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Chapter 55


Not even two days after being back at school the dark lord has sent a letter, he'd told us to be prepared for the biggest fight of our lives.
The death eaters were well rested and eager to fight, the dark lord had declared war.
We were not prepared for this, thankful for the warning though. The ministry of magic doesn't believe us and refuses to send dementors to protect the school, they believe it's a hoax.
The order was acting weird even though we hadn't told them yet. All of them struggled at our last practice. They were shaky and the energy throughout the room was heavy.
On that note, Peter hadn't shown to the last practice, and there has been no sight of Regulus.

"What if he's missing again?" Sirius said while pacing the dorm, "He's probably at home, maybe spending extra time with your family?" I suggested but Sirius just shook his head.
"Regulus wouldn't want to spend anymore time than he has too there." Sirius added while running his hands through his hair in frustration.
"Mate he's probably hanging around in Riddle Manor don't worry." James teased, but Sirius didn't find it funny. He pulled out his wand pointing it to James, "Don't joke about that." Sirius seethed and James just threw his hand up in surrender. "Let's go for a walk." I suggested while pulling Sirius out of the room, James should be thankful for that. Sirius looked like he was going to murder James.

We walked out towards the front of the school, but Sirius wasn't cooling down, he was scared and agitated. "We need to find him. Now." Sirius demanded, "It's not that easy Sirius, I wish it was." I added.  "I know." He hissed,
I walked with him towards Slytherin common room and he gave me a weird look,
"Why are we here?" He asked,
"Well you said you wanted to find him, let's talk to Sage and Alden." I suggested before opening the common room door.

Sirius POV

We had entered Slytherin common room, it was cold as per usual and Sage and Alden were sitting together on the couch.
"Y/n! .. Sirius." Sage smiled, "Have you guys heard anything from Reg?" Y/n asked,
"Nothing yet.. why?" Alden replied,
"We haven't heard from him since the beginning of Christmas break." I added.
"Um, I could write to him?" Alden suggested, and
y/n and I just nodded.

"We also need to plan a last minute order meeting." I said, "Why?" Sage asked,
"War has been declared, we have less than a week." Y/n mumbled, "Why us?" Alden asked.
"Supposedly the dark lord is collecting the deathly hallows so he can be the 'master of death' and two of the deathly hallows are inside this school." I informed. "Two? I thought it was only the elder wand?" Alden said, "James invisibility cloak." I added. "He has the invisibility cloak? I didn't know he had the one created by death itself." Alden replied with shock. "We hid it. Back at the Potters, but the dark lord still believes there are two here." I added, "Well were fucking screwed." Alden sort of laughed,
"We know."


The last minute order meeting had begun and now students began to freak out, some wanted to travel back home, some were ready to fight, and some were speechless. I don't blame them for being afraid, we all are. But we can't show it or it will make the younger students even more nervous.

"So, the dark lord wants to attack the school?" A young Hufflepuff asked, "Yes." James replied,
"And we have to fight them?" A Ravenclaw asked.
"I wish we didn't, but what choice do we have." Remus replied, "Where's Petey?" a Slytherin asked "He has a.. um a very important test coming up." Sirius managed. "Now, please go back to your dormitories. Be safe and keep your wand by your side at all times." Alden smiled while dismissing the students.

"What do we tell them when Peter just stops showing?" Sirius asked, "Where is Peter anyways." James said, "I haven't seen him since the break." Lily added, "He hasn't been with Avery or Lestrange." Sage inquired, "Okay, hear me out.. but the two boys that are missing are also presumed to be death eaters, strange isn't?" I said, "Has anyone seen Étienne and Elio?" Alden asked,"No." Everyone said in unison.
"Holy fuck." Sirius gasped, "Looks like we are going on a trip to Ravenclaw." He added.

Sirius POV

I took y/n's hand in mine and we walked towards Ravenclaw, "What are we supposed to tell the Ravenclaw students when we walk in with no explanation?" Y/n laughed, "Cause we can?" I suggested, but y/n just shook her head.
We walked to the door, and thank merlin for y/n being smart because I wouldn't be able to answer the stupid riddles, and that is why I am not in Ravenclaw.

We stood before the entrance to Ravenclaw common room and the door began to speak,
"The more you take, the more you leave behind, what are they?" The door asked.
"Footsteps." Y/n answered with ease,
"How did you get it so fast?" I asked,
"That was very simple." She laughed.
Merlin I'm in love with her laugh.

We walked around Ravenclaw getting odd looks of course because one of us was in a red tie and the other in a green. I noticed one of the boys from the order and went up to him, maybe he would know if Étienne and Elio have been around for the last few days. "Milo.. hey bud, have you seen Étienne or Elio?" I asked, the boy shook his head nervously. I looked to his friend, "Have you?" I asked and he also shook his head in disagreement. "Alright, thank you." Y/n smiled before walking to one of the older boys from the order, "Atticus, have you seen Étienne and Elio?" Y/n asked, "Um no, they haven't been seen since Christmas break.. why?" Atticus asked,
"Oh just needed to ask Elio something, but it's alright. Thank you." Y/n lied and we left Ravenclaw tower immediately.
"Well we know where Peter and Regulus are." I stated, "Maybe there making friends." Y/n teased, "Friends that want us dead." Sirius groaned.

Authors note

I cant decide if I want to do a sequel to this book, or just keep going with this.. idk let me know what you guys think..

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