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Chapter 13

"Y/n? I thought you were sick." Sage said approaching me while I was standing with a few of the gryffindor boys, "Well I, was.." I stumbled for my words. "We went dress shopping." Remus smiled, "Uh? And you didn't bring me?" Sage teased. "I know right, y/n is the worst." Remus winked. "Shut it both of you. Sage you will get to see the dress Saturday when it's delivered up here."  I added.

The next day came very fast, and rumours were already flooding the school of Sirius and I going to the ball together, I don't  know how to feel about it, I am going with one of the most popular boys, girls love him, he's charming, handsome and funny. How did I pull this one off.
"Y/n! Your weird gryffindor friends are at the door." Alden yelled. "Let them in." I respond, "Whatever you say."
Sirius, James, Remus and Peter looked around,
"This is bullshit." James chimed, "What do you mean James?" Peter asked, "Because there common room is so much bigger. So much room for activities!" Is that really what Gryffindors thought when they saw our common room? Not the beautiful fireplace and the light coming in from the black lake? Even though it is incredibly cold down here. I still appreciate it. "This place would be fucking great for parties." Sirius beamed, "Agreed." Alden added.
"Sirius don't act like it's our first time here." Remus laughed, why have they been here before.. "What? When were you guys here?" I asked.
"Pranks on Severus." James laughed. Of course.

"Boys why are you here anyways? I have class in an hour." I asked. They must have some stupid idea in mind to pull me out of class or use me to find Severus. "Personal invitation to the party in Gryffindor common room tonight." James smiled, he seemed proud. It must have been his "brilliant" idea. "And your friend. Blondie." Sirius laughed pointing to Alden. Alden stuck a hand out "Alden Hale." He chimed with a proud grin, Sirius shook his hand "Sirius Black, and this is James, Peter and Remus, I think we will get along well." Sirius smiled. "I'll come. If. I can bring Sage." I replied, "Of course darling." Sirius smiled. As soon as Sirius said "darling" Alden shot him and I strange looks, it's not like he didn't know. I don't think he's used to it yet.

With that the boys left the common room, unnoticed. Perfect. "I think I like that Sirius." Alden laughed, "I mean, if he messes up, he's fucked. I'll make sure he knows that."
I laughed at his remark, "I'm not kidding." Alden retorted. "Okay, good you like him cause I have a feeling we will be seeing a lot of him." I smiled.

After classes, I met up with Sage. "Wait- i'm going to a party tonight? Where and why?" Sage asked, "Yes, Gryffindor common room, and uh why not. It'll be fun!" I laughed. "Is Alden coming?" Sage questioned. I smiled, I love how much she likes Alden. "Actually yes, Sirius and him were like .. getting along." I stated.
"Really? Thats great." Sage smiled.

"Y/N!! We have an hour!" Sage yelled. I went into full panic "Merlin." I complained. I threw on a quick outfit and looked at Sage "Good?" I asked, "Uhm the outfit yes, not the hair. Sit down." Sage stated. I obeyed, and Sage quickly wrapped my hair around her wand and letting her hair fall into beautiful curls, Sage handed me a mirror "Better?" Sage asked, "Way better." I beamed with excitement.

"Took you ladies long enough." Alden complained, "Oh shut it Hale." Sage and I said in unison, and turned to each other giving one and another a high five. "Merlin I hate you both." Alden smiled. He put out his arm for Sage to take hold of and gave his other to me jokingly.
We walked up to the Gryffindor common room and I stood before the fat lady and said "Baubles." The portrait opened and I lead Alden and Sage through and Alden shot me a strange look. "Y/n? Why do you know the password for Gryffindor— Oh my merlin y/n, i don't want to know, i don't want to know, i don't want to know." he slapped his hands over his ears and that's when Sage and I bursted out in laugher. "He's such a child!" I laughed, "Merlin I know." Sage replied.

Moments later I was greeted from a hug from behind it was Remus, "You came!" Remus smiled, "Of course i did." I replied.
Then James and Peter came over "Well, if i do say so myself we did pretty fucking good." James said with his cocky smirk and looked to Peter "Uh yeah we fucking killed it." and they high fived. "What do you think l/n?" James asked, "Well it would be better if you guys had a bigger common room but other than that it's ok.. I guess." I said sarcastically , "I guess?!" Peter smiled, "Well sorry that our common room isn't as big as the forbidden forest." James snarled and then began laughing. "Where is Sirius?" I asked, "Erm I actually don't know." James said but he wasn't sarcastic at all, he genuinely didn't know where Sirius was. "Last time I saw him was at lunch." Remus added, "I wasn't paying any attention." Peter laughed. "Oh ok.." I tried to hide my disappointment that he wasn't here, yet at least.

"Want to go get drinks Remus?" I asked and Remus followed, 1 drink turned to two, then 3.. it was all a blur at this point 4.. and who is counting at this point? Everything seemed to be moving .. voices? Remus? Maybe James? I'm losing it.

Where the am I? Merlin my head was throbbing. I opened my eyes to see red. Blood. No, bloody hell why am I in Gryffindor dorms? What the fuck. I tried to push myself up but Sirius was directly beside me. What? How did i not notice this bloody git? I looked around the room to see I was in the boys dormitories.. Oh how much shit we will all be in if the teachers find out. But the boys could care less about detention, they practically live there by now. I felt an arm touch my shoulder and push me back down "Go back to bed y/n." Sirius just managed to speak. He was tired, and so was I so i listened and once again everything went black.

I woke up to a slight movement, it was Sirius trying to sneak out of the small bed. "Sirius i'm awake, you don't need to-." he wrapped his arms around me in a tight hug. "I'm sorry y/n, i'm really sorry. How do I make it up to you?" Sirius pleaded. Why was he so upset? What had happened last night.. "What- What are you talking about?" I asked nervously. "I last night, i got in a fight. I got detention immediately. I wasn't there to take care of you when I should've. I'm so sorry y/n. I should have been there-." Sirius trembled. I pulled him back into a tight hug "It's okay, it's okay. I don't even remember anything. I remember dancing with Remus and that's about it." I smiled. "No it's not okay, I should've been there. That Étienne tried to help you. If Remus hadn't have noticed, you would have been with him and not me." Sirius groaned.
"Sirius, just next time don't get in a bloody fight." I said, "But who did you fight?" I followed up curiously ..
"My brother." Sirius whispered.
"Yes, I can explain-."
"No, I don't think I want to know."
"No probably not.."
"Can I just go back to bed?"
"I was thinking the same thing."

With that I laid down with my head on Sirius's chest, with his arm wrapped around me holding me tight and from this day on he knew he would never leave her side. Ever.

Authors note

lol that was a lot i apologize, i played around with different perspectives idk how i feel yet, anyways one of the next chapters will be the ball :))

Have a fabulous day ladies, gentlemen and non-binary - c <33

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