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Chapter 32

4 months later,

"What class do we have?" Sirius groaned while getting out of bed, "Transfiguration." I replied and Sirius' eyes went wide, "What?" I asked confused with his reaction.
"We can not be late." He responded, "Why?" I laughed still confused. "Minnie said if I was late again I'd get a weeks worth of detention, and I already have detention in 4 other classes." He groaned. So I got up and got ready for class grabbing my bag that I brought here last night knowing I wouldn't have time to go to my dorm.

"Good morning Mrs l/n and Mr Black, not late this time I see." Mcgonagall smiled, "Indeed." Sirius smiled before slouching over his desk looking as if he was about to fall asleep.
"Good morning class, today we will be learning Vanishment on snails, and yes this will be included in your O.W.L.S ." Mcgonagall smiled, Mcgonagall brought a snail to each student. "Now! Point your wand towards the snail 'Evanessco'." She announced and around the room you could hear all the students repeating after her, I looked to my left and Sirius was asleep. I nudged him in the shoulder and heard him groan, "Sirius! Mcgonagall is coming." I whispered and he shot up, "What are we doing?" He asked, "Vanishing spell." I replied, "Ah!" He smiled, "Evanessco." He stated and the snail disappeared into thin air, "Evanessco." I stated and then my snail also disappeared. It wasn't as difficult as I expected but in our O.W.L.S we have to use the spell on mice, which is more challenging.

"Do you want to skip next class?" Sirius asked, "What class do you have?" I asked, "Herbology." He groaned, "I have muggle studies, so why not." I smiled and he smiled back before setting his head back on his desk and falling asleep.
We eventually got dismissed and Sirius and I walked through busy corridors and I asked "Where are we going?" But he stayed silent.
He pulled me through until we got too an exit and walked outside and he took my hand in his as we walked towards the black lake and there was a picnic blanket and basket, he planned this ahead of time. "When did you plan this?" I asked, "Last week." He smiled before laying down across the blanket and sitting up while he was practically half asleep.

"What's this?" I asked pulling out a green bottle with a gold cork in the top, "Champagne, it's a muggle alcohol, I thought you'd like it." He grinned pouring a glass for myself and him. I took a sip "This doesn't burn your throat!" I smiled, "It does not." He grinned, "You need to get more of this." I stated, "I will just for you." He beamed. "How did you get all this?" I asked while popping a strawberry in my mouth, "Because I'm nice to the house elf's." He chuckled, "We should go to the kitchens more often." I insisted, "We should." He agreed. I laid down on the blanket with an arm covering my eyes of the sun, I even had to take my robes off as it was becoming so hot, flowers began to bloom and the grass went back to the luscious shade of green.
"I love the spring, the perfect balance of rain and sun and still isn't too hot out." I inquired, "Summer is better, no school, get to do whatever you want." Sirius protested, "You do whatever you want whenever you want anyways." I laughed, "Yeah, yeah." He chuckled.
"I want you to meet my parents." He said, I didn't know if he was joking or not, he always complains about them. "We've been dating for 4 months now, and I think they will really like you." He grinned, "If you want me too, I will in a heart beat." I smiled. "Well, I know you were planning on staying at the school for spring break, but why don't we go to my place." Sirius insisted, "Please." He added, "Okay." I said, "do you have champagne there?" I asked, "Of course." He smiled.

I had one day until I leave to meet Sirius' parents, I mean what could go wrong, I'm a Pureblood Slytherin I've met the expectations.
"You need to stop stressing, they will like you." James gave a sympathetic smile, "They hate me, they wouldn't even let me in their house cause i'm not a Pureblood." Remus laughed nervously.
"They'll love you y/n." Sirius reassured, "and if they don't, then they can suck it up." He smiled.
"James, why are you always holding that bloody piece of parchment." I asked, "Can we tell her?" He asked the boys and they all nodded, "Come see it." He smiled. I looked down and it was a map of the school, but not your ordinary map, you could see everyone on the map, where they are and what room. "How did you? How did you do it." I asked amazed, "It's been a project we've been working on since last year, we still are not finished. We have some extra things to add, but there is this place which is unmarked on the map and we don't know what it is." James said,
"We went to go find it and nothing was there, but the map has shown Dumbledore there before, it doesn't make sense. We've searched every entrance and nothing." Remus replied, "Is it the room of requirement?" I asked "What is the room of requirement?" They all asked in unison.
"How - you bloody fools follow me.. and bring the map." I said before we all left the common room immediately making our way upstairs.

We were on the 7th floor and walked towards an empty wall, "It's right here." James said while pointing to the wall. "One second, I've read about this." I smiled and walked towards the wall pacing back and forth imagining the room of requirement based off what people know about it and there a door began to appear and the boys shouted running towards the entrance, "You did it!" Remus shouted, "Merlin, oh my, oh my!" James smiled, "You fucking did it!" Peter grinned, "I knew you could do it." Sirius beamed while throwing an arm around my shoulder, "Yeah your welcome my girlfriend is bloody fucking smart." Sirius chimed.

The boys were exploring the room finding broomsticks, books, old artifacts and more, "This place would be sick for parties!" James chimed, "Wait, y/n, what did you read about this place?" Remus asked, "No one knows a lot about it, all they know is that you have to think about the room and for a good reason for it to appear." I stated, "and it can form to whatever you imagine." I added.
"Wait what?" James asked, "Well of I wanted a pink couch and green striped walls it would show up." I inquired. And James had a very mischievous smile on his face .. "Dumbledore is coming! Hide." James announced and we all dispersed running and hiding behind all the random stuff in this huge room.

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