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Chapter 48

"Yeah, for sure." Sirius smiled while pushing himself from the floor, we left and went towards the courtyard, as we walked past, heads turned.
People must have seen Regulus I thought.
"Why is everybody looking at us weirdly?" Sirius whispered. "I'll explain in a second." I replied.
As we walked towards a nearby tree and sat down  "Regulus is back and he doesn't look too good." I stated, "Where is he?" Sirius asked eagerly,
"He's going to talk to Alden and Sage." I responded. "Why didn't you tell me sooner." Sirius snapped. "I just saw him, I came to you right away." I said quietly trying to keep him calm. "Mhm." He laughed, "I did Sirius! I just saw him in the hall, I ran into Elio and Étienne and then came to find you. What do you not understand?" I asked, "Well if you hadn't run into the two boys, you would have gone and told Alden and Sage." He replied. "Those two don't change anything?" I suggested, "You only came to Gryffindor cause it was closer and you needed a getaway." Sirius seethed. "Sirius, he's your brother. Of course I'd come find you first." I insisted. "No, no you wouldn't have." Sirius protested. "Sirius, I came to you first." I replied,
"Only cause you had too!" Sirius seethed.
"No! I went to tell you because I know how stressed you've about all of this, I came to tell you cause I thought you'd be happy, but apparently not." I replied,

"You know what? Fuck you y/n, you're messing everything up! Maybe if we hadn't got together, none of this would have happened! Maybe my brother would be safe." Sirius hissed.
I didn't reply.
I unclasped the necklace around my neck and placed it in his hand.
"I'll tell Regulus to come see you." I said while standing up and beginning to leave.
"Y/n." Sirius pleaded,
"Y/n don't do this." He said, I kept walking.
"Y/n please!" Was the last thing I heard before     i'd walked far enough out of ear shot.

I heard foot steps running towards me from down the hall, "Sirius I don't want to hear it!" I said turning around to Sage.
"Oh.. you're not Sirius." I laughed,
"What the fuck did he do this time?" Sage said clenching her fists, "Nothing, just a disagreement." I shrugged, "Where is he?" Sage asked, "Sage it's fine." I reassured.
"If he steps another toe out of line.. he's gonna eat my fist." She laughed while raising her fist.
Alden walked behind Sage.
"Did you hear? He's back!" Alden smiled.
"Y-yeah, I did." I grinned.

The next few days I ignored Sirius, in fact I ignored James and Peter too. I still talk to Remus, as per usual, but he is an exception.
But today would be uncomfortable, there is a meeting for the order. I walked with Remus towards Dumbledores office.
"That necklace he gave you, is sitting on his nightstand. He stares at it every night." Remus told me, and I didn't say anything.
"He misses you," Remus began,
"I don't honestly care, I hope he regrets everything he said." I told him, before Sirius walked up behind us. "Remus, why are you talking to her." He said before shaking his head and walking away.
"He doesn't seem to miss me." I sort of chuckled.

When we sat down in Dumbledores office he talked a whole bunch of nonsense. It was all the usual, only teach useful hexes and jinx's, don't mention his name, make it secret and don't include Slytherins. But I did convince him to allow Sage and Alden. "That was a waste of time." I said to Remus shaking my head as we walked out of his office, "I swear he says the same thing every time." Remus agreed.

A month has passed and went by rather quick, I haven't talked to Sirius at all or had much collision with him other than his snarky comments he makes. "You need to ignore him." Sage suggested. "I know." I snapped back,
"I'm just trying to help." Sage said.
"I know." I replied while burying my head in my hands. "I'm sorry." I said while tears started to well in my eyes.

Professor Slughorn stood before the class,
"Good morning students, today we will be making draught of living death." Slughorn announced. Whispers erupted from around the room, I looked over to the boys and they were all looking towards Severus. They obviously had some horrible plan in mind. "If someone manages to brew to perfection, the winner will receive a vile of Veritaserum." Slughorn announced and students began to talk, "Begin." Slughorn said and all the students began to work.

I was working beside Sage and Alden, as I was holding the cauldron to an angle and added the wormwood, I looked over to the table with the boys and they were all actually trying. That's a first. Which means they want the Veritaserum.
I can't just let them have it, "Sage, Alden." I whispered and they looked at me strangely "What?" They said in unison, "We need to get the Veritaserum." I mumbled, "Why?" Sage asked,
"So they don't." I said nodding in the boys direction, "Let's do this." Alden smiled while dropping the valerian root into a beaker.

We continued, mine began to turn into a black liquid. Good sign. I watched Sage as she carefully poured sopophorous bean liquid into her cauldron. Alden was very much ahead of the two of us as his began to turn to a lilac colour.
"I'm going to start checking in five minutes!" Slughorn announced and Severus had already raised his hand, Slughorn walked over to inspect while dropping a leaf into the potion, it dissolved he'd done it. At least the boys will not get-

The cauldron blew up, and I watched James high five Sirius.
"Mr Potter, and Mr Black! Detention for both of you! 1 month! You two young fellas just lost Gryffindor fifty points!" Slughorn yelled, and all the Gryffindor students groaned at the two boys shenanigans. "Worth it!" Sirius smiled,
"Totally!" James chimed.
Alden just shook his head,
"At least they won't get the Veritaserum." Alden shrugged.
"I guess." I replied.

The next week I went to study with Remus in the library. "This is the first day Sirius hasn't talked about you." Remus sort of laughed,
"Finally." I laughed, but I wasn't happy about it. I was wretched and gloomy, I wanted to be with Sirius, but I can't, because everything is my "fault". "He misses you." Remus said fidgeting with his fingers,
"We all do." Remus added.
I just smiled in return.

Sirius came around the corner, "Remus, .. l/n." Sirius stated, "Mm last name basis." I sort of laughed underneath my breath.
"What did you say?" Sirius asked,
"No what did you say?" Sirius demanded,
"I didn't say anything."
"Yeah you did." Sirius seethed.
"What's your problem with me, Merlin." I replied, "No no, what's your problem with me?" Sirius asked, "That you blamed Regulus' disappearance on me." I replied,
"I didn't mean it l/n." Sirius said,
"For sure." I laughed out of annoyance,
"if you wouldn't mind." I said getting up walking past Sirius, "Bye Remus." I smiled and looked towards Sirius giving him a fake smile.

Remus POV

Y/n had gotten up and left, and for good reason, Sirius was being a bitch. "Well now she thinks you hate her." I laughed, "I don't." Sirius replied while he looked to his hands. "Well you calling her 'l/n' was already a bad start." I stated,
"I know Remus! I know." Sirius stated while tears reached his eyes. "You really miss her?" I said,
"Of course I do! I miss everything about her." Sirius said while a tear ran down his cheek and he quickly wiped it away. "How are you going to win her back?" I asked. "I've been asking myself the same question for almost two months."

Authors note

I'm sorry..  I've been planning this for a little while..
I think there will be quite a few POV changes in the next few chapters :)

That's all, have a fantastic day/night - c <3

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