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Chapter 18

Weeks have passed and every day seems to be going faster, dating Sirius is a dream, other than the jealous gals. I adore him so much, like I was missing a piece to my life but now, it is fulfilled. Sirius and I have went to Hogsmeade plenty times, snuck out at midnight to go to the kitchens, went to the astronomy tower, stargazed in the quidditch field and everything has been beyond amazing. Sirius is what my heart has been waiting for my whole life.

Classes have been better, I've been exceeding in all classes and Sirius and I talked to the headmaster about being put into astronomy classes and headmaster made the arrangements. Alden finally asked Sage out on a date, and they are beyond adorable together. Life is amazing and made worth living because of that stupid boy. "Hey, want to join me and the boys pranking Severus?" Sirius chimed, "You only want me to come because I'll get you into Slytherin common room." I laughed, "No.. no. The password is 'half bloods suck' is it not?" Sirius said, well it was but it changes dingus. "No, I'm not coming and the password is 'Pureblood' now." I smiled, "Thank you y/n." Sirius smiled and pulled her into a kiss and pulled away "I've got to find the boys! But do you want to come to Gryffindor common room in 10?" Sirius smiled,
"Of course."

I walked over to Gryffindor common room and mumbled the password and the fat lady began to talk "Where's your Gryffindor? Where is Black?" The fat lady asked, "Pranking people with the rest of the boys, they will be back in a bit." I smiled, "Oh alright." The fat lady chimed. You could tell the fat lady didn't like letting a Slytherin in, it is against the rules so I understand why.

I walked in to see Lily Evans and Marlene Mackinnon. "Y/n? Do you know where James is?" Lily asked, I think if I heard Sirius correct that Lily finally said yes to date with him, shocking right? "He's out with Sirius pranking someone." I added, "Is it Severus." Lily's tone became serious, "Uhm, Y-yes.." I didn't know whether to lie or not, but then Lily smiled, "Good." Lily announced. Who is this girl? What happened to best friend Severus Snape. "Want to sit with us?" Marlene asked, "Why not." I smiled.

I talked to the two girls and than Mary began running down the stairs. "Girls! Girls! Oh hello y/n, Girls!" Mary beamed, "Did he finally ask you out?" Marlene asked, "Yes! Yes! Yes!" Mary smiled! This must be the popular Ravenclaw I've heard Sirius complaining about. He said the three of them never stop talking about him, but now he finally asked her on a date. "Yes! Étienne Marcel!" Mary chimed, oh boy, Étienne I thought but didn't want to ruin it for Mary so stayed silent. All the girls were laughing and then the portrait opened and James ran through with Sirius behind him laughing, both smiling and they were struggling for words. "Did- did you see the look on his - face." James laughed, "Did you see Professor Mcgonagall's face when she saw us running from the Slytherin dungeons." Sirius breathed as he kept laughing. I turned to the girls "I believe it is my time to leave, have fun on your date Mary." I smiled, while getting up and walking towards Sirius. He wrapped an arm around me and pushed me up the stairs, "We have so much to tell you." Sirius smiled.

Lily's Pov

"He looks so happy with her." Marlene breathed, "I wish I had a relationship like that." Marlene smiled. "Do you think she knows?" Mary asked, "Know what?" Lily questioned. "You didn't hear? How in Merlin did you not hear about the Slytherin girl and him." Mary said with a guilty face, "Who- what Slytherin?" Lily asked, what would y/n think if she found out Sirius was with another.. "Aurora Uriel, some say it was a love potion, some say it wasn't. It was before they were official but they were still seeing each other." Marlene trembled. Y/n definitely didn't know.. but was it my place to tell her? Sirius should have told her, himself. Bloody moron.
"Shouldn't we be telling her?" Lily asked, Marlene and Mary gave Lily an odd look. "Sirius would kill us. All of us. He loves y/n with his whole heart, it would break them. It would break him." Marlene confessed, "I guess.." Lily whispered. But it still didn't feel right, y/n deserves to know.


"So you put a whole colony of fire ants into the boys dormitory.." I said looking at the two boys seriously, "Yep!" James smiled, "Sure fucking did." Sirius laughed and high fived James, "Where did you get fire ants?" I asked, these two boys will be the end of me I swear. "It's a secret!" Sirius chuckled, "Shhhhh." James joked.
"What did I miss.." Remus said walking in to see us all sitting in a circle on the floor, "The boys let out a whole colony of fire ants into the Slytherin boys dormitories." I giggled, "What! Without me?" Remus smiled, "Sorry Rem, we were in a rush." Sirius confessed. "We also got chased by Mcgonagall. She knows we did it. Detention for 2 weeks?" James asked, "Probably 3. Totally worth it though." Sirius smiled.

"I swear you three are literal children." I sighed,
"Four." Peter smiled while walking in. I nodded and began to laugh, "What's so funny l/n?" Peter asked, "This is the last place I expected myself to be in 5th year." I admitted, "Yeah we didn't expect to have a Slytherin in our midst either." James jokingly hissed. Then there was a knock at the door, "Come in!" Sirius yelled, Lily walked in and James posture went straight up "Lily what are you- why are you?" James trembled.
"Y/n can I borrow you for a second?" Lily asked.

Authors note

I apologize for this taking so long, and I know it's a bit of a short and boring chapter. Some serious events coming soon!!

Have an amazing day/night - c :-)

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