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Chapter 11
Will you?

Sage has been questioning me all night about my day with Sirius, and to be honest I don't know if I'm ready to tell her. She will either be very excited or try to murder him. I can't tell.
"I'll tell you tomorrow-" I groaned while pulling the covers over my head. "- maybe." I added with a laugh. "Maybe! Only 'maybe' ? L/n you will tell me tomorrow." Sage insisted.
"Tomorrow at breakfast." I replied.
"Wait- y/n what about Reg?" Sage asked concerned. I laughed to myself.
"Do you want me honest answer?" I said while turning to face Sage; She nodded her head.
"I don't give two fucks what Regulus thinks."
"That's my girl." Sage smiled. "You're back, I missed this side of you."

My alarm has been going off for minutes on end blaring in my ears, I laid in my bed staring at the roof until it turned off. I faced the alarm clock to see Sage standing there with her arms crossed across her chest. "It was getting annoying," she shrugged and went back to getting ready.
I was pondering on the thought of what I will say to Sage and Alden. What do I tell James and Remus? Where do I even stand with Sirius at this point. This is all confusing and making my head hurt. So, I pushed myself from my bed and began to get ready.

Sage nudged me, "I'm excited!" She beamed.
"Excited for what?" I asked mid yawn.
"To hear about Sirius of course!" She said with a huge smile."How are you so happy when it's seven in the fucking morning?" I laughed.
Sage retaliated giving me a strange look,
"The morning is a .. fresh start. You get to watch the sun rise! You should be a morning person." She suggested.
"I'll pass." I smiled.

I finally pushed myself out of my bed, I didn't want too; but I knew I didn't have much of a choice. I threw on my robes and messily hung my tie around my neck. I quickly brushed my hair and teeth and was off to the great hall, and this is where I'd get pelted by questions from everyone.

"I'll meet you for breakfast." I said while I was about to walk out the door, "I was waiting for you, we can go together." Sage smiled while grabbing my hand and pulling me out of our dorm. As we walked down the hall, Sage pulled on my arm roughly.
"Ugh what?" I asked in shock from the pull, "Look." Sage said with a smirk on her face while placing her finger to a paper that was taped to the wall.
"Since when did we do a welcome back ball?" I asked, but then it clicked; Remus had already told me about this. And who the hell will I go with? By myself? Maybe Remus? As friends.
Maybe even Rosier would do...

I kind of wish I never heard about this, as much as I'd like to dance with my friends; now all I am is stressed, I don't want to go alone, and I only have a week to find a date. We'd walked away from the poster, and walked into the great hall, I sat down across from Alden, with Sage beside me. "You look tired." Sage said while nudging my arm, "And?" I said, clearly not wanting a response. "A mess." Sage admitted with a small laugh, and Alden chuckled too. "Not what I was asking, but you're not wrong." I said while slumping over with now, no appetite.

"Two Gryffindor comin your way l/n." Alden mumbles. I lift my head up, and don't even look, "Sirius it's seven in the fucking morn-." I began, but when I looked behind me, it wasn't Sirius.
"Remus? James? Sorry about that.." I said clearly embarrassed. "You look very tired." James chuckled, but I didn't say anything I just shot back a look of disapproval.

James motioned for Sage to move over so he could sit, and for some strange reason she did.
James sat down beside me while Remus leaned over and began to fix my tie. James placed an elbow over my shoulder, "Thank Merlin you finally talked to Sirius, I mean he talks about you constantly, I mean he talked about you before, actually way more now than before. My point is he's out of his 'mood' so.. thank you?" James smiled, "your - welcome?" I replied.
"Also be expecting to see us later." James smiled, he tapped my shoulder and walked away with Remus while they smiled to each other.
"What just happened?" I said aloud even though I didn't mean to. "I have no clue." Sage replied.

Time has passed and it was already lunch, but the feeling in the pit of my stomach won't go away, maybe it is because I haven't ate? Or because James and Remus have me worried.
Sage and I walked through the entrance to see Rosier and Lestrange holding a large banner with a painted on mirror, and in front of the banner standing was Alden, with a bouquet of flowers.
"Sage, when I look into the mirror of eroded, I see you end I going to the ball together." Alden said with a huge smile. "Oh Merlin." I muttered.
"So, Sage Sai. Will you accompany me to the ball?" Alden asked in a horribly 'romantic' tone.
"Yes!" Sage squealed while he pulled her into a hug and handing her the flowers. I knew they weren't just friends. I called this.
Sage skipped over my way in pure joy, "So who are you going with!" Sage asked excitedly.
"I don't know yet." I laughed trying to defuse any tension. "Why not Étienne, or Remus? .. or Sirius!" Sage suggested.
"I don't know." I muttered.

It was almost time for dinner when the school announced a quidditch game last minute.
Gryffindor vs Slytherin. Of course. But it's a Tuesday, and games are always played on weekends, so this all seems strange. But, Alden has convinced Sage and I to go and watch the game anyways. Sage and I walked down to the pitch finding seats in the Slytherin stands.

Sirius was a keeper, and James a chaser. Remus was the commentator.. oh Merlin this would be quite the game. Regulus was the seeker, and Alden played beater.
The game had begun and Gryffindor was already up 20-0, and Remus is a horrible, but hilarious commentator.
"And once again another 10 points for Gryffindor.." Remus said sounding bored out of his mind, "
"Merlin Slytherin you guys really do suc- OW!" Remus winced as he got hit in the arm by professor Slughorn. "10 points for Gryffindor because Regulus can't catch the snitch for shit. OH MY OUCH!" Remus winced again, while trying to hide his laugh.

"Ten points for Slytherin. 40-10." Remus said slowly clapping, "Atta boys James!" Remus yelled into the mic that is when it was taken away by Mcgonagall, and she had taken over.
Then fireworks came from all around the stands, and everyone stopped, including the players on the pitch. And why the hell was Sirius leaving his place?
And why isn't James trying to get the ball.
And Remus, he set off the fireworks from the stand.. "Oh Merlin." I said beneath my breath.
"Bloody hell." Sage laughed.

In the sky wrote
"Will you go to the ball with me y/n?" It was Sirius asking as he flew towards me with a bouquet of flowers, which I have no clue where they came from as he was just mid game, but I put my stupid thoughts aside and took the flowers into my hands.

"Will you?" Sirius was nervous, you could clearly tell. While everyone in the stands anxiously awaited my reply.What if he gets rejected in front the whole school? Humbling? But my feelings overwhelmed my mind. "Yes." I nodded with a smile across my face and the whole school began cheering and you could hear James yell "I knew you could do it!" followed by Remus yelling "Atta boy Sirius!" and even Peter was smiling.

The teachers looked furious at first but now they all had smiles on their faces while clapping, congratulating Sirius. But Regulus looked miserable. They ended up giving the win to Gryffindor and ending the game there. The Slytherins were infuriated.

Alden had flown by and stopped, "Blyme Sirius. You just made me look like a bloody fool." Alden admitted. And we all just laughed.

i hope you all liked it
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and have a wonderful day/ night :)

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