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Chapter 52


Order training has continued, we'd taught the students how to disarm and defend, and today we would duel. Put there knowledge to the test.
"Don't you think this is a little .. I don't know- dangerous?" Remus asked, "What? Having fifty ish students fight each other?" I laughed.
Well they won't all be fighting each other of course, but there is high probability someone could possibly get injured. I'd ignored James usual speech of not telling anyone, being safe, and of course 'having fun' James and Alden were to duel as an example, I felt bad for James.
James truly is a powerful wizard, but Alden has been duelling since he could crawl.
"3, 2.." Sirius said, and Alden has already shot a spell at James hitting him straight in the chest throwing him to the ground. James pushed himself to his feet quickly, he shot a spell to Aldens direction. And Alden didn't move his wand, he slightly raised his index and the spell hit an invisible barrier.
"Wandless magic." James breathed.
I knew Alden would win just because of that.

"Why don't we get someone else to duel. Sirius and erm.. y/n." James suggested, of course James backs down because he's afraid to lose, and then decides to make Sirius and I duel. Thanks a lot James. I nodded in agreement knowing I could easily win, last year Alden's parents had taught Sage and I wandless magic, I'm not very good.
But I can still do it.

"3.. 2.. 1!" Remus announced and Sirius had already shot a spell in my direction. I didn't want him to know I could use wandless magic just yet. So I lifted my wand cutting it downwards as a purple barrier shielded me. "Stupefy!" I shouted while directing my wand into Sirius' direction, but Sirius wasn't weak, he quickly threw his wand up making a quick barrier of red light.
"Don't go easy on me l/n! Or is that all you've got?" Sirius chuckled while shooting a spell quickly, but not quick enough. I directed my wand making a circle of white light and it quickly expanded to block me from Sirius' quick shot.
"All I've got? Not close." I laughed while directing fire up with the use of my hand, I heard the students gasp.
"Where the fuck did you two learn this?" James exclaimed, "Three." Sage corrected with a laugh.
"Language James!" Lily said while hitting him in the arm.

But I had to keep my focus on the fire ahead of me I twisted my hand up and pushed the fire towards Sirius, as he put up a shield of water I switched back to my wand. "Fiendfyre." I smiled while more flames shot from my wand and crept towards Sirius.
"Aguamenti." Sirius grinned while lifting his wand up and a rush of water came in my direction, I fought the fire back towards him.
I pushed my wand down in a swift motion and quickly threw it back across making a quick shield of fire. Sirius drew back the water and that's when he was vulnerable.
"Stupefy!" I smirked and shot the red bolt of light towards him. There it was, right in the chest and he fell to the floor. I defeated Sirius Black.
Everyone around me began to applaud.
I looked down to Sirius, he wasn't mad, or embarrassed, he looked proud with a huge smile across his handsome face.

Sirius POV

As I laid with my back to the floor, everyone was applauding y/n, and I'd like to say I'm embarrassed. But I'm not, losing to her is an exception. It's relief too. To know she can defend herself. I looked up to her with a smile on my face, and to my surprise, she smiled back.
Maybe all she needed was to shoot a couple spells at me? Y/n walked towards me taking my hand and pulling me from the floor, "That was - really good." I smiled, "You weren't too bad yourself. Until you let your guard down." She laughed, Merlin I missed that laugh. "I want a rematch soon l/n." I smiled before going to help the same Slytherin first year I've been helping for the last two weeks.


The next day I was with Lily and Remus in Hogsmeade, we decided to stop for butterbeer, and went into a few small shops.
"Once, Sirius and y/n we're on a date. And James, Peter and I crashed it thinking it hilarious." Remus began, "It was not funny, Sirius was furious!" I protested with a laugh,
"Yeah he wasn't happy with us after." Remus added. "James and I went on a date here, and he bought me these earrings." Lily said while tucking her hair behind her ear showing us dangling diamond earrings, "Wow." Remus said, "I know." Lily replied.

We walked back to the school and were walking towards the courtyard, but in the distance I noticed a flash of silver. "Did you see-?" I asked in a bit of shock, "See what?" Remus asked,
"The silver," I said trailing off to why it looked so incredibly familiar. Death eaters
"Death eaters!" I said to Remus,
"No, no. They're not here.. we would hear screaming or something." Remus suggested and in that moment we heard a scream come from inside of the school. "That had to have been a coincidence." Remus suggested nervously, and black smoke came from different directions,
"Not a coincidence." Lily breathed.

Sears of light were coming from everywhere as Lily, Remus and I fought off near by Death eaters, I heard footsteps and it was James and Peter, "Stuepfy!" The two yelled in unison pointing there wands to separate death eaters knocking them both to the ground.
"Yeah, we're here to save the day!" James chimed, "We were doing fine without you two." Lily laughed while still fighting off a death eater.
"Let's us have our moment Evans!" James smiled before shooting a spell at another death eater.

"Where is Sirius?" I asked, I immediately knew I shouldn't have said anything cause James, Remus and Peter all gave me weird looks.
"I don't know." James said, "Last time I saw him he was in the library." Peter added.
I took off, running towards the library.
Please be here Sirius.

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