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Chapter 37
Prove it

A week later,

A week has passed and Regulus has been quiet as ever, He won't talk to any of us, the only time we hear his voice is when he tells us he's going for a walk around the courtyard or sometimes a simple laugh at one of James or Sirius' horrible jokes.
I'm worried about him, what will happen when we have to go back to school tomorrow? How do I tell Alden and Sage that we were ambushed by death eaters and now one of our best friends was potentially tortured, and won't speak.
"We should start packing." Sirius suggested while flopping down on the bed beside me, "I know," I mumbled back. "I'm worried," I said to Sirius, "About Reg." I added, "Me too." Sirius sighed.
"Mother wrote to me, she wants to pull him out of school, homeschool him. I'm not letting that happen, I'll homeschool him if it comes to that." Sirius laughed, "You will homeschool him?" I grinned, "Yes, why do you sound so surprised?" Sirius asked with an almost offended tone.
"You just don't seem like the teaching type." I confessed, "The teaching- the teaching type? I'm every type, I can do everything." Sirius smiled,
"Can you juggle?" I asked, and Sirius had a huge smile on his face, "In fact I can!" He exclaimed. I gave him a look as I was in disbelief, "Prove it." I beamed and he picked up 3 pairs of socks, "Watch me!" He laughed and attempted to juggle before he threw one up and he tried for another but he really couldn't, "It's been awhile!" He confessed before sitting back down on the bed.

As we entered the carriage on the train, it was me Regulus, Sirius and James. Regulus still was barley talking. The carriage was consistent of James and Sirius talking about quidditch, Regulus sitting in his own thoughts and me trying to think of something to get Regulus to smile. Alden knocked at the carriage door with Sage behind and I got up to talk to them.

"We need to talk, in private." I said to Sage and Alden while we walked towards there carriage and sat down, "What is it?" Alden asked, "Something happened over the break, I wanted to tell you but I was too pre occupied with Regulus that I didn't get to it." I offered a sympathetic smile, "Okay.. go on." Sage replied, "There was an attack, Death eaters attacked Sirius' place during the ball." I said, "There was a ball? And you didn't invite me?" Sage complained, "It was a masked ball too!" I smiled, "You two can talk about it later, keep going about the attack." Alden complained, Sage sat back and huffed.
"I don't know what happened to Regulus, but he barley talks, he showed up covered in blood and sweat and he won't tell anyone what happened, he just said that there is hundreds of death eaters." I sighed, "Hundreds? So we're fucking screwed." Alden complained looking to his hands as he fiddled with his fingers.
"We're assuming they showed up to the ball for recruitment." I added, "They've been attempting to recruit my father forever, and rumour has it that Elio Laurier and Étienne Marcel got the mark." Alden replied.
"Elio? No way, he would never-." I protested,
And that's when I remembered I'd never told him about me and Sirius, I'd been avoiding him during class. But the dark lord wouldn't recruit so young. "What if.. what if the dark lord attempted to recruit Regulus?" I implied,
"It would look good to have a Black in his midst." Sage added, "Indeed it would." Alden replied.

When we arrived back to the school I pulled Sirius to the side, "Alden, Sage and I think we figured something out." I whispered, "What?" Sirius asked,
"What if, the dark lord is attempting to recruit your brother.." I said, "He's a Pureblood Slytherin, who comes from one of the most prestigious wizarding families." I added, "Regulus is too young." Sirius sighed, "The dark lord wouldn't care." I replied,
"I know, I know I'm just trying to ignore the fact that my brother could possibly be getting recruited to one of the most dangerous wizarding army's y/n." Sirius groaned. "I know," I whispered pulling him into a hug.

"We need to do something about this."
"I know."

Authors note

Sorry this is so short, I'll try to get another chapter out tonight this was just a quick filler :)

I'm hoping to wrap up 5th year soon ish bc I want to start 6th year..

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