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Chapter 68
Heart beat


My surroundings were familiar, the noble house of black; the last place I suspected Sirius to take us. "My mother most likely won't be here, she's still mourning the death of Regulus somewhere with Druela." Sirius said while we walked through the narrow hallways. "My father as well, he's on his death bed somewhere. I don't want to see him, he's only caused me pain and infliction on my life." Sirius sighed, "You don't want to say a final goodbye?" I asked. "I said my final goodbye last year. When he decided to disown me." Sirius blankly replied, he was clearly still numb to the topic. Silence filled the large place, neither Sirius or I exchanged any words. We sat in the living room both on the verge of falling into sleep, but both of us stayed awake for as long as possible.

I began to close my eyes as I felt sleep roll over me until I heard the keys of the piano begin to play. I kept my eyes closed while he played a soft melody. I finally opened my eyes to see Sirius staring to the keys. "I never knew you played." I said exchanging the first words spoken of the night. "My mother forced Regulus and I into lessons each summer; I practiced every once and awhile at the Potters, but then I lost all motivation I suppose." He said before yawing.

"Let's get some rest. Please." He said with a small smile, "I suppose." I smiled while I got up and followed him up the stairs to his childhood bedroom. His room was dark; black walls, but the bright red Gryffindor posters that filled the walls gave a bit of colour. He obviously only put those up to annoy his parents.
I laid down beside him while laying my head across his chest focusing on the sound of his heart beating, the beat of his heart reassured me he was here. This wasn't a dream, he was back; with me. I continued to focus on the sound of his heart beating while occasionally feeling his hand run though my hair.

Finally, I fell asleep, with him with me; finally.

The next morning, I woke up tangled between the sheets with my head still against his chest.
"Good morning sleepy head." He smiled while ruffling my hair creating a heap of knots.
"Good morning ya jerk." I said while slapping his hand away from my hair. "Ouch!" He yelped.
In retaliation he pushed me off of the small bed but I grabbed onto his shirt pulling him down with me. We hit the floor with a thud and burst out into laughter. Why couldn't life always be like this? Full of smiles and laughter.

Remus POV

I laid across the couch in the so called 'safe house' where I felt nothing to the effect of 'safe'
Everyone is down; Elio and Étienne don't know what to do now with Y/n gone, so they're both stressed out of their minds. James; is petrified of where Sirius and y/n have went, he's worried for them off on their own. Lily; she is the one keeping James from not lashing out every hour. He's so scared, and she is so scared for him.
Then, there is myself. I'm so alone, counting down the days until the next full moon.

"What if they went back to his place?" I suggested, I just had this .. feeling. "He wouldn't go there! Not with his mother and father at least." James snapped. "It's worth a shot, but we cannot tell either of the .. boys." Lily said while referring to Elio and Étienne. "So we just leave? That's not suspicious at all." I added. "We'll say we went looking for y/n, and when we come back we will say there was no success." Lily suggested.
"Brilliant." James said sorrowful, not with his upbeat attitude.

The night had came along, Sirius and I sat down again the living room; this time less silent.
We tried to come up with some sort of plan; we couldn't stay here forever.
"James can help us, we can go to the Potters. We are always welcome there." Sirius suggested, "We would put the Potters at risk." I replied, "Why is this so difficult." He sighed.
"We shouldn't be having to do this, we are sixteen." I added. "We shouldn't be having to do any of this." He replied while sitting in front of a record player.

"My parents gave me this for my thirteenth birthday, but never let me listen to any muggle artists. I had to wait for Remus to bring them from the muggle world or Andromeda to send some." Sirius sighed while beginning a simple instrumental song. He got up and grabbed my hand pulling me close to his chest. I wrapped by arms around him resting my hands on the back of his neck while he gripped my waist.

We slowly swayed with the music taking in every second. A smile painted across his face while he grabbed my hand and span me into a horrible dip. I leaned upwards kissing him, our lips touched and a feeling of want flew throughout my body filling it fully. I put my hands in his hair, and he pulled me in by my waist deepening the kiss making my knees feel wobbly. He pulled away for a slight second "I missed you." He breathed."Oh shut up." I smiled while letting our lips touch once again.


I haven't wrote a kissing scene and so long.. I'm sorry :(

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