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Chapter 75

Sirius and I walked down to Hogsmeade an hour early so we would have time to walk around other shops before meeting up with the rest of the group. As my hand slid into his, the cool breeze hit my face and I couldn't think of a better place to be. Plus thankfully, Minnie, and Dumbledore eventually took care of the death eaters and they fled out of the castle who knows how. "Do you think life will.. you know.. go back to normal? Cause this is the most normal I've felt in a long time." Sirius asked sounding genuinely curious.
"I hope so, but who knows. This war could go on for years." I suggested. "I s'pose, but what if we got the order back and running? We could fight them off couldn't we?" Sirius sounded hopeful.
I wanted to say yes, and be as hopeful as he is, but I know it isn't as easy as it sounds. Lots of students have left for their safety and have begun to get self taught and some transferred schools, like Beuxbatons, Ilvermony and Durmstrang.

Some have left due to the fact they'd have to fight their own parents. That's why it feels like Slytherin house is so small. And some, died.
These attacks aren't just for practice and fun, they're serious and bare serious consequences that we don't deserve.
"I, maybe." Was the only way I could respond.

We carried on walking through small shops, avoiding the topic of the order and when Sirius' watch hit 4:55 we made our way over to the three broomsticks. At the entrance we arrived at the same time as James and Lily, while Lily had a nervous look across her face, and James tried to comfort her. I looked to Sirius concerned of the possible bad news and he gave a confused look back. Not helpful, nor comforting. We sat down waiting for the other three and began to order drinks, but Lily ordered a water.

Remus, Mary and Marlene all showed up 20 minutes late; not surprising whatsoever.
"Finally." James says, "Hey hey, wasn't my fault." Remus grinned while putting his hands up in fake surrender. "Yes it was, you wouldn't get your damn nose out of that book." Mary laughed, "Marls was flirting up with that Ravenclaw girl." Remus protested, "Fine. You caught me." Marlene rolled her eyes. "Just sit down damn it." Sirius smiled.

Small talk flew through or table before Mary noticed the same as me, "Lily, just a water? Boring." Mary said skeptically. "Should we tell em?" Lily asked James and he nodded in agreement. "So," Lily said while James placed a hand over hers, "We are.. having a baby." Lily breathed and and relief eased her features.
"What!" Marlene squealed. "I'm uncle Sirius correct? Oh my! Am I the god father?" Sirius asked excitedly. "That makes me the auntie does it not?" I grinned. But Lily just kept her giddy smile across her face, probably too nervous to make Sirius godfather, he's pretty impulsive.

"How long have you guys been hiding this?" Remus asked curiously. "Two.. months." James replied. "WHAT! you've been hiding this fabulous news for EIGHT WEEKS!" Mary smiled.
"I s'pose." James winked while wrapping his arm around Lily.

When the night finally ended, we all walked back to the castle together, while Sirius and I's fingers were interlaced. "When are you two finally just going to tie the knot?" Mary asked Sirius and I curiously. "Married? Not yet." I laughed, "Well of course, but just as a couple again?" Marlene added. "About that.." Sirius said trying to hold back his smile, "Why do you all not tell us anything!" Mary teased, "To be fair, it was only last night." I implied. "That was twenty four hours to tell us!" Marlene stated.
"Well y'know now?" Sirius mocked.

When we finally arrived back, I was tired as ever and I laid in Sirius arms. Taking in the moment of being with him, and thought of marriage flew through my mind. And I know for a fact, that I will always want to spend the rest of my life with him. Sirius Black is the love of my life.
And there is no denying it.
With that he kissed my temple and I drifted off to sleep.

Super short :/

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