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Chapter 45
Good actor he is

Sirius and I walked out to the courtyard that was located in the back, while stars littered the sky, Sirius was silent. I'm unsure if he was tired? Maybe concerned or worried, but whatever it was he wasn't saying a word. We walked around the courtyard in silence as I observed the flowers blooming, "Something.. possibly could have happened." I broke the silence, "What happened." Sirius snapped in a snarky tone, "If you're going to get mad at me just leave." I breathed, "Honestly I might." Sirius said turning around and beginning to pace. "You're not telling me something, you're not telling me a lot of things!" Sirius seethed while he ran his fingers through his hair in frustration.
"What that I'm on the recruitment list? That the dark lord wants me to fight alongside him? That your own brother is a death eater?" I shouted back, and Sirius facial expressions fell, "W-what?" He trembled, "Sirius I've been planning on telling you-." I said while a tear began to roll down my cheek, "Shut up! Y/n shut up for a fucking second!" Sirius hissed. I wasn't going to stay and let Sirius just yell at me. So I left.

I laid beside Remus and he obviously got scared, "What the- oh y/n." Remus said surprised with adrenaline rushing through him, he laid back down "What are you doing here?" He asked with his eyes now half open, "Hiding from Sirius." I sort of laughed while wiping a tear off my cheek, "What did that bastard do-." Remus said while getting off the bed and going towards the door, but in my luck I stopped him in time.
"Remus! No!" I half yelled, half whispered.
"Fine!" Remus chuckled before sitting back down, "But - if you want me to stay you have to tell me what happened." Remus added, "Fine!" I mimicked him.

"So Sirius is mad because you didn't know how to tell him important information?" Remus asked, "I guess, and I know I should've told him sooner but I was scared, I still am." I replied, "It's alright." Remus said with a sympathetic smile, "Well you should rest, I'll go sleep in the room across from Sirius, hopefully he doesn't find you." Remus teased while getting up and going towards the door, "Thank you Remus." I chimed, "You're very welcome." Remus said while shutting the lights off and closing the door behind him, and I could hear a voice in the distance, Sirius. I got up and placed my ear to the door, "Have you seen her?" Sirius asked, "Who?" Remus asked, "Y/n." Sirius demanded, "Mm nope." Remus replied, good actor he is. "Remus.. I messed up again." Is the last thing I heard before I went and laid down, I didn't want to hear anymore of it.

I woke up in Remus' room with no sign of Sirius, I opened the door and snuck down to the kitchens in hope of getting a cup of tea; but there he was. "I knew you'd come down here for tea after you woke up." Sirius chimed and turned around with a bouquet of flowers, "I'm sorry y/n. I didn't mean anything." Sirius said while biting the inside of his lip, "You had to have meant some of it." I added, "I didn't, I truly didn't." Sirius replied. "Okay." I responded while he pulled me into a gentle hug, I hadn't fully forgiven him, and I knew I was in the wrong too, "Did you hide in Remus' room?" He sort of chuckled, "Yeah." I laughed. "Damn it Remus is a good actor, he had me fooled." Sirius added, "Remus!" Sirius shouted, "Yeah?" Remus yelled back, "Get your ass down here!" Sirius yelled, "I don't want too." Remus laughed back, "Get fucking down here!" Sirius shouted, "Language Black!" Ms Potter said turning the corner, "Sorry mum, Remus you are so dead!" Sirius yelled before running upstairs to find Remus.

"Those boys." Ms Potter said while shaking her head, and I just smiled. Lily came downstairs sitting beside me, "Do you have to leave tomorrow?" I complained, "Yeah. My mum and dad want to spend as much time with me as possible. But maybe i'll come again." Lily sighed, "I swear if you leave me with these four-." I began, and then I heard Remus scream while running down the stairs with Sirius behind him, "This. I have to deal with this everyday." I laughed, "Well.. maybe I can stay one more week." Lily chimed, "Yes! Yes, yes!" I grinned,
"Please stay Lily, James is the happiest I've seen him when your around." Ms Potter beamed, "I'll go write my parents, want to come?" Lily asked,
"Of course."

I had followed Lily upstairs towards her room and as she wrote to her parents, I wrote to Regulus.

Dear Regulus,
I'm worried for you, and so is Sage and Alden.
Where are you? Where have you been? Are you okay? Can we please just talk. Five minutes is all I ask for, please visit the Potter Manor, we all miss and love you,


I sealed the letter with a red dot of wax and handed the letter to my owl, "Where too?" Lily asked, "Regulus." I simply replied.

Lily had stayed another week and nothing had happened, no response from Regulus. Sirius wrote to his mother and he has not been home, Regulus is missing. Or maybe he just does not want to be found? Sirius and I want to go ahead and look for him, but where do you look? You can not just enter the dark lords headquarters and expect him to point out Regulus's room.
I miss Reg, I miss his horrible jokes, I miss complaining about Sirius while drinking fire whiskey, I miss everything.

Regulus where are you?

Authors note

Maybe  like two more chapters for summer, and then we will be back to Hogwarts 6th yearrr!!

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