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Chapter 65
The trial

Sirius POV

The next day rolled around and it felt like the longest twelve hours of my life.
A banging sound came from the cell door, the short and slim man were back this time there outfits more atrocious than last time.

"Black." The slim man mumbled.
"Sirius, your time to go and attempt to prove your innocence," The short man chuckled.
I ignored them both and went to grab the singular thing I had in my cell, an elastic that y/n had left slipped on my wrist before I left. Somehow the ministry just didn't care. So they let me keep it. "I wouldn't pack up Black, you'll be back within the hour." The slim man said with a gross smile that showed his pointy teeth.
"Mhm." I mumbled beneath my breath.
"What was that?" The short man asked, "I'll get out of this hell hole. Just wait and see." I smiled.

They put extremely painful spell back onto my wrists where a blueish glow hovered around my wrists making it I couldn't move my hands.
They directed me down a few flight of stairs and that's when my arm was tugged.
I hadn't apparated in forever.
But being somewhere other than that bloody cell was the most amazing feeling in  the world.

As I walked down the crowded entrance to the ministry, people were staring  all over to the supposed "mass murder" that isn't me. I tried my best to ignore it, but it just isn't that simple. Witches and Wizards came through green flames left and right but the only thing running through my mind was 'Will Y/n be there? Will James be there? Maybe even Remus?' But I doubt it. I've been presumed a mass murder for the past 4 months? Maybe 5? They must've gave into the rumours by now. Due to these rumours I've lost everything close to me, I lost my family; not my cruel mother and father. My family as In James, Remus, Y/n and even Lily. But I've lost it all.
It feels like I'm holding onto false hope for them to be awaiting me in this trial.
The hope is falling between my fingers into nothingness.

As I walked into the room filled with hundreds or wizards and witches who are most likely now afraid of me, they all wore plum covered robes with an embroidered silver 'W' for Wizengamot. Or Wanker. I sat in a chair while being surrounded by members of the Wizengamot, I looked around and I hadn't seen Y/n, James or Remus.
I knew it.

I noticed a familiar face, actually two.
Étienne and Elio, I never liked them. They were always weirdly suspicious, and Elio was obviously in love with Y/n, and only one of us can have her and it will be me.
"So Mr Laurier. Why do you believe Mr Black is innocent?" The robed woman said standing at a podium in the middle.
Why is Elio standing for me?
"Well, Mrs.. Goelet. You still have yet to check his wand? That is apart of the law is it not? It would be a shame if I contacted the daily prophet." Elio sort of laughed.

You could tell Marcel wanted to jump in so he did."Headline! Ministry fails to follow basic Wizarding laws! Sounds good does it not Elio?" Étienne smiled. This sounded promising, but why are they helping me. I've talked to them a total of maybe three times in my life.
"Where is his wand?" Mrs Goelet demanded.
"Aha!" Elio shouted turning to Étienne for a high five."It's almost like.. we're professionals. What is this called in the muggle world? Lawyers!" Étienne beamed. "Let's become Lawyers together Marcel! You're a bloody genius." Elio smiled.

Y/n must be behind this? She is the only one with a connection to either of them. But they wouldn't just do this from the goodness of there hearts.. there must be a price. I watched as a dark cloaked man handed the wand to Mrs Goelet.
"Mrs Goelet, I do not mean to interrupt but keep in mind it knocked out plenty muggles meaning it must've been a blasting spell. That means 'Confringo' is the only choice." Elio added.
"Mr Laurier. I'm well aware." Mrs Goelet seethed clearly annoyed with there arrogance.
"Prior Incanto!" Mrs Goelet said, and a small bit of light came from the tip of the wand.
Lumos was the last spell I had used.
"This must be incorrect?" One of the plum robbed women shouted, "How so?" I asked slyly.

"You're Sirius BLACK! How could it not have been you? Your family's history in all." The woman sneered fuming with anger. "How so am I the same as my family? I was sorted into Gryffindor, disowned, and grew up with the Potters? How am I so alike to my family?" I asked clearly getting frustrated. Any comparison between my family and I made me furious.

She didn't reply.
"Well, if I don't say so myself. Sirius is innocent?" Elio shrugged. Mrs Goelet hit her gabble down to the surface. "Sirius Orion Black, is proved innocent and declared free of all charges from the ministry!" Mrs Goelet said obviously unimpressed.The slim and short man walked towards me lifting the spell from my wrists.
"Told ya so." I smiled while walking past them and towards Elio and Étienne. "Thank you." I said genuinely."But why did you help me?" I asked still very curious.

"There is a lot you've missed." They said in unison. The three of us walked out of the hall, and there stood the one person ive been waiting for, the person keeping me sane, her.

"Y/n." I breathed.


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