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Chapter 63
T.W (starvation)


Sirius being gone was odd. I've been without him before, but not like this. Remus is the only one who knows, I haven't said anything to James or Lily but I will now. "Can you come with me.. please?" I asked Remus nervously.
"Of course." He smiled.
We walked down the stairs to the common room, "Classes got cancelled." James shouted while throwing his hands in the air celebrating.
"That means we will be sent home?" I ask.
"They said we should stay. Dumbledores dumb decision." Lily added. "Yeah, great idea for a bunch of teenagers to stay in a school in a lot of danger. Amazing idea fucking dumbass." I complained.

I sat down beside Lily, "So um." Remus said trying to get me to say something; say anything.
"Sirius. Is.. gone." I begin poorly, "Gone?" James asks. "What do you mean 'gone' ?" Lily questions.
"He was-." I hesitate. How do I tell them?
"Accused of murder." I blurt.
"WHAT!" Lily and James yell in unison.
"Falsely accused of murder." I add.

Lily and James look at each other in shock and look back to me. "For whom?" Lily asks.
"Twelve muggles. But Sirius wouldn't do that, he has no motive. Plus he has nothing against muggles. He finds them .. fascinating." I manage.
Lily begins to fiddle her fingers, the topic of muggles is sensitive. "They refused to check his wand as well." I added. "They can't - they can't prove him to be guilty without doing that." James protested. "We know." Remus mumbles.
"Remus and I believe the dark lord has people working within the ministry. The dark lord wants to get Sirius out of the way to get to you." I say looking at James."Why.. Peter did it again." James seethes.

"Peter?" I ask, "He told the dark lord more information, it had to have been him. Who else knows us well enough?" James asks.
"And I trusted him." I trail off.
"We all trusted him." James corrects.

Two weeks later,

Sirius has been the only thing on my mind.
Not the dark lord.
Not Sage and Alden.
Not Regulus' death.
Sirius; Sirius only.
I know he's struggling, he can't stand being alone. I'm going to get him out of that fucking prison, if I have to tear down the ministry I will.
I will get Sirius out there.

Sirius POV

I've been marking the days away on the walls, I try to focus on anything other than the fact I'll most likely die here. It's dark. No windows, and I eat once a day if I'm lucky. I can feel my ribs beginning to rip out of my skin to the lack of food. Everything in my body pains me, I feel like everything in me is falling apart.
I've been trying to remember any happy memories, and only few are coming back to me.
This dark room is driving me insane.
I'm going to die here.

2 and half weeks,

I can feel myself beginning to choke up my own blood, I can't even stand up. I try to talk to myself to keep myself sane, but my voice is strained. I have no energy."I will get a trial. Y/n will saa-ve me." I croaked. "I will get a trial. Y/n will. . . Save me," I repeat over and over. I was praying the more I'd say it the more I'd believe it. But that's a total lie. I want to believe I will get out.
But the dark lord is stronger.
He has more followers.
I have Remus, James, Lily and Y/n.
I am fucking screwed.

I am going to die in here.

It's been three weeks, I am losing it in here.
What if Y/n forgets who I am? What if she will never save me? The voice in my head repeatedly tells me she isn't coming. None of them are.
But my heart knows she will.
It's a constant war between my head and my heart, and I have no control. I've lost it all.
I feel like I've lost control of my thoughts, I'm a horrible person aren't I? No I'm not.
I killed them. No I didn't.
Maybe this is what I deserve? No I don't.
Was this my family's doing? No. They wouldn't.
Was, maybe, - NO.

It's been one month, well twenty nine days according to the tallies across the wall, but I've missed multiple days.
I thought they would have came by now.
I miss my friends. I miss all of them.
I miss James horrible jokes, and his snarky comments to Snivellus. I miss Remus and his positive attitude and for him always letting me copy his homework. I miss Lily, she was actually quite funny, and taught me about Muggles. They are quite fascinating really. Did you know they can watch the radio? What a dream.
I miss Y/n, all I want is her in my arms, I want her back by my side. I miss being alive. Metaphorically.
But really, death would be amazing right about now. The only reason I'm holding on, is the hope I have that someone will come for me.

I'm not going too.
Im going to die in here.


Sirius has been gone for over two months now.
We've been to the ministry over fifteen times.
The minister doesn't believe there is a 'dark lord' and said they trust that since Sirius is a 'Black' that he is just like his family. We tried fighting, we've tried so hard. We've asked Dumbledore to plead for us, but he said "I am unsure if Sirius did it or not. I do not know where to stand." Which is pure bullshit.
Dumbledore knows Sirius is innocent.
Everyone does, everyone should.
Sirius wouldn't do any of that.

A/n -
This was really short sorry.

Have an amazing day/night - c<33

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