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Chapter 22


"ELIO!" I shouted as he ran up behind me scaring the living death out of me, "Goodafter noon y/n." Elio smiled while throwing an arm around my shoulder. "So I've heard amazing thinks about this Hogsmeade, and about the butter beer.. I think we should go on Friday!" Elio suggested, "Why not." I smiled, Elio was an amazing friend and hated Sirius and James, Elio was also very pretty. I knew I should have been going to class but I wanted to spend a little more time with him, "What class do you have next?" I asked, "Potions, and what do you have?" He asked, "Defence against the dark arts." I complained, "Dada is fun." Elio protested. "Not when your with the Gryffindors." I laughed, "Fair point l/n." He smiled. He walked me to the defence against the dark arts classroom and yelled while walking away "You better hang out with me after class l/n!" And I just nodded and laughed while entering the class.

I made made eye contact with Sirius and turned my gaze over to Alden immediately. "Where were you y/n? We're you off with Elio your new lover." Alden laughed. "He's not my 'new lover' he's just a friend, and in fact I was." As I lightly pushed Alden in the chest. "Friendgroup who are too afraid to talk to you are all looking directly at your back right now." Alden said while looking over my head. I slowly turned around and all of there eyes looked either to the roof or floor, except for Sirius. He kept looking at me, he looked sick.. worse then before. But that wasn't my business, and I don't care anyways. Professor Rakepick began her lesson. I couldn't focus on the lessons if my life had depended on it, I heard protective charm, and 'Protego' then Alden poked me in the shoulder and I turned around "Want to be my partner?" He asked, and I nodded, I shot a few spells at him as he put up protective charms, "Your turn." He laughed, and began to shoot spells at me as I put up barriers with ease, "Woah! How did your barrier become purple?" Alden asked with a shocked look across his face, I just shrugged "I don't know. You tell me?" I laughed before showing him how too.

"Got it?" I asked, and he was giddy, "shoot a spell!" I laughed "Expelliarmus." And he put up a quick barrier. "Aha! I did it." He smiled, "You did." I said with a sarcasm. Then I heard Professor Rakepick begin to speak again "Now I will put you in pairs based on your duelling ability," As she began to call out names off a list, "Alden Hale and James Potter." Rakepick announced, oh merlin. I was trying to ignore her until I heard my own name, "Y/n l/n and Sirius Black." Rakepick announced, "Merlin." I groaned and Alden whispered in my ear "Beat him up a little bit." And I just laughed in response.
"Now I will count down from 3 and then you may begin!" Rakepick and announced and everyone in the room went silent anxiously awaiting for the count down.. "3.. 2.. 1!" Rakepick shouted!

Sirius has already shot a simple disarming spell, I put up a barrier with a small flick of my wand, "Flipendo." I implied while flicking my wand in Sirius' direction and he just had enough time to put up a protective charm, he used weak spells that we would have learned in 1st and 2nd year, it was simple to put up a barrier or just simply dodge them, "Avis oppungo." I announced as a small flock of birds flew towards Sirius and a look of fear crossed his face and I held in my laugh but he then put up a charm and the birds all disappeared into a blue wisp of light. He now looked furious and shouted "Aguamenti." As he manipulated a wave of water towards me and I quickly shouted in retaliation "Fiendfrye!" And a snake of flames left my wand, slowly moving towards Sirius. And now I could feel everyone's eyes on me and Sirius.
"Now! Now! That's enough!" Rakepick yelled and I lightly flicked my wand letting the flames simmer, "That was beyond impressive you two I must say, but if either of you use those spells on each other again it will be detention!" Rakepick said with a smile, I couldn't tell if she was mad or proud. Probably both.

"That was insane!" Alden declared while we walked out of the classroom, I just smiled back. "I'm meeting up with Elio, want to come?" I asked Alden, "I said I'd meet up with Sage but maybe we will come find you two." Alden requested and then we parted ways as I went to go find Elio.

Sirius POV

"I swear to Merlin if I hear her talk about 'Elio' one more time I'm going to snap that little boy over my knee." I seethed, "Sirius, you need to get over her. You made a mistake and I don't think she is planning on forgiving you." James added, "Not helping Potter!" I shouted, "Sirius why don't you try to see someone new?" Remus suggested. "I don't want 'someone else' I want her. Just her." I trembled, shes the only one I want. She's the only one I love.

But all she wants is Elio, motherfucker Elio was the worst thing to happen. Now all she is doing is laughing with Elio, kissing him too. He's perfect for her, but I should be, no I am perfect for her! All I want is her back and I will get her back one day. I just don't know when 'one day' is.
Y/n I'll have you back, and you won't even remember Elio existed.

Authors note

Sorry for the short chapter,
Have an amazing day/night lovelies- c ;-)

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