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Chapter 29
Record time

"Let's go, let's go!" James beamed tugging at my arm and pulling me out of Slytherin common room. "Did you seriously just attempt to light Severus' bed on fire? I thought it was just the curtains surrounding" I chuckled, "Why do you hate him so much?" I asked while James threw the invisibility cloak around the two of us "Because, he's Severus, what is there not to hate." He laughed while still pushing me out of the common room, "Go left, left, left left!" James whispered, we got to a straight stretch towards Gryffindor common room and he pulled off the cloak and we sprinted towards the portrait, "Holly Jolly Christmas!" James shouted as we ran through as quick as we could seeing Sirius standing beside Remus with the timer.
"6 minutes and 28 seconds. That's record time." Remus laughed and I turned to James for a high five,  "We can beat that." Sirius laughed turning to Remus, "Of course we can." He smiled, and James hid the invisibility cloak inside his robes attempting to not show that we used it,
"That's cheating!" Remus insisted, "Is not!" James replied, "Is so!" Sirius joined,
"Your just jealous you didn't inherit it!" James chuckled. "Next time James is on my team!" Remus insisted, "No me and l/n are the best team." James smirked.

"I have a quidditch game tonight, are you going to come?" Sirius asked, "Depends, who are you playing?" I asked, "Slytherin." He groaned.
"I'll be there." I smiled, "But don't expect me to cheer for Gryffindor." I chuckled before leaving his dorm and going to the courtyard to meet up with Elio. I walked into the courtyard and it began to snow as it was rounding to winter time,
"Y/n!" Elio grinned while walking towards me,
"How have you been?" He asked, "Better, I'm fully healed now." I smiled, "Are you going to the quidditch game tonight? It is Slytherin playing after all." Elio asked "Yeah I think I'll go, you should come." I insisted. "That would be nice." He replied with a warm smile. 

Elio and I went inside and talked for awhile and then he walked back to my common room,
"Let's walk down together to the pitch." I insisted, "Of course, I'll be back in 2 hours." And he turned around and left.

"Yay Alden!" Sage cheered! Alden gave Sage a warm smile. Slytherin was winning currently 40 - 20. Sirius was distracted, and let in horrible goals and saved few. If Gryffindors beaters weren't teaming up on Lestrange then Slytherin would be winning by 100 points. I often caught Sirius looking in my direction and not on the game so I finally gave in "Go Sirius!" I shouted and it looked as if a weight had been lifted off his shoulders, relief. Sirius' head was back in the game and he began to pay attention. He knew I was watching so he began to play better, not letting Lestrange get any points. Gryffindor had caught up 50-50 now. Finally Regulus had laid eyes on the snitch and he quickly went after it, chasing it with Gryffindor's seeker close behind and Regulus got hold of the snitch. James looked disappointed, Remus also looked disappointed but Sirius was smiling "Atta boy Reggie!" He shouted with a grin on his face. Finally the two were getting along. I went towards Sirius outside of the pitch and he pulled me into a kiss, and pulled away,
"I'm showing that little 'Elio' you are mine." Sirius whispered into my hair and pulled me back in, his lips slightly parted and I took in the smell off strong cologne, his hand firm on the back of my neck, I could feel my heart pounding in my chest and he pulled away, "Would you like to come drink with me and the boys?" He asked, "I'd love too." I smiled, "But I need to go tell Sage and tell Reg congratulations first." I added, "I'll come, I wanted to talk to Reggie too." He smiled.

"Where's Elio?" I asked Sage, "He left, I'm not sure why." She replied. Oh he definitely saw. Sirius must be happy. "Oh okay, well I just came to let you know I'm staying in Sirius' dorm tonight." I smiled, "Of course." Sage shook her head with a small smile. I looked around then made eye contact with Regulus, "Reg!" I shouted while running towards him and wrapping him in a close embrace, "Congratulations!" I grinned, "Thank you." He replied and looked to Sirius who was death glaring Regulus, "Congratulations little bro." Sirius smiled while offering a hand for a handshake. "You two are brothers just hug for Merlins sake!" I shook my head in disbelief, they hugged but it was very hard to watch.
"We should get going l/n, the boys are waiting." Sirius said before grabbing my hand and pulling me away. We took a shortcut that Sirius and the boys use to get into Gryffindor common room and went upstairs to see James and Remus on the floor laughing away. "I see they've already got to the alcohol." I looked to Sirius, "They sure have." He chuckled before grabbing a bottle from his side table and handing it to me.

"What are your plans for Christmas l/n?" James asked, I didn't really want to go home this year, listening to my parents complain about everything and everyone. "I think I'll just stay at the school." I shrugged, "Well that's boring." Remus laughed, "Why don't you come to my place for Christmas? Sirius, and Remus are coming too." James asked, "Yes,please come y/n, I don't think I can put up with the two of them when there's no rules." Remus sarcastically pleaded, "Please!" Sirius begged, "Maybe." I replied, maybe I would, maybe spending Christmas at the Potters would be fun, with 3 boys... for 2 weeks. "Please!" Sirius said, "I'll think about it." I replied while picking up the bottle and taking a big swig.

The night passed and I eventually just got up and crawled into Sirius' bed and fell asleep, maybe I should go to the Potters, I'd be all by myself if I stayed at the school as Sage is going to Aldens and Regulus is going home. I woke up to Sirius getting into bed, "Please come to James for Christmas." He whispered, "please, please, please." he continued, "Fine." I whispered, and he tugged me into a tight embrace where I couldn't breathe. "Go-od night Sirius." I breathed still being held tight, he released me from the tight hug, "Goodnight y/n."

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