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Chapter 64


I sat at a small table in Gryffindor common room, James sitting across with Lily at his side.
Remus was off on the couch asleep after the full moon. "It's been four fucking months." James seethed, "We know." Lily said trying to calm him.
James has been angry, a lot lately. Everyday he finds something to be mad about, and if Lily wasn't here; he would've went fully insane.
"Let's storm the ministry again." James suggests, "What's that going to do? They said they will not give him a trial. It's no good." I glumly replied.
"Fuck!" James yelled while hitting his hand harshly against the table, he quickly got up and stormed out of the room leaving us in silence.
"I- should go get him," Lily said while slowly getting up and following.

I got up and sat by Remus' feet, "Sirius always joked about being the light in our lives. But I never noticed how much he really impacted us. All of us." Remus sighed, I didn't know what to say, so I nodded in response.
We sat in silence, but not for long. The portrait swung open and Lily and him quickly ran through throwing it shut behind them.
"What the fuck." Remus laughed,
"Leave." James panted.
"What? Why?" I asked.
"They - they're back." James said heaving like he'd ran a few miles.
"You've got to be kidding me." Remus said getting to his feet and pulling his wand out, he offered me a hand and pulled me up.
"We can't leave Potter. We have to stay," I protested. "Y/n is right." Lily added.

"Fuck, okay." James said while taking a hold of Lily's hand. "Let's go." James added leading us out of the common room.
We walked out and students were already running all over the place.
Less students then the usual, some parents had brought their children home presuming the school was too dangerous, others parents were death eaters and had no choice.
"We need to get to the great hall, that's where all the commotion will be." Remus said, we all nodded and began to run towards the great hall.
I ran beside Remus and he came to an abrupt stop, "Stupefy!" Remus shouted knocking the man to the ground, Remus laughed and motioned for us to keep running.

We'd made it to the middle of the commotion, but there were no professors, just students fighting off grown women and men.
This is fucking bullshit.
I watched Lily run over to a couple of first years and push them away, making them run to Hogsmeade. Lily tried to get as many as the younger students out, and James, Remus and I kept fighting. The death eaters were quite amateurs to duelling, for working underneath one of the or maybe even the most powerful wizard; you'd assume they'd be a bit stronger.

Lily had joined again with us. But it still felt odd.
No Sirius showing off all his new spells he'd learned, no James trying to show Sirius up.
No Peter cowering behind James.
Remus was usually laughing.
But it's all changed, and it's never going to go back.

"Severus?" Lily gasped.
"Lily. This isn't the time." A cloaked person said quietly. "Snivellus? Snivellus is a death eater! I never thought you were that bad of a person!" James laughed. "I'm not a bad person!" Snape snapped. "Well, Lily here is a muggle-born if you didn't know, and you just joined a cult- I mean group of wizards who are trying to kill muggles." James protested with cockiness in his tone.
"I never thought you'd stoop that low." Remus chuckled.
"I can't believe you." Lily trembled.

Lily was hurt when Snape called her a 'mudblood' but now she saw the side of Snape we all see.
"Snivellus! Aren't you a half blood yourself?" James laughed, "Right! The half blood prince." Remus sang.
"Stupefy!" Remus yelled, he was too fast for Snape. The red and green light fought, as the green light inched forward toward the red.
Snape may be a strong wizard, but Remus was above all when it came to duelling.

The green light finally reached the end shooting Snape to the floor. James began to laugh, "Awe. Sucks to be you," James said, and this was the first time I'd seen Lily not get mad at James for making fun of Snape. Instead she went with it.
"Yeah, I thought you were a good person. Guess I should've listened to James sooner." Lily said with a huge smile, she took James hand in hers and kissed him on the cheek.
"You're dead Potter!" Snape yelled.
"Mhm? Is that so?" James smiled.
"YOU! Get everyone, and get them! Kill him." Snape demanded to the near by death eater,
"Crucio!" Snape yelled, but of course, James already saw it coming.
James and Lily apparated from the castle.

"Me and you now." Remus said with half a smile.
"Yeah, and we are fucking screwed." I smiled back before beginning to take on the fight ahead of us, burst of green and red light beaming from all corners of the room, and black smoke coming from all over. Some death eaters were apparating out and some in, either way; we were outnumbered.

We began to get circled and I looked to Remus in fear. I knew he could fight, but could I?
More students had ran off, and it was only Remus and I plus a few 6th and 7th years.
Remus and I were back to back fighting off as many as we could, until I looked over to see someone who looked like Sirius, I got distracted and a blue light went directly to my stomach.
I collapsed into someone's arms, I looked to see a silver mask.
Then my eyes shut.


Guesses on the silver mask?
(Hint there on the orders side)

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