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Chapter 30
Almost Christmas

It was time to leave for Christmas and James had informed his mother I'd be joining them for Christmas and Euphemia Potter was delighted she lived by 'The more the merrier'
We got onto the train and I somehow dragged Sirius into a carriage with Alden, Sage and Regulus. "Cant we sit with the boy-." Sirius started before I placed a finger on his lips silencing him, "Sage, Alden and Regulus get off before the rest of us, we will hangout with the boys later." I insisted. "Yes M'lady." Sirius smiled, "Oh shush." I laughed.

Regulus stared at his feet, and Sage and Alden were bickering like an old couple, and me and Sirius were having a private conversation.
"So what's your plans for Christmas?" Sage asked in attempt to strike a conversation between all of us, "Hide from Sirius and James." I laughed, Sirius put a hand on his heart in an act of offend-ness, "Your going to hangout with Remus but not me! This is bullshit." Sirius insisted, "You and James have too much energy, where as Remus is.. laid back." I added, "oh shut up! Energetic? Your the energetic one, you and James broke the record for lighting Severus' bed on fire and running." Sirius laughed, "You guys did- what?" Sage laughed, "Well it's a competition," I started, "It's whoever can run from Gryffindor tower, to the Slytherin dungeons, light the curtains of Severus' bed on fire and get back to Gryffindor tower the fastest." Sirius grinned, "and you can not get caught, by anyone." I added.
"James and Y/n got 6 minutes and 28 second, but they cheated using James invisibility cloak!" Sirius nudged me in the arm, "That's why our dorm smells of smoke like twice every 2 weeks!" Alden shouted, "Yeah.. at least we only target Severus." Sirius offered a empathetic smile.

Small talk continued, Alden and Sirius talked about dumb pranks and Quidditch, and Regulus, Sage and I talked about how annoying the boys are constantly talking about quidditch.
When the train arrived at its first stop Alden, Sage and Regulus hopped off, I gave Regulus and Sage a hug and a good old high five to Alden.
"Write to me once a week at least!" Sage insisted,
"Of course." I replied as she walked off with the two boys. Sirius and I made our way to the boys carriage and I sat beside Remus placing my head on his shoulder, "I'm convinced she likes Remus more than me." Sirius complained, "It's because I do." I smiled back, "I'm just a loveable person." Remus chuckled.

At the Potters,
When we arrived at the Potter Manor I was in pure shock, the house was extravagant, it was beyond beautiful. "If you don't close your mouth your jaw will touch the ground." Sirius laughed putting his finger below my mouth and moving it upwards. "Welcome to my amazing home." James smiled with his cocky expression,
"Oh hello, hello!" Mrs Potter exclaimed, "Sirius! Remus and Peter!." She smiled hugging each of them with a huge grin on her face. Then Mrs Potter turned to me, "Oh and you must me y/n." She held out open arms and I knew there was no getting out of this, she embrace me tightly and smelled of lavender, vanilla and sandalwood. "Your.. Sirius's girlfriend? Correct?" Mrs Potter asked, "Yes, yes she is, now mother me and my friends are going to go upstairs." James replied while motioning us to follow him, "Alright dear, call if you need anything; all of you." She insisted.
"We are not dating." I nudged Sirius, "For now." He whispered.

James led us through the hallways, as I admired the paintings and photos of James as a baby, "This place is beautiful." I breathed, "I know." James stated. "Peter, this will be your room. Across the hall, Remus. I'll be upstairs in my own room, Sirius and y/n.. there is two rooms, share, don't share your choice. I'm going to unpack meet you downstairs for dinner at 5." James said while turning around and running up another set of stairs. I turned to Sirius and he tugged my arm into the closest room.

A few days later James ran into Sirius and I's room, "Get up you two! Now, now, now! You two have 10 minutes to be downstairs, and dress warm." James smiled before running out of our room and making his way to Remus' room and then Peters. "What the hell are we doing?" I asked Sirius, "No clue .. but we need to get up. You never want to be late with James." He smirked and pulled me off the bed, Sirius pulled a toque on my head and grinned down at me holding my face, "You're beautiful you know that." He said with a big smile on his face.
"You're a flirt, did you know that?" I smiled back at him while grabbing his hand and walking out of the room and rushing downstairs.
"We're going skating." James grinned holding up a pair of ice skates, "I can't -." I complained, "I don't care, you will learn." James laughed.

We walked down to a near by lake, Sirius' hand in mine, with the cold air brushing across my face, my cheeks went pink out of the coldness as snow slowly fell. We sat down on a bench beside the lake, I sat down and Sirius grabbed my skates tying them for me, he grabbed my hands as I stood up and got hold of my balance and all the boys began to laugh, "This is going to be hilarious." Peter beamed, "I don't know, I've never seen Remus on skates either." James added, "Mm let's see who's the worst skater." Sirius chimed, "Is this a competition?" Me and Remus asked in unison, "Indeed it is." James chuckled.

I slowly began to get used to these stupid skates, I was indeed better than Remus, but I was still holding Sirius' hand, James began to skate backwards trying to show off. "I can do better than that!" Sirius insisted and he let go of my hand and went up to James and did a horrific pirouette, it was indeed very ugly but it wasn't bad for on skates. "That was horrid." James chuckled before turing and attempting a pirouette himself. "I truly can't decide who's was the ugliest." I chimed, "Both." Peter and Remus said in unison.

I eventually got used to the skates and was able to skate without constantly holding Sirius' hand but by no means was I good at this, there was a many slips, falls, and close calls but I was getting better. The boys noticed I was getting better on skates and that's when they decided it would be appropriate to have a snow ball fight.
"I can barley stand on these damn things! And you want me to pick up snow, form it into a ball and throw it? I don't think I can even do step one of these things!" I complained, "Sucks to be you!" Peter laughed before throwing a snowball at me and that was followed by Remus, James and Sirius all throwing them at me as well. "This isn't fair!" I laughed, "No it isn't.. that's why it's fun." Sirius chimed and threw another.

Authors note

I apologize for the boring chapter, next chapter will be about the break!!
Also new cover, I decided to change it because the other one was kinda boring.. anyways have a lovely day/night - c <33

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