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Chapter 36

"What happened Reg?" I asked while Regulus walked in with sweat trailing from his forehead with a gash across his jaw and he was pale as ever, "Death eaters." Regulus mumbled,
"Sit down." James motioned him to sit down on his bed. Regulus sat down without saying a word, he buried his head into his hands, "We're screwed." He muttered. We're screwed? Is the dark lord that dangerous. "What- what do you mean Reggie?" Sirius asked, "He's powerful, too powerful." Regulus mumbled, I got up and left going to find something to clean up Regulus's wound and also to get away from them, it hurt my heart seeing Regulus in that state, he was tired and could barley talk. I'm not sure what he saw, but whatever it was could not have been good.

I grabbed a small towel soaking it in warm water, I walked back to James room and Regulus was sitting the exact same way as when I had left. I sat down beside him lightly pressing the towel to his jaw, the wound was still bleeding but he didn't show any emotion to show he was in pain, blood was dried on his neck and you could see dried tears below his eyes. "We will go make tea." James offered while motioning Sirius to come with him. "Reg," I began, "I don't want - to talk about it." He trembled. I didn't want to push him so I stayed silent still cleaning the cut on his jaw, and moving onto the cut below his left eye, "There is a lot of them." Regulus whispered, "Hundreds." He added. How can a school of under 1000 students with ages ranging from 11-17 compete with hundreds of death eaters, the simple answer is we can't, we aren't trained for this. We shouldn't have to train for this,
"They're cruel." Regulus added before going completely silent again not speaking of what happened.

"We brought tea." James chimed while coming in with a platter a kettle, tea, sugar and honey and a few snacks, "What kind of tea do you want Reg?" James asked and Regulus just shrugged.
"Give him white, it will calm him." Sirius suggested and James nodded, Sirius knelt in front of Regulus, "You can talk to us, and I know you're scared and tired, but we're scared too." Sirius offered a sympathetic smile. Regulus didn't say anything he just laid his head on my shoulder as I sat there in hope I was comforting him somehow.

2 hours earlier,
Regulus POV

I took off my mask looking to the mystery girl in front of me, she'd looked oddly familiar, blonde hair with grey eyes but then black smoke began to come from all directions and the girl disappeared in the chaotic amount of people. I looked towards the exit to see Sirius pulling Y/n out of the ballroom, I tried to look for James and he'd apparated out. I was torn between running for Y/n and Sirius, or apparating by myself, but where do I go. I remember Sirius always told me to go to the Potters, so that's where I'd go ..
until a spell shot me square in the chest, I flew to the ground hitting the wooden floor hard, I could hear screams and scurrying feet then I saw stars. It was beautiful sight until I fell unconscious, but not for long. I was hit with another spell and I could feel blood trickling from my mouth down my jaw. "Regulus Black, would it be nice to have another Black under our roof." What sounded like a man laughed, "Yes my lord." A scared man smiled, "How about that? Mr Black, I know you envy your brother.. join us," The who must be the dark lord hissed, "Never." I laughed, "I'd never join your foolish-." But I couldn't finish my sentence when a red bolt left the dark lords wand, I could feel bones cracking and my blood boiling, I could feel cuts forming across my arms and face and sweat began to trickle down my forehead.
The cruciatus curse.
I'm certainly surprised he didn't kill me, "By your 7th year you will join us. Whether you like it or not." Was the last thing I heard before falling out unconscious from incredible pain.

I'd woken up to an unfamiliar man waking me up from the ballroom floor, still death eaters fighting off wizards and witches left and right, I stood up and caught my balance before apparating to the Potters manor. I'd been here once after Sirius ran away and Mother and I had to come looking for him. I knocked at the door and Ms Potter answered, "You must be Regulus! Are you alright dear?" She asked, "Yes, I'm alright." I lied while trying to smile, "Well James, your brother and y/n are up the stairs and in the first room on your left, if you need anything let me know." Ms Potter smiled I nodded while limping up the stairs and here I am, scared? Terrified? Petrified,


"Please drink something Reg, you look dehydrated." I confessed while trying to offer him tea and then water, but he refused both. Colour was beginning to come back to his cheeks but he still looked unwell, he still had that scared look across his face.
"Why don't you get some rest?" I offered and he simply nodded, I walked him down the hall to one of the guest bedrooms and left the tea and water at his bedside.
"Goodnight Reg." I smiled,
"Goo-d night y/n." He croaked.

I walked back to James room sitting beside Sirius while laying my head on his shoulder, "What do we do?" I asked, "Do about what?" Sirius asked.
"Everything." I confessed, "Your brother is scared, we have a rising dark lord at the midst, our school will be in danger." I offered, Sirius and James stayed silent, "We need to talk to the teachers, about everything." James replied, "We need the students to be prepared, what if we started training the younger students?" Sirius added while me and James just nodded.

"We should get some rest." Sirius offered while taking my hand as we walked to the guest bedroom across from Regulus, I laid down beside Sirius as he wrapped his arm around me holding me close to his chest, I held on tighter then usual, I took in every second more than usual. Everything is going to change, it's just a matter of time.

Authors note

I love reading your guys comment they keep me writing, I hope this was up to expectations. I know it's a lot to unfold but I hope you all enjoyed, have a lovely day - c<33

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