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Chapter 33
Pureblood Supremacists

After leaving Kings cross, Sirius decided to just walk to his house as it was quite close, "They won't hate you, they only hate me." Sirius teased but it still wasn't comforting. "What are there names again?" I asked, "Walburga and Orion." He stated, and I repeated it over and over in my head. "I hate this bloody place." He gave a sympathetic smile before using a charm and the building slowly began to move, "Sirius.." I said, "Yeah I know, strange." He replied while the building slowly moved apart and maneuvered until there was grand black door with a silver knob and I heard Sirius breathe "Here goes nothing." While he knocked at the door and the door opened to a lady with black scraggly hair and she was beautiful, "Hello Sirius, and you must be y/n." She smiled, but wasn't very enthusiastic. "Well come in." She insisted while motioning us to come forward, "We will be upstairs." Sirius said while tugging me by the arm up the stairs while admired the place. We walked down a long hallway until walking into a room and Sirius laid across the bed "We shouldn't have came here." He breathed, "What? Why?" I asked, "Bella and Narcissa are coming." He added, "I thought there was 3 sisters?" I asked, "Well, there was Andromeda but she was disowned for marrying a muggle born, I'm next." He sort of chuckled, "What do you mean your 'next' ?" I asked, "Well, I didn't live up to there Slytherin standards, and I hangout with Remus and Peter which makes me a traitor." He sort of laughed. "So they will disown you?" I asked, "Yep." He replied before taking my arm and bringing me back downstairs into a room, and pointing to a picture of himself, and then to Andromeda, "They burned her off." He shrugged, I looked around and half the tree was burned off.
"That's why we came here, I'm taking my stuff and not coming back."
"Let's do it." I smiled.

Sirius' parents called us down for dinner and we sat at a large table filled with the Black family.
Narcissa Black, soon to be Malfoy is gorgeous but terrifying. Bellatrix Black, who is currently engaged to Rodolphus Lestrange, she is even more terrifying then Narcissa. Then there is Regulus who is amazing, and then the parents which I don't know much about. "Well, Sirius why don't you introduce your girlfriend." Walburga stated, "Oh okay," Sirius breathed, "This is y/n l/n. We've been together for 4 months now." Sirius smiled and everyone around the table had blank faces as if they could care less, "she is a Pureblood Slytherin." He added and smiled all crossed there faces. Merlin there all Pureblood supremacists. "Ah, so y/n other than Sirius, who do you hang around with at school?" One of the older ladies chimed, I mustn't include Remus, Peter or Lily I thought. "Sage Sai, Alden Hale, James Potter and Regulus." I smiled, "Oh very good, at least your not like the fool beside you who leaves a bad mark to our name." She seethed, "Go with it." Sirius whispered. "What was that dear?" Walburga asked while clenching her teeth, "Nothing mother." Sirius grinned.

Dinner passed, and I just stuck to talking to Sirius and Regulus and the odd time to Narcissa,
"Yes, Lucius proposed to me 2 months ago!" Narcissa squealed while showing me her ring, "Isn't it gorgeous!" Narcissa exclaimed while turning to Bellatrix. "Mhm.. lovely." Bellatrix yawned."How about we go upstairs?" Sirius suggested and I agreed taking his hand as we excused ourselves from dinner. "Where's the champagne?" I asked, "I'm one step ahead of you." Sirius laughed while we walked into his room and he grabbed 2 glasses and a bottle.

"Downstairs is boring." Regulus complained while walking through the door and flopping onto Sirius' bed, "I only have 2 glasses," Sirius confirmed, "I want the whole bottle." Regulus laughed while taking a big swig. "You know what, I fucking hate this family." Regulus admits, "There all so.. meh." He laughs and continues his rant. "There all so messed up, and arrogant and there just all so FULL OF THEMSELVES!" Regulus shouted. "Thank merlin your house is big, or they all would've heard that." I laughed nudging Regulus. "I hope they heard it anyways." Regulus teased while taking another sip from the bottle. "Are you two staying for the ball?" Regulus asked and me and Sirius looked at each other in confusion, "what ball?" I asked, "We're hosting it in a few days, how do you guys not know?" Regulus laughed, "Mother doesn't tell me anything." Sirius added, "Well you both better be there cause I don't want to get dragged around by mother all night." Regulus replied.
"Let's do it."
"Let's do it." I repeated back to Sirius with a smile.

Authors note
I apologize for how short this is.. I was half asleep while writing this .. I wish I was kidding.
-c <3

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