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Chapter 43
You're lying

We had got onto the train making our way to the Potter manor, "What happened after Sirius and I left?" I asked James, "Dumbledore just told us all to go back to our common room and we lost 20 house points." James groaned, "That's it? No detention?" I laughed, "Nope, he said if it wasn't the last day we would've all got 2 months." Remus added, "Months?" I asked quite shocked, "Thats not that bad, once Sirius and James got 4 months for trapping Severus in the middle of a circle of fire." Peter chuckled. "You did what?" I asked the two boys, "It was harmless, we figured out a dumb charm." Sirius said, "Mcgonagall should have been proud! We learned that from the library!" James protested, "Yeah we went and read." Sirius added and Remus just shook his head in disbelief.

When we arrived at the Potters, Ms Potter greeted us per usual with her warm loving smile and big hug, the boys all wanted to go jump in the lake, but I stayed back with Ms Potter.
"How is James? Has he finally got that girl he always writes about?" Ms Potter asked, "They went on there first date just a few days ago." I beamed, "How did it go? Did he mess it up?" Ms Potter laughed, "It looked to have went great, we are trying to convince her to stay here for a week. If that's okay with you of course." I smiled, "Yes yes! I'd love to meet her." Ms Potter beamed while taking another sip of her tea.
The doors burst open to the four boys freezing, "I found ice still in the lake!" Peter shouted, "B-bad i-idea James!" Remus shivered, "Okay, okay it was c-colder than expected." James laughed while they ran up towards James room.
"Those four! I don't know how you tolerate them everyday." Ms Potter smiled while getting to go make them some tea.

The boys eventually came downstairs with wet hair, "I thought you guys would have been gone for longer." I sarcastically complained, "Your making it sound like a bad thing." Sirius inquired, "It is, I enjoyed hanging out with Ms Potter more!" I smiled, "Oh please dear call me Euphemia." Ms Potter smiled while setting down a platter with tea.

"James! James! James!" I shouted from my room and I heard sprinting from down the hall and my door opened "What!" James said standing at the door, "Lily wrote back!" I chimed, "What did she say? What did she say?" James repeated eagerly.

Dear Y/n,
I'd love too, and I'm sure you need a get away from those four headaches, let James know and I'll be there next week,
-Lily Evans xoxo

I read aloud to James, "You're lying! You're lying!" James smiled while beginning to pace running his fingers through his hair, "Shes actually going to come!" James beamed, "Sirius! Remus! Peter! Come here!" James shouted and they all lazily made there way towards my room. Peter walked in with messy hair all over his face looking as if he'd just woken up, Remus walked in with his reading glasses, and Sirius with a half buttoned up dress shirt and his hair was everywhere, "What?" Peter croaked sounding as if he just woke up, "Lily is coming!" James smiled, "Wait actually?" Sirius asked, "Yes! Next week!" I beamed, "Atta boy Prongsy!" Remus smiled, "Now can I go read again?" Remus asked, "No! We need to plan. Lily is staying for a week, and that week needs to be the most exciting week of her life." James boasted, and all the boys and I just groaned.

James forced us all to plan out seven days, the boys were practically asleep but James was full of energy and super lively. "I want to take a nap." Peter groaned, "Me too." Remus replied,
"Me three." Sirius chuckled,
"Me four." I added. "Fine." James said and we all jumped to our feet making our way to our rooms.

A week later,

"Lily comes today! Lily will be here!" James shined while walking into Sirius and I's room, "Mhm." I groaned while nestling my head back into Sirius chest. And James just ran out going towards Remus' room and then Peters telling them both the same thing, James wanted everything to be perfect.

I tried to fall back asleep but could hear knocking at the window from my owl, who the hell is writing to me this early? I grabbed the letter to see a dark green waxed seal, Alden.

To Y/n,
We need to talk, in person.
This needs to be private.
I'll bring Sage, but do not bring Sirius.
Write back and we can figure out a date.
- Alden. O. Hale

"Who is it?" Sirius asked, "Alden." I replied, "What does he want?" Sirius questioned, "To meet up with Sage and him." I blankly replied while setting the letter down on the table and laying down back into Sirius' arms, what could they need to talk about that Sirius can't hear? And why does it need to be so private? I ignored it and fell asleep until I heard James shouting from downstairs, I turned to Sirius and stood up, we walked out to the main staircase, "Shes here!" James chimed, a knock came from the door and Lily walked in to see myself, Sirius, Peter and Remus at the top of the staircase, James at the door with a big grin and then Ms Potter and Mr Potter already wanting to learn all about her,
"I've heard all about you!" Ms Potter grinned while pulling Lily into a tight embrace.
"Welcome to the club Evans." Sirius chimed.

Authors note

I apologize for this being so short, just a lil unmotivated, have a lovely day - c <33

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