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Chapter 5
Not okay

I watched as Regulus walked vastly away from Sirius and I I looked to Sirius, "I should - go talk to him," I suggested but Sirius shook his head quickly. "No, no it's okay, I'll do it." Sirius insists, "Besides, he is my brother." Sirius adds while giving me an apologetic look before running after Regulus. I have a truly horrible feeling in my stomach that something could go wrong but I try to ignore it. Remus always told me Sirius and Regulus had a .. complicated relationship. Maybe it's the rivalry or Sirius practically being a Potter.
But whatever it is, the Black's want nothing to do with Sirius, and they believe Regulus is a miracle.
I'd even heard that sometimes Sirius's parents deny having two sons and only talk about Regulus. They try to distinguish the fact that one of their own sons got into Gryffindor and became very successful and happy. But, the noble families like the Blacks don't care about happiness. They care for blood status, and proving their own family is powerful.

Sirius POV

"Reggie!" I yelled while sprinting through the corridors at my stupid brother, Regulus kept running as fast as he could, and it brought a certain sense of nostalgia chasing him.
However, this was different. He wasn't laughing while I chased him over the hills, he running with the intention of turning around and murdering me. "Regulus." I breathed still running after him, but of course no response. "Regulus!" I yelled, and he abruptly came to a stop.
Regulus turned around with tears streaming down his face and blotchy pink cheeks, this was a side I'd never seen of him. Well, of course, I've seen him cry after being tormented by our parents, but not this many tears.

Regulus was the definition of stuck up and always held up a good persona to cover the fact that he has feelings and isn't just a emotionless robot. I truly didn't have much of your typical "at home" life and didn't see Regulus during holidays but I still care for my little brother, no matter what. "Merlin." Was all I managed to say,
"Regulus ran his hands through his hair angrily, "Fuck you!" He yelled while staring at me.
"She was all I had." He seethed, "You always manage to take anything you possibly can." Regulus added. "I didn't 'take her' you make her seem like you owned her. And you barley knew her." I protested. "I liked her, a lot." He drowned while looking to his shoes, "But, you're Sirius Black. And I'm Regulus." He glumly said. "What do you mean?" I asked, "Well you're Sirius Black, best friends with James Potter, you're known as the most handsome fourth year, everyone adores you, and you're funny and confident. I'm Regulus, I'm known for being cousins with Bella and Cissy, and everyone assumes in this evil bastard." Regulus said. "Regulus.. I didn't know you liked her.." I said being sincere. I knew they were friends but I didn't know he actually had feelings for her.

"Mhm you didn't know because you don't care for me you asshole. All you care about is your dumb friends and y/n!" Regulus hissed. Sirius didn't even know how to tell Regulus how much he liked y/n but he couldn't now. "Why did you automatically assume I took her from you? And don't call me careless I can't fucking see you because of Mother and Father! That's not my fucking fault."

"I saw the way she looked at you. The way you made her laugh. The way you make her smile." Regulus muttered. I didn't know what to say, how do I tell him I like her too? I can't. I know I can't.
"Regulus I'm sorry," I said, but I wasn't being one hundred precent sincere. I wasn't very sorry. If he wanted her he would have asked her out before I did. "No you're not." He replied.
"Reg don't be like this." I warned.
"I wouldn't have to be if you weren't sneaking around with y/n." Regulus grunted. "And what do you want me to about all of this? I like her too." I confessed. "Leave her alone." He uttered.
"No. I won't do that." I groaned. "You will, you will stay away from her." Regulus demanded.
"I can't-"
"You will," Regulus demanded again.
"Fine. If you want to be like this, I won't talk to her, but, when she gets fucking mad at me, you take the blame ." I suggested.
"Fine." Regulus yelled before walking away.

A week later,

Saturday morning was the same as the last, I got up and got ready while Sage judged my outfit choices but eventually I had got out. I'd never gotten an update on what Regulus said last time I'd seen Sirius but I'm hoping he will just tell me today. I waited outside of the great hall doors like last time. But he was late. Did he forget? I don't think he would. Maybe he didn't even enjoy last time. I waited for twenty minutes, nothing.
So I kept the tears back while I walked back to the common room, but once I entered my dorm the tears began to stream down my face.
"Y/n! Hey, hey you're going to be okay." Sage said while she sat down beside me on the bed.
"What did he. What did this bastard do?" Sage asked, "Alden and I won't hesitate." She declared.
"It's okay. I'm okay." I trembled. "You? You're not okay. And whatever he did also wasn't okay, cause you don't cry often." Sage speculated.
"Sage it is okay I swear," I lied, I wouldn't say I'm okay, my heart aches. I'd never expected him to stand me up, but he is Sirius Black. I should have expected this. "It's not okay! And you need to realize feelings are normal you little robot." She laughed while attempting to make robot noises. I laughed a bit before laying down on my bed. Sage told me Alden and her had planned on meeting up so she left. But Sage knew me to well. She knew I liked to be alone.
So I laid staring at the ceiling feeling numb, hoping all feelings for Sirius would magically disappear.
But, of course, they didn't.

Over the last week, I haven't went to any of my classes. It sounds pathetic but I didn't want to see Sirius after him standing me up.
The fear of seeing him was too strong, so I stayed back. I didn't even leave for meals, Sage, Alden or Regulus would bring me food. I am done with everything; school, people and especially feelings.
I just want school to be over. I need a break.
I love this school to death, truly.
But as of now, Hogwarts sucks.

Sirius POV

Y/n hasn't been at any of her classes, I haven't seen her in the halls or even at meals.
I tried to talk to Sage once, I wanted to make sure she was healthy and okay. But I knew it wasn't a good idea. I almost asked Alden about it during a quidditch game, but I knew James would kill me for talking to the 'enemy'  So, I stayed awake at night. Laying there.
Praying to Merlin. She's okay,
I'm so sorry y/n.
I didn't want any of this. I promise.


A few days later Sage came into our dorms with a letter, "Someone wanted me to give you this." She smiled before throwing it at me, "I don't know who he was, just that he was wearing Gryffindor robes." She said before walking out.
If this is from Sirius I hope he knows I don't want to hear it. I looked at the back "To Y/n, from Remus." Oh thank Merlin.
I quickly opened the letter and began to read it,

"To y/n,
How are you? Really how are you? I haven't seen you at class in what's felt like weeks and I miss your smile and your horrible jokes. Something is clearly wrong and I want to make sure you're alright. I could cover the week of homework you've missed, if you will leave your room for that. I promise I won't tell anyone, it can be private. I hope you're doing well darling- Remus"

I felt something else in the envelope, of course, it was chocolate. I love this boy.
I quickly replied,

"To Remus,
All is well, well sort of but i'll be alright. I've been trying to avoid running into a certain person and have been having horrible headaches recently. I'd love to meet up in the library to catch up, how about tonight? Also please avoid letting Sirius see this, thank you, yours truly - y/n"
I gave the letter to Sages owl, and the owl left while delivering the letter to Remus.

Sirius POV

A letter slid through the window to the Gryffindor boys dormitory and I quickly picked it up. "Ahh Moony very popular." I laughed.
"Who's it from?" Remus asked, but I didn't reply.
I opened it to try to find a name. I quickly read over the letter, "Also please avoid letting Sirius see this thank you, yours truly - y/n"
"Remus.. Merlin it was all my fault.." I trembled.
"What was all your fault?" Remus asked.
"I will.. explain later." I said before dropping the letter on the floor and running as quick as possible.

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