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Chapter 60
T.W (talk of suicide)

James POV

Weeks have passed and our only choice was to trust Regulus. He knew more than we did as he works alongside the dark lord, and if Sirius and Y/n trust him.. then so do we. The cloak was gone; gone very far as Regulus told us too. Somewhere the dark lord will not find it.
We haven't heard from anyone and we were both worried. "I hope they're okay." Lily said while walking through our library searching for a new book. "They are." I said and tried my hardest to believe it, but my grasp for hope was slowly falling through my finger tips. "Shouldn't we.. leave.. go back soon?" Lily mumbled,
"Leave? Lily I've been trying to leave for weeks, but it isn't safe. I'm also not putting you in danger. We are staying." I demanded, Lily didn't say anything in return she just continued browsing.

The radio was on in the distance and I was ignoring it until they began to talk about the war, they were announcing missing people and deaths. I'd ignored most until I heard,

'Missing. Regulus Black'

Lily looked to me quickly, "You heard it too." She trembled, and I just nodded my head. We are the reason he went missing, he risked his life for us.
And for all we know, he might already be dead.
"Do you think Y/n and Sirius know?" Lily asked, "They must." I thought, they have too.
We need to go back. Then suddenly it felt like the world was falling behind me, I turned to see cloaked men invading my house. "Lily!" I screamed, she caught my hand quickly and were out of the house within a heart beat.

Alden POV

Y/n and the rest of her little group were gone to who knows where, and we were still fighting alone. Somehow it's always Sage and I, and I wouldn't change it for the world. "We need to make a plan." I said as we walked through the dust covered halls, "What do you mean? We just have to be ready for when they attack next." Sage implied. "I know Sage, it's just getting.. dangerous." I hinted, "Of course it's dangerous you moron." She laughed. "Sage we need to leave." I confessed, "No." She snapped.
"Sage, we are going to die here. We had our lives planned out, we can't let it end when we could get away. My parents own a house in France, we will go there." I suggested. I know it's the wrong thing to leave, but I can't imagine losing Sage. If she dies I would kill myself. I can't bare the thought of losing her, she's the better half of me

"We're not leaving, or at least not without making sure Y/n is okay." Sage demanded, "Done." I smiled. Now I need to find y/n, and that is not as easy as it seems. She seems to be everywhere and nowhere all at once.

James POV

Out of instinct I apparated to Hogsmeade.
When our feet hit the ground I felt a hand slap me across the face, "You idiot!" Lily yelled,
"I saved your life!" I snapped back, "What about your parents?" She asked angrily, "They must've apparated as well." I hoped, I really hoped they'd gotten out in time. "Your lucky," Lily said before beginning to walk up towards the castle.
I am unable to win with her. When we arrived towers were slowly beginning to fall apart, there were masks and broken wands scattering the ground. "Where is everyone." Lily breathed.
"Gone." I simply replied.


After a long amount of begging, Sirius decided to let us go back. "Can we leave today?" I asked,
"No." Sirius replied. "How about.. in a hour?" Remus questioned.
"Two hours." I grinned.
"Fine! Four and a half hours!" Remus complained.
"It's so boringgg here." I laughed,
"Yeah cause it's going to be so entertaining when the dark lord takes you away from me." Sirius said, but he wasn't joking. That's when Remus and I gave up and went back outside.
"He lost his brother. He's scared of losing you too." Remus offered while we laid in the sun outside. "I know, but I want to help; and so do you." I confessed. "Want and can are different things. We want to help but how much can we even do. We're outnumbered." Remus sighed.

The next day

"Let's go." Sirius suggested, "What?" I asked shocked."We're going back." He repeated himself. "Yes!" Remus smiled while doing a horrible celebration. "There are ground rules." Sirius added. "Oh Merlin." Remus laughs.
"What are they?" I asked curiously.
"We will talk later." He lamely replied.
Remus gave me an odd look, "Atleast we don't have to stay in this place any longer. It smells like musty grandma. I SMELL LIKE A GRANDMA!" Remus shouted.
"What's wrong with smelling like a grandma?" Sirius laughed, "Everything!" Remus chuckled.

We'd eventually gotten ready and Sirius grabbed Remus and I's hands and we went through the dizzy turning feeling. I didn't miss this feeling one bit.

When we arrived in front of Hogwarts Remus turned to Sirius, "How did you apparate onto Hogwarts grounds? You can't with the barriers that are up." Remus protested, "How did you do it?" Remus asked curiously, "That is a secret for another day." Sirius chuckled before taking my hand into his and squeezing it reassuringly.
We walked forward towards the main entrance, I glanced around seeing blood and pieces of the towers littering the ground, with broken wands and masks here and there. We've missed a lot.
We walked through the main entrance and there stood Lily and James. "James!" Sirius smiled while letting go of my hand and running towards James. "Lily." I smiled while pulling her into a close embrace. Sirius, James and Remus were already back to there normal craziness.

Sirius eventually came back and we went back to his dorm, but we went an unusual root, but i didn't say anything. We arrived in the common room and it looked the same how we left it, Sirius left for a minute "He was avoiding the hall that Regulus died in." Remus whispered, but I didn't even know to to reply. I miss Regulus, and I know Sirius does too.

We all miss you.


Me actually posting a chapter.. who is thisss. I'm gonna continue to edit but thought I should give you guys something :)

Have an amazing day /night - c<33

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