Chapter 4

As I entered the library my eyes search the room for Sirius, he wasn't anywhere in plain sight so I began to look through the aisles. Nothing, until, I reached the end. Of course he was in the very back. I said nothing as I pulled out a chair and sat down beside him. 'Potions Notes' is the title of his paper I read in my head, "Hello Ms L/n." Sirius smiled still not looking up from his paper, "Good evening Mr Black." I replied with a slight smile tugging at my lips. "What are you here for? To confess your love?" He laughed while setting down his quill. I sat back into my chair giving him a disapproving look, "Well, I was going to say yes to Hogsmeade.. but maybe I'll change my mind after your sly comment." I teased.
"No! No, I take it back." He chuckled while acting all shocked. Sirius is quite the character, but maybe it's just a persona. "I'm kidding-" I replied, "Kidding about saying yes or about changing your mind?" Sirius asked concerned.
I didn't say anything, "Saturday, 10 A.M meet me by the great hall," I smiled, and Sirius eyes went wide while his cheeks went to a light pink.
I didn't say anything else, I walked out of the library without another word.

Sirius Pov:

She just- y/n.
Y/n .. she just said yes to going on a date with me. Regulus is going to be so jealous. I was still in disbelief, she just said yes. I pinched my cheek making sure I wasn't day dreaming again, but, I just winced at the pain of the pinch. But what will people think, a Slytherin with a Gryffindor? This never happens, the rivalry always gets in the way.
Gryffindors are too stuck up to admit that Slytherin students are actually really fun to be around, and Slytherin students are too reserved to talk to us, they're scared we might just bite.
Maybe this is a prank? It could be a big scheme that Regulus and Remus have been planning.
What an unexpected duo. No, Remus wouldn't do that. But Regulus would. I had to shake the thought from my head that Remus wouldn't do such a thing, and I don't think y/n would either. 
I needed to tell James, not just because of how excited I was, but also because James owes me two galleons.

I rushed into our dorms, "You owe me two fucking galleons!" I shouted, "Wha- you did not!" James shouted back, I looked to Remus and Peter and they looked very confused but I ignored it. "She said yes!" I laughed, "She said yes?" Remus asked, "Yup!" I replied with a big grin, "Congrats Pads." Peter said with a small smile, "We are all very proud." James said while he pat my back.

A few days later,

I woke up to a blaring alarm, I looked to my clock and I had an hour to get ready and get to the great hall. I looked over to Sages bed and she began to sit up, "Go back to bed." I insisted.
"Um I'm not letting you get ready for a date without me." She laughed while rubbing her eyes.
I began to get ready while listening to Sage talk about herself and Alden distracting Regulus. 
How am I supposed to leave without Regulus seeing me? I just pray he hasn't woken up yet or that Alden has a plan in mind. It's horrible that I can't just tell him, I should be able to tell him and he should just be happy for me. But he wouldn't be so, I grabbed my wallet and hugged Sage goodbye, "If you're not back by 6pm I'm going to assume your dead and send Alden after you." Sage laughed, "Haha." I mimicked before walking towards the great hall. I saw Sirius was already standing there with a big grin, "You look amazing." He breathed, "And so do you." I replied. "Shall we leave?" He asked. "We shall." I responded. 

We walked outside and the cold breeze hit our faces, then I felt Sirius's hand graze next to mine and within a breath, my fingers were interlocked with his. I didn't mind, and it kept my hand from freezing and was comforting. When we arrived at the entrance to Hogsmeade we walked towards the sweets shop, Sirius held the  door open and I walked through beginning to browse with him shortly behind. Within minutes of browsing, there was a knock at the window. Ignored it thinking nothing of it, but then someone knocked again. Sirius gave me a weird look but neither of us bothered to look. "Y/n! Sirius!" A distant voice yelled. I looked at Sirius and he looked back.
We both turned our attention to the window.
And of course, there stood James, Remus and Peter.
Oh my Merlin.

James cupped Remus's face and looked him in the eyes while over exaggerating every movement. James takes his free hand and points his finger to Sirius and I, and then back to himself and Remus. James slowly leans in, until their lips are merely inches apart. But Remus and James began to burst out laughing, In the back you could see Peter absolutely losing it he was laughing so hard. But Sirius didn't find it very funny, he gave them a look and the three of them took off in a sprint while still dying of laughter.
Sirius looked to me and took both my hands into his, "I am- so sorry." He sort of laughed but still tried to stay serious, "I sort of saw it coming, I shouldn't have told them when we were coming. They always have to be up to some sort of mischief ." Sirius added "It's okay, it was actually quite funny and there acting was flawless." I teased and I saw Sirius sigh in relief.
"Should we go to the three broomsticks?" Sirius suggested. "We definitely should." I smiled in return. While we walked through the entrance the place was packed but I spotted three familiar faces almost immediately. Peter, Remus and James. Sirius had obviously seen the same and began to turn on his heel attempting to leave. However, I told him it was alright. Plus it would be nice to get to know them and get on their good side. "So how's the date for the two love birds?" James chimed while he made sure to empathize 'love birds' and ended it with a wink. "It was actually well, until you three showed. I swear I can't tell you guys anything." Sirius laughed.

Over the hour of sipping hot chocolate around the four boys I had learned a lot. James Potter, who I thought to be arrogant and annoying, isn't that annoying but is very much arrogant, but in a funny way. He also has a huge crush on Lily Evans, she once called him a and I quote "Numb nut wazzock' Lily Evans is a muggle born girl, and the only reason I know her is because Severus never shuts up about his love for her.
Remus is quite shy and doesn't open up a lot, but he always has chocolate. Not for himself, but for others. Peter didn't talk a lot, he sort of just laughed at the jokes and contributed to a few of the stories they told. James even said Peter was almost in Slytherin which I even remember.
Sirius and I got up to leave and walked back towards the castle, Sirius insisted on walking me back to my dorm and wouldn't let me say no.

When we were only feet away from the Slytherin common room entrance he pulled me into a hug close to his chest and when he pulled away he grabbed my hand placing a kiss atop. "I had an amazing time, other than the boys. But, I'd like to go again.. and not tell the boys." Sirius smiled, "Next Saturday?" I suggested. "Next Saturday." Sirius confirmed. I heard the door begin to open and I still had Sirius's hand in mine, I felt his hand tense. It doesn't usually look good to have a Slytherin and a Gryffindor together, because of the stupid rivalry. But I could care less, then the figure stepped out of the door.
"Oh Merlin." Sirius and I said in unison.
Regulus's smile faded quickly. He didn't take a second look before quickly walking away,

Merlin what have we done.

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