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Chapter 9

When I woke up the next morning I got up and went straight to the great hall for breakfast. When I entered I met eyes almost immediately with Étienne, he walked towards me with his usual confidence. "Good morning y/n." He smiled, "Good morning.. I better get going I have places to be.. " I trailed off. "Dark hair long ish hair boy coming your way." Étienne interrupted.
"Gryffindor?" I asked. Oh Merlin no. Not now.
"Yep. Is that an issue?" He asked curiously. "Yes." I groaned.

Étienne tucked the hair from my face behind my ear and brought his hand to my jaw cupping my face, he leaned forward placing a kiss on my lips and butterflies quickly filled my stomach. Thoughts filled my head while I kissed him back, his father is a death eater, but maybe he is different? Please tell me he is different. Étienne pulled away, "He erm.. left really fast." Étienne chuckled. "Thank Merlin." I sighed in relief.
"Actually I shall correct myself, him and his little group left REALLY fast." Étienne laughed and I laughed along. "What's so funny.." Sage asked curiously when she walked up.
"Nothing." Étienne and I said quickly in unison.
I was holding in my laughter, but knowing James, the rumours will be flowing within the next ten minutes. She will find out soon enough.

A week has passed and neither Regulus or Sirius has attempted to talk to me. It's been quite amazing actually. Sirius avoided me like he was scared of me? And every time I see him in the corridors he quickly turns around.
Shockingly no rumours have spread yet about Étienne and I's kiss, I'm surprised James hasn't been telling every living thing about it. From now on the Black brothers are fully off limits.

Today I have potions first thing with Gryffindor.
I walked alongside Sage and Alden and when we went through the entrance Remus called me over. "Partners today?" Remus asks, "Of course." I smile. "Where's Sirius?" I asked curiously, "Probably not coming." Remus shrugged as if it was nothing. That doesn't sound like Sirius.

I walked back to go sit with Sage for the first half of the lesson, "What was that about?" She asked, "Remus and I are partners, so you might want to pair with Alden before he goes with Lestrange or Rosier." I suggested and she nodded.

I looked up from my notes to see Sirius walk in, messy hair and puffy eyes. He looked awfully tired, but I shouldn't care. He's not my problem anymore, but still seeing him in such a state makes my heart hurt a little.

Professor Slughorn went on for what felt like hours until he finally said to pair up and so I stood up and went to find my partner. Remus had a huge smile across his face as per usual but had blood shot eyes, and more cuts than the usual two. I have never asked where they'd come from and didn't intend too as it could be a touchy subject, but now I am getting worried. How does he have all these cuts, scrapes and scars and still manages to be this happy, bubbly, joyful guy all the time. I will never understand.
Remus told me he would get all the ingredients for draught of peace, they need,

- Powdered moonstone
- syrup of hellebore
- powdered porcupine quills
- powdered unicorn horn

This was a fairly difficult potion, and if we mess up it could put us into irreversible sleep. But the potion is used to ease anxiety and agitation.
Remus arrived back with all the ingredients and said he would tell me what to do and I could mix and add. "Add the powdered moonstone until the potion turns green, then stir until it's blue." He said and I nodded. "Stir 7 times clockwise and 7 counterclockwise." Remus quickly added. 
The potion had began to form a green liquid
"Remus its now green!" I announced. "Keeping going until blue and then we will add more powdered moonstone till it turns purple." Remus said. I kept going until blue, and Remus added more powdered moonstone, and the potion began to become purple. "What next?" I questioned,
"Let simmer till turns pink."
Remus looked at the potion as the purple began to slowly turn to a pink liquid
"We make a pretty good team L/n." Remus laughed. "We truly do." I smiled.

Remus and I were moving quickly and already were on step 15 and we had to let the potion simmer until orange, then Remus struck the question. "So, are you erm, planning on forgiving .. Sirius? I know you are mad at him, but he never stops talking about how much he misses you, and he's very sorry, he is always talking about how big of a mistake it was." Remus said in a sorrowful tone. "I don't know, probably not." I replied in a stern voice, and Remus's smile fell, "I know you hate him and honestly you totally have all rights too, but he's a good guy and I don't think he knew what he got himself into. If anything you should be mad at Regulus." Remus said. "It was both of them and I don't know when i'll be ready to talk to him just yet." I said while attempting to have a light smile.
Remus attempted to lighten the mood. "Well if it makes it any better there is a ball coming up soon, it's supposed to be a "welcome back" sort of dance." Remus smiled. "Really? Usually they only host a ball in the winter, but I did hear a rumour they were going to attempt to host 4 a year." I added. Remus smiled "Yeah, I heard that too."

I did the final step of adding the rest of the powdered porcupine quills until the potion turned white. Remus and I raised our hands so Professor Slughorn would evaluate us.  "Y/n and Remus have completed a perfect Draught of peace potion! 10 points to Gryffindor and Slytherin!" Slughorn announced to the whole class. I turned to Remus for high five and smiled,
"We do make a great team!" Remus laughed, but I couldn't help but look to Sirius's direction, he looked awful, he looked as if he hadn't slept in weeks with a cut across his cheek, his hair scraggly, with huge eye bags. What had someone done to him? Or worse .. What had I done to him.

Sorry this chapter was lowkey boring.. anyways tysm for all the love!! Vote Vote Vote!!

Also still #1 in youngsirius :))

Have an amazing day or night <3 - C

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