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Chapter 14
Detention, or not.

"Sirius! It 9AM! We're late to class." I said shaking him awake,
"Fuck." Sirius groaned, I threw on my robes and looked to Sirius, "Ready to go?" Sirius smiled, "Mhm." I mumbled in reply, Sirius grabbed my arm and we walked to transfiguration,
"Why didn't James or Remus wake us up?" I asked, "Because they thought it would be bloody funny." Sirius laughed. As we walked into the classroom Professor Mcgonagall began to smile, "Ahh Ms L/n and Mr Black, where have you two been?" Sirius and I looked to each other concerned.

"Um well." Sirius stuttered, "We were.." I stumbled, "We were in the library, we lost track of time.." Sirius said, "Yes lost track of time in my dorm." James laughed. "What was that Mr Potter?" Mcgonagall asked, "Nothing." James replied seriously but you could tell he was trying to not burst out laughing.

"Please, Ms L/n and Mr Black take a seat. But detention today at 7PM." Sirius sat beside me while I  jotted down notes.
I felt him nudge me in the arm and he whispered "Are you actually paying attention?" He asked
I waited till Mcgonagall wasn't looking
"Yes, I actually want to do well in school." I replied. Sirius shot a weird look, "Weird." Sirius groaned. The class felt like hours but once it was finally over Sirius put out his hand "What do you have next?" Sirius asked, "Erm, Advanced Arithmancy." I said, "Well I have divination. So let me walk you there as it is just on the way." Sirius smiled.

The day went by rather slow, it was only somewhat enjoyable when Sirius was around, Sirius and I made our way to detention.
"If James hadn't of said something we might have been fine." I sneered, "Oi! He's a bloody idiot I tell ya." Sirius responded.
They kept walking then Sirius walked in front of me and turned around. "What if- what if we just don't go?" Sirius questioned. "Sirius we can't just-." I stuttered. "Why not?" Sirius said with his cheeky smile, "Sirius - you can't be serious?" I laughed, "I am Sirius." and Sirius began laughing and he tugged on to my arm while beginning to plead. "Please! Please. Please. Please." Merlin he sounded like a 5 year old. "We are just going to get in more trouble." I inquired, "That's the whole point." Sirius winked.

This time he didn't ask he just pulled, as we ran through the halls as quick as possible.
"Sirius.. where are we going?" I asked.
"Absolutely no clue." Merlin were just running to be running. As long as if it's with him, ill be okay.

Sirius kept running with my hand in his, we were going towards the quidditch pitch.. but I decided not to ask any questions. We went to the field and right to the middle and Sirius just laid down, and he pulled me down with him.
"Look at the shooting star!" Sirius said pointing his finger in the sky to who knows where,
"Make a wish!" I inquired, "Oh I did." Sirius laughed. I pointed out constellations, letting all my stress ease out of my mind, being with this boy made every worry seem to just float away.

"Don't you think James, Remus and Peter will be mad about how much time you spend with me?" I asked out of curiosity. "I don't really care what they think. And besides James is taking up an interest in Evans.. well he's always been in love with her. But she seems to be finally taking interest in him." Sirius implied.
I only knew about the whole Lily situation due to Severus. Severus is bloody obsessed with her.
"What about Remus and Peter?" Even though I knew Remus was okay with Sirius and I, but I had to ask anyways, "Well Remus is more into his homework than anything, and Peter.. well he doesn't care.. at all." Sirius shrugged.

"How about you? What does Hale and Sage think?.. about us." Sirius asked nervously,
"Well Sage is skeptical of course and for Alden, he's ready to beat the shit out of you if you step out of line." I responded with a smile, "Well now I know I need to get on Aldens good side." Sirius smiled, as he wrapped his arm around me as we laid in the middle of the quidditch pitch until we couldn't feel our faces.

"Are you getting cold?" Sirius asked,
"A- a little." I laughed nervously shivering a bit. "Let's get back then, besides it's already past curfew." Sirius said and grabbed my cold hand and we walked back to the castle, he walked me to my common room, "Why can't you just stay in my dorm tonight?" Sirius confessed, "Because Sage would kill me." I replied, "You're so boring." Sirius laughed. As they arrived at the entrance I turned to Sirius "Maybe tomorrow night." I smiled giving him a sense of hope. "Tomorrow night! No take backs L/n!" Sirius shouted a little too loud.  I smiled and kissed him,
"Goodnight Sirius."
"Goodnight y/n."

Authors Note

Sorry for the short chapter, this was just a filler for the next chapter!! :))
Have an amazing day/night -c <33

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