barley even knew who Sirius was until today, and Regulus is already jealous?
This was all a little too much. I'd attempted to think up some sort of arrangement between Regulus and Sirius. Cause I truly would love to be friends with both of them but not if they are going to act like this, but I couldn't think of anything. By the time I looked to at the time, I had realized I had one last class so I grabbed my book bag and rushed towards the door and when I had my hand just levitating above the knob I heard a knock. I had assumed it was Sage so I quickly opened the door, but it wasn't Sage. It was Regulus. Regulus was standing there with a smile and a beautiful bouquet of red roses.
"I'm sorry, I know I overreacted." He confessed while handing me the bouquet with a sympathetic smile, "I was nervous, I sound pathetic saying these things. However, I had believed you would fall in love for my stupid brother, he's smart, he's handsome and popular. Just everyone loves him, so I'd assumed you would too." Regulus added while looking down to his shoes. "I immediately tried to meddle and interfere with you two and I shouldn't have, so I'm sorry " Regulus said while looking up from the ground. I didn't say anything, I just embraced him in a close hug. To my surprise I felt his arms embrace me back. Regulus doesn't usually let down his guard or his stereotypical Slytherin persona. However, now he shows his true self, and, to be honest, I like this side of Regulus best.

Regulus had walked me to class, and with my wonderful luck. It was potions.. with gryffindor.
As soon as I entered the classroom I made eye contact with Remus and he motioned me over to sit with a smile. "Sirius went looking for you," Remus breathed, "Well he's not very good at looking, I was in my dorm." I laughed.
Remus looked to the corner of the room with a tug at his lip in a small smile, great the other three are here. I looked over to Remus giving him a look, "What?" He chuckled, "I should go.. your friends don't like me very much." I replied.
"Oh well, the boys can suck it up. And the off chance they don't like you, they can carry that up with me ." Remus smiled. What is the reason she enjoys your company more than mine? I'm so much cooler than you," Sirius said sarcastically while leaning on our table. "Someone is confident with themselves." I added. "Sirius, I realize you do not want to admit it; but we all know, I am the most amazing person ever." Remus said with a big smile on his face, "I agree." I chuckled.

The professor entered the room and Sirius walked away sitting directly behind me with James. Professor Slughorn began to speak, however, I felt a tug on my hair.
I ignored it, but then I felt it again.
I turned around to see Sirius with a mischievous smile on his face, "What?" I whispered to Sirius, "So, you should come with me to Hogsmeade. If you're not busy of course." Sirius said with a smile, at first I thought he was kidding. But he wasn't, "Erm I don't think Regulus would want me hanging out with you. Especially with you and alone." I whispered, but Sirius just laughed.
"Who cares what he think." Sirius chuckled,
"I care." I blankly replied. "So is it a yes or no?" James asked. "I'll think about it." I smiled before turning back to Remus. Sirius's face lightened up with pure joy as he nudged James, "I have a chance!" He whisper yelled. "She didn't even say yes." James chuckled, "But she didn't say no!" Sirius smiled.

I ran into Sage and Alden and I invited them to tag along with myself and Regulus. I told Alden to go ahead and find Regulus while I told Sage something, and Alden gave me a weird look and just began to walk away. I pulled Sage aside and attempted to tell her everything that had happened today as quick as possible.
"So you know James Potter?" I asked, and Sage just nodded, "Well his bestfriend, Sirius.. Sirius Black." I began and Sage quickly interrupted "Dark hair? Like Regulus brother?" She asked and I nodded in agreement, "Okay go on." She smiled, "He asked me to go to Hogsmeade this weekend." I said with a stupid smile across my face, "He did what!" Sage yelled a little too loud,
"He asked me on a date." I muttered, "Well you said yes, correct?" She asked curiously while giving me an invested look. "I said I'd think about it.." I trailed off.. "You have to go!" Sage demanded, "I want too.. I really do.. but what about Reg?" I asked. "Pfft.. oh well, Alden and I will distract him." Sage chuckled, I smiled and hugged Sage tight. "You're the best! I'll be back in ten." I smiled before taking off in a sprint through the corridors. I walked passed the great hall and saw James, and as much as I didn't want to talk to him.. I walked up to him. "Do you know where Sirius is right now?" I asked, "He's in the library.. why?" James replied. "N-no reason. Thank you Potter!" I smiled while I ran towards the library. I turned to see James throw his arms in the air, "L/n! I'm asking Sirius what's going on between you two!" James yelled, but I ignored him and made my way towards the library.

a/n - somehow still #1 in maraduers with like no views.. i'm hoping for some action in this book coming sooooon.

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