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Chapter 26
None of your business

"We're just going to sit around here ? Like sitting ducks." I inquired, "We are. And no you aren't leaving." Sirius smiled but he was serious.
"I'm with y/n, we should go fight." Elio suggested, and I gave a smile and nodded to Elio,
"No." Sirius said, "It's two against one." I confessed, "Then let's go!" Elio smiled holding my hand pulling me towards the door and we turned to Sirius, "Are you coming?" I asked, it wasn't much of a question as I was going to force him along anyways, nonetheless he hopped off the desk and joined us.

We snuck through the corridors, being cautious of our every move, always watching our backs. We were at the moving staircases and we began to run up them to the portrait, "Mcgonagall is the best." Sirius groaned,  and the portrait opened and there stood James, Remus and Peter with there wands at the ready. Once they had realized who we were there expressions changed and James ran towards Sirius "Padfoot!" He shouted, and pulled Sirius into a loving brother type of hug, Remus met my eyes and I walked towards him as he embraced me close to his chest "I'm so glad you're okay." He whispered into my hair, I turned and motioned to Elio to come over as he looked very awkward standing all alone.

James, Sirius and Peter walked over and James sprung the question, "What's the plan?" James asked, "Well.." Sirius began, "We don't have one." I finished Sirius sentence.
"We don't have one either." Remus added,
"Well let's start planning then." Elio suggested.
We went over to a table with Gryffindors crowding around listening to every word said, and watching our every move.
"Well how many 5th years and up do we have?" James asked, and Peter began to count.
"15 Gryffindors, and then Y/n and Elio. So we have 17." Peter inquired.
"That's enough, is it not? James asked.
"To take down an army? No way." Remus laughed.
"Well what if we get Slytherin?" I asked, but immediately Sirius and James gave me an odd look. "They- no." James laughed, "This isn't one of your dumb pranks James, I know how much you have it out for Severus. But in this moment, no one gives a fuck, we need everyone we can get." I declared and Remus nodded his head in agreement "Y/n is right, we need to put jokes aside. This is actually serious."
Remus added, "No I'm Sirius." Sirius laughed while turning to James for a high five.
"You two are children, Merlin." Remus laughed.

The plan was close to set, but still Sirius, Elio and I had to get to Slytherin and grab the rest of our so say 'Army' and tell them to fight along us.
"We should get going." I suggested, "I agree." Sirius added, but James gave us an odd look, "Elio, can you stay back, I have an idea and your the smart one so maybe you could help?" James asked. James asking for help? And calling someone smart that isn't himself? This must be a dream, or maybe a nightmare. "Are you assuming I'm smart cause I'm in Ravenclaw?" Elio asked, "Erm, yeah." James laughed. "Fine." Elio laughed. That's when Sirius motioned me to follow him out of the common room.

"What's James 'idea'?" I asked, "There isn't one. He just knew having 2 people sneaking around is better than 3. He'll come up with some bullshit." Sirius laughed, "Fair enough." I smiled.
We took shortcuts around the castle going towards the dungeons and hadn't encountered anyone so far, when we were rounding the corner there were two cloaked individuals standing at the end of the hall. "Expelliarmus!" Sirius and I shouted in unison, and the wands of the cloaked people shot out of there hands falling to the floor, I looked to Sirius with a sense of accomplishment, but we were not finished yet. As we watched them scrambling to there wands I pointed my wand to the one on the left, "Stupefy!" I yelled and I almost caught him off guard but he had grabbed his wand in time, "Impendimenta!" Sirius shouted at the cloaked figure on the left slowing his motions giving me enough time to shout "Incarcarous!" As I shot the spell at he cloaked individual, they had fell to the floor as ropes tied around the body quickly leaving them stuck on the floor. "Stupefy!" Sirius shouted to the cloaked one on the right, this one wasn't as clever and fell to the floor, "Incarcarous." I added, and the other laid tied up beside there friend. Sirius and I quickly ran over taking there wands and I made a risky move taking off their masks.

"Who are you?" I more demanded than asked, "Why would we tell you." The man on the left laughed, "Because we hold power over you." I added, "Damn right we do." Sirius laughed while pointing his wand at the two men laying on the floor, "I must ask, how does it feel to be defeated by fifteen year olds? Must be embarrassing hey?" Sirius laughed, and neither of the cloaked men answered. "Mid life crisis? Is that why you are running through a school of wizards and witches that are under the age of 18? For something to do?" Sirius asked, and once again neither of them answered. "I'll ask one more time, who are you? And who do you work for." I demanded while I crouched down and slowly pushing my wand into the left mans neck.
"None of your business." The man on the right hissed, "Wouldn't your 'lord' be quite ashamed to find out you got tied up by two teenagers? I sure would be." I inquired, "So tell us your 'lords' name and we will consider giving one of your wands back, we would like to keep one as a souvenir." I seethed.
"We work for the 'dark lord'." The right man confessed, "That's no help." Sirius hissed.
"That's what he goes by." The one on the left added. Sirius observed the two wands in his hands, "Actually I think I'd also like to keep one myself." Sirius added while standing up and grabbing my hand while we left the two men on the floor tied up, and grabbed there masks and walked to Slytherin common room.

"Pureblood supremacy." I muttered as we walked into Slytherin common room, "I thought our password was bad." Sirius teased. "Y/n! Sirius." Sage smiled, "Why are you two here?" She asked.
"We need 5th years and up." I said, "Now." Sirius insisted. Alden went and grabbed the students and Regulus, "Let Reg fight." Alden suggested, "Fine. But he's the only 4th year." I said.
"What's with the wands and masks?" Alden asked, "Erm long story." I replied.
"What's the plan?" Sage questioned.

"Here's the plan." I declared.

Authors Note

Hello readers, sorry I did not update last night I got busy, part 5 will be coming soon :)

Have an amazing day/night - c :-)

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