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Chapter 35
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I got ready in Regulus' room as I still wanted it to be a somewhat surprise for Sirius, I turned to look at Regulus and did a little spin,
"You look amazing." Regulus beamed, "Don't tell Sirius I said that." Regulus laughed. "So do you," I smiled, "Don't tell Sirius I said that." I teased. A knock came from the door, "What!" Regulus and I said in unison, "Y/n are you ready yet?" Sirius complained, "One second!" I said while quickly throwing on my necklace he gave me with the letter s, and my black ring, "Okay, I'm ready." I exclaimed and he opened the door and looked shocked, "You look, breathtaking." Sirius smiled while coming towards me and placing a kiss on my cheek, "Shall we go?" He asked, "We shall." I grinned while we began to go downstairs.

"Where's James?" I asked,
"Already there looking for someone to dance with." Sirius replied while slipping his mask on.
We walked into the ballroom that was filled with people, it was decorated beautifully and there were house elf's walking around with platters of appetizers and drinks, "Is that champagne?" I asked pointing to house elf, "Indeed it is." Sirius grinned before calling the house elf over, Sirius picked up two glasses and handed the house elf a small silver coin "Don't tell mother I gave you that." He confessed, "Of course sir, thank you sir!" The house elf cheered. "Can we dance now?" I asked with a big smile across my face while tugging at Sirius' arm, Sirius wasn't one to love dancing, but he was good at it. He told me when he was younger that he and Regulus had to take lessons. Regulus was supposedly very good.

Sirius and I reached the floor, getting caught into the crowd of people, in harmony of moving together and being spun around off to the next person, but we found our way back to each other soon enough, "James?" I asked as I was spun to the next person, "Good evening y/n." James smiled, it was truly hard to recognize him with his mask but I'd recognize that hair anywhere. "Have you found someone to dance with?" I smiled, "Plenty, I mean what can I say I'm even handsome with a mask." James laughed before I was spun off to the next person.
I'd eventually made my way to Regulus and Sirius was right he is an amazing dancer truly, "What time is it?" I asked Regulus, "11:56" he responded while still looking at his watch, "I need to find Sirius before midnight." I breathed before searching for him through the ballroom, everyone had obviously been doing the same as everyone dispersed from the partner they were previously dancing with. I eventually found him and James standing to the side of the floor with fire whiskey in there hands,
"There you are darling." Sirius smiled,
"Don't you need to find one of your plenty women?" I asked James sarcastically,
"Hey! Don't talk to me like that. I won't hesitate to take Sirius!" James laughed before walking towards the ballroom and getting mixed up in the people. People began to count down from 10, "10.. 9.. 8.. 7.. 6.. 5. 4.." they began to count down and I began to take my mask off, "3.. 2.. 1." I looked to Sirius, he took my waist immediately pulling me into a kiss, everyone was cheering and laughing but I ignored it taking in the taste of his breath against mine, my hands travelling through his hair and he slowly pulled away, "I love you y/n." Sirius breathed, "I know i've messed up and if you don't feel -." Sirius began to ramble before I interrupted "I love you too Sirius." I smiled before pulling him back into a kiss.

Then the middle of the hall fell silent and there was an eruption of black smoke, and I turned to Sirius "What the hell is-." I started to ask before I was pulled out of the hall by Sirius and the last glimpse I saw of the hall was a cluster of silver masks. Death eaters.
"We need to go." Sirius breathed while we ran up the stairs, "Where? And what about James and Regulus?" I asked concerned about the two of them, "They'll figure it out, we need to worry about ourselves and get the hell out." Sirius insisted, before we left we ran into his room, I grabbed my bag and took his hand hand, from a distance all I could hear was screams but I had to ignore it. I took Sirius' hand and felt the odd feeling of twisting and turning, we arrived at a familiar manor, the Potters.

"Do you think James is here?" I asked, "James can apparate too, I'd assume so." He said while we walked towards the entrance and knocked on the door, Ms Potter answered the door
"Oh hello! James informed me you two would be coming any second!" She beamed before opening the door more "Come in!" She insisted.

"They were death eaters." I added to the conversation, "Why would they attack your place?" James asked Sirius,  "It doesn't make sense, I know Bella has been working under the dark lord for practice, and Narcissa's fiancé is a death eater, but that wouldn't make sense for them to attack." Sirius added, I was still concerned for Regulus, apparently Sirius had told him if he was ever in trouble to come here. "Well some of the most prestigious wizardry family's were there, maybe they wanted to recruit?" I replied and both the boys nodded in agreement.
The door to James room opened, "Mother! What did I tell you about knocking." James laughed, but it wasn't his mother, it was Regulus.
Regulus had blood on his face, his eyes half shut and he looked incredibly tired and pale.
"Reg? What happened."

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