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Chapter 57


"Reg I can't just leave, I have to fight. And besides I'm not leaving Sirius alone." I told Regulus, "Sirius has James, Remus, Alden, Sage and Lily. He's fine." Regulus inquired, "Why didn't you say Peter?" Sirius asked,
"An- and Peter too." Regulus stammered but Sirius just shook his head, Peter betrayed us all.
"If you won't take her, I will." Regulus seethed,
"I'm not taking her, she doesn't want too. As much as I'd like her to be in a safe house some where. It isn't an option." Sirius replied,
"Fine then." Regulus said and took hold of my arm and I had no time to protest. We had twisted and turned until I felt solid ground beneath my feet, I looked to Regulus and he took that stupid silver mask off, "I'm sorry," he mumbled.

Sirius POV

Y/n had disappeared with Regulus, I was frustrated with him, he goes missing every few weeks and this time he comes back and takes her away? This is stupid. I know she is safe somewhere, I hope. So now I called over Remus, as we fought together but still I couldn't focus with the fact she was gone to who knows where.
"Have you seen Lily and James recently?" I asked Remus, "Erm no." Remus blankly responded.
"We should go inside and find them, we should find Alden and Sage too." I suggested, I usually wouldn't go to Alden and Sage because they're okay on their own. But I'm checking for y/n.
"Erm okay." Remus replied while sending one final spell at the death eater before him.

We ran inside, and there was double the amount of death eaters compared to outside.
"Well this will be fun." I teased,
"Not fun." Remus replied.

Regulus POV

I knew if the dark lord found out I had warned y/n I'd be dead, but it's better than her being forced into joining this cult. If I could take back anything, I wish I'd asked the dark lord to kill me before I had to fight alongside him. Everyone assumes they have an understanding of what it is like in headquarters. But being constantly under watch of the dark lord is miserable, and is ten times worse than you could imagine, the place is dark and dirty and wreaks of death. There's blood stains covering the walls, and every person in the room would kill you if they were allowed, they find it soothing.

The dark lord calls upon death eaters during meetings if they look nervous; he might make them kill the person beside them, or do something violent. The dark lord is insane.
"Why the hell am I here? Bring me back!" Y/n insisted, "No." I replied, "What? No? Bring me back now Regulus." Y/n seethed.
"I can't." I replied, "Why? Why can't you bring me back. At least tell me that." She asked,
"The dark lord, he knows you know too much. He wants you alongside us, or dead. It would be your choice." I replied, "What? What do you mean." She asked nervously. "He found out that you know about his search for the deathly hallows. If he finds you, you will be forced to get the mark, or get killed." I replied, it hurt to see her face. She didn't know what she would want. Sirius would never forgive her for turning on them, but if she had gotten killed he'd be heartbroken forever. Was there a right choice?
"What do I? What do I do?" She asked,
"You hide. That's why your here." I replied.
She wasn't impressed.

James POV

I ran with Lily's hand in mine, we'd fought so many death eaters I couldn't even keep count.
We still haven't seen Sirius, y/n or Remus in forever but prayed they were alright. "Mr Potter." Seethed a voice from behind us, "Ah and Mrs Evans.. the Mudblood." The voice laughed.
I turned around ready to beat the shit out of this pathetic man. But I turned to see a cold skinned man, with fragile long fingers. The dark lord himself. "Mr Potter, you have something I want." The dark lord seethed, "What?" I asked trying to act clueless, "You have one of the three deathly hallows. Where is it?" The dark lord asked.
"I have no such thing." I lied. "Don't act stupid Mr Potter, your friend told me all about it." The dark lord hissed.
Fuck you Peter.

"Hand it over, and we will leave everyone at ease, it's as easy as that." The dark lord suggested, but I couldn't just let him become master of death. He would become even more dangerous.
"Sir, you must be mistaken I have no such thing." I lied again, he shot a spell to my chest knocking me to the floor on my knees, I could see Lily flinch to the abrupt movement. "It's my lord for you." He seethed. "Where is the cloak Potter?" The dark lord asked while moving his wand to the side and I could hear my arm crack, "I don't have it." I managed, "You do!" He shouted while quickly moving his wand to the left and I felt my other arm crack. Tears left my eyes and the only words I could manage were "I don't .. have it." And that's when everything went blurry and I could hear muffled voices. Then a scream.
Then everything went dark.

Sirius POV

We still haven't found Lily and James, we saw Sage and Alden and they both seemed to be doing just fine on there own. "Aren't you worried about her?" I asked Remus, "Y/n? I know I should be but no, she's talented and strong that she can always defend herself. Plus she is with Regulus." Remus smiled, "I know, I know but I should be with her." I added, "She's going to be okay, I mean she is y/n l/n." Remus said with a big smile, The fact that y/n is strong, smart and independent gave me a small feeling of ease, but still a feeling of guilt and worry filled my whole body.

hI'm fucking petrified.

Authors note

I see all your guys comments and absolutely love them, I don't have a lot to say.. but I thought I'd give you guys a 'sneak peak' at the next three chapters.. so I'm going to drop the names of the next 3 :)



Remember us

Lolll anyways goodmorning/ goodnight - c<33

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