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Chapter 72
Common room


Remus, Lily and I walked into the common room and sat down waiting for the other two to show up, "That was the best quidditch game I've seen since third year!" I confessed. "Third year?" Lily asked, "Yeah. Third year!" Remus smiled, obviously the memory was beginning to flood back. "In third year, it was Gryffindor vs Slytherin. Of course." I began, "It was all of the second years first game, and it was Regulus first year.." I specified.

"It was Gryffindor against Slytherin, so of course the brothers were versing each other." Remus said while Lily nodded along with the story.
"The funny part was, well Regulus had his eyes on the snitch, so he rushed towards it and so did Sirius.." I smiled, "And then Sirius got a little.. too close I suppose." Remus began to sort of laugh. "And Regulus pushed Sirius off his broom." I finished before bursting into tears laughing. "He pushed Sirius off?!" Lily exclaimed, "Yeah yeah, they were close enough to the ground. What was it? Seven feet?" I implied.

"8 feet at least!" Sirius said while walking through the entrance to the common room.
"Broken arm, little bitch." Sirius chuckled, "You we're over exaggerating mate." James laughed while nudging him. "Hey! Hey! I was the reason we got a rematch, due to unfair play. Also Reggie got suspended from games for two weeks. Felt bad.. well I feel bad now." Sirius said with his dumb smirk while dropping down next to me with an arm placed around me.

"Merlins beard your a drama queen Black." James chuckled while sitting down next to Lily, "And I make it look so damn good." Sirius said with his cocky wink, and we all just exchanged the usuals looks when he makes these comments.
Eventually Marlene and Mary joined us, and we chatted by the fire, mostly about Sirius and James confident personas, and made fun of how they are total softies, and all was going great.
Until the door opened way past curfew, so it wasn't a student.. and the prefects are with us right now. We all stiffened in our seats to see Professor Mcgonagall and Professor Dumbledore. "What the fuck." Sirius whispered under his breath; Mcgonagall and Dumbledore both looked .. stressed.

"Good evening?" Mary said sounding skeptical as ever, "Good evening to you too Ms MacDonald, we need you seven too lockdown Gryffindor common room. The other houses are being informed the same." Dumbledore said a tad frantically, "Can we ask uh .. why the fuck we have to lockdown?" Remus blurted.
"Language Lupin!" Mcgonagall disciplined, "Well you have the right to know, well one of our inside men, had informed us .. of another attack, very .. soon." Dumbledore said, "There is spies?! And I wasn't one of them?" Sirius laughed, "Mr Black this is no time for jokes this is a serious matter!" Mcgonagall said, while automatically regretting using the word "serious" knowing us all too well.

"Minnie! I am Sirius?" Sirius said with his smug smile and Mcgonagall held back her laugh respectively. "Also, Ms L/n, if I remember correctly you were sorted into Slytherin?" Dumbledore said, "Nope, definitely a Gryffindor, go Gryffindor!" I said with clearly not enough enthusiasm. "Sure.." Dumbledore said skeptical, clearly knowing I am not meant to be here, but I've been doing this for years, so does it really matter? "We're off. Protect our students." Dumbledore said while they walked out.

Did they just.. leave?
And tell us to protect THEIR students.


"Wands ready?" James said, and we all grabbed ours in unison, "Fuck yeah." I smiled, "Of course!" Marlene chimed. "Let's fucking take down some dark wizards!" Sirius smiled, "You made that sound easy?" Lily laughed.
"It is easy, right?" Mary added in.
"I mean.. yeah." Remus finished and then we began to plan.

"So, let's team up. I'll work with Lily." James suggested, "Y/n and I, will take 1st years." Sirius adds, "I'll take 6th years and the remaining 7th years, I know most of them.. and I'm horrible with kids." Marlene laughs.
"Remus and I can take 4th and 5th years." Mary smiles, "That leaves James and I with second and third." Lily implies.

"Alright.. alright, this cant be too bad, if anything .. scream for help?" I suggest.
"Yep. Scream for help." James repeats.

We all went towards the dorms and Sirius went to the boys dorm and I took the girls.
I knocked on the door, and entered, I looked around and all of the girls were out cold.
I went to Sirius quickly, to ask him what to do and he already had all the boys sitting in a circle on the floor. "How did you?" I asked astounded how quickly he worked, "Kids .. love me!" Sirius smiled, "Now have you got the others?" Sirius asked, "Uh no. What do I do?" I asked.

"I'll get it. You stay here." He smiles, I sat down and the boys heads began to fall into their hands as they fell asleep, which is far as it's almost one in the morning. I turn to hear shuffling, and Sirius has some how got them all in here and closed the door. "We're not allowed in the boys dorms?" One of the girls suggests, "today you are!" Sirius beams, "Why?" the guy beside me asked, "Um." I began, "Because today could be possibly dangerous, but you've got me! And y/n here." Sirius cut me off.

"Silencio." I said casting a silencing charm over the room in case we're heard, and I don't think we will need to scream for help.
"Coloportus!" Sirius said shooting towards the door locking the door.
"Should we be scared?" Someone asked, "Of course not." Sirius smiled sitting beside me, "Everything will be fine." I added.

"I'm scared." I heard a voice say, "Me too." I whispered to Sirius, I wasn't scared.. just nervous, now that we have to protect more than just ourselves. "Love, you're the most powerful witch of our age, we will all be okay." Sirius said with a genuine smile, "I promise." He said while kissing my forehead. "Is she your girlfriend?" A voice said, I looked to Sirius and he looked back, "Yes, yes she is." he smiled. We're back, like I've always known, we always find our way back as our paths cross again. I felt happy, until a scream came from the common room, and my stomach dropped.


Been a hot minute, been in a total writing slump :/

-c <3

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