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Chapter 41
That is the whole art

"Good evening." Dumbledore announced as James, Sirius and I walked into his office, Remus and Peter were already here, and for Regulus, I'm not sure. He's been distant as of lately.
I sat down beside Remus, "I'm going to fall asleep." Remus whispered, "Is it past your bedtime Remy?" I teased, "Actually yes, how would I look this beautiful without my beauty sleep?" Remus smiled, "You hangout with James and Sirius too much." I complained, "Did I sound like them?" Remus asked worriedly. "It was the equivalent to constantly using panache." I laughed before being interrupted by Dumbledore. "We have one month left of school, and from my knowledge the dark lord has not been planning an attack on Hogwarts." Dumbledore praised, "He's unpredictable." I murmured, "Yes, yes Mrs L/n he is unpredictable, so we shall be ready for anything." Dumbledore added.

"You all look exhausted, so go back to your dorms, good luck on your O.W.L.S and I'll see you 5 in September." Dumbledore announced before shooing us away, "Do you guys want to join us stargazing?" Sirius asked the rest of the group, "Why not." James smiled, "Sure." Remus grinned, "Fine!" Peter groaned but ended up laughing right after.

I woke up and Sirius wasn't beside me, I looked up to see him judging James outfit options,
"You look like my grandfather." Sirius laughed, "Really? Your grandfather has good taste." James grinned before turning looking for better options. James now turned with a black coat, and baggy jeans. "No." I groaned from afar, "Good morning love!" Sirius chimed, "It's James first date!" Sirius teased, "I've went on plenty dates you fool!" I heard James yell from the bathroom.
James eventually walked out in an outfit that was decent and we agreed on it, "Do you think Lily has apparated before?" I asked James, "I'm guessing not." James responded.
"Lily!" I smiled as we came down from the boys dorms and I pulled her into a tight hug, "Sirius is grabbing stuff for a picnic from the kitchens, he'll be here any moment." I informed her.
James was being shy, "James?" I asked, "Y-yes." He stuttered, I'd never seen this boy nervous, this boy had more than plenty enough confidence for all the maraduers. James and Lily were making small talk until Sirius came through the door with a picnic basket in his left hand and a bottle of champagne in his right,
"No James, you can't have any of this." Sirius smiled holding up the bottle of champagne, "It's for y/n." Sirius declared.

We left and walked towards Hogsmeade so we could apparate to this supposed beach they are talking so highly of, Sirius grabbed my hand, and a feel of twisting and turning and the feeling in the pit of my stomach that always happens, I stumbled a bit but caught my balance quickly. "You're getting better." Sirius smiled, "You need to learn how to on your own, I'm not always going to be there to save your life." Sirius said with his cocky smirk, but the words sank in repeating over and over in my head. I'd never put a ton of thought into the fact something could happen in the war, I could lose him, he could lose me. I could lose absolutely everything.
James and Lily arrived minutes after and Lily looked like she wanted to slap James, "You didn't tell her we were apparating did you?" I asked James, "You will feel less sick if you don't think about it." James protested, "What if we get caught?" Lily demanded, "That's the whole art Evans, just don't get caught." Sirius grinned.

We'd eventually settled in taking in the view of the mountains and beautiful blue lake in front of us, "Why this place?" I asked Sirius, "In 1st year, my mother found out I was hanging out with people of muggle blood." Sirius began, "Remus and Peter." He clarified, I nodded showing him I was listening "My mother forced me out of the house, she didn't want to see me at all. She was infuriated, but I had enough time to write to James. James showed up at my place within twenty minutes and we went to his place, the next day they brought us here, it became a tradition, a family tradition." Sirius said, "This is also the lake we went skating on during Christmas." Sirius added.
"Why didn't you tell me that earlier? I knew I had recognized it. That means the Potters is right over there." I said pointing into the distance.

"She figured out where we are finally?" James asked several feet away, "I kind of told her." Sirius shrugged. "She looks happy." I smiled talking about Lily, "What can I say James is a natural, well I taught him everything of course." Sirius smirked, "Will you ever just be modest?" I teased, "Only for you." Sirius smiled with a wink.

Authors Note

Hello lovely readers, I loveee reading all the comments you have been leaving, one more chapter before we wrap up 5th year!! Yayy!!

Sorry this is sort of short I've been busy :/

-c :~)

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