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Chapter 21
I'm fine


"Where were you?" I asked as Regulus entered the common room, "I was getting some air." He responded. "Oh.. well want to come sit with us?" I asked as motioning him over to sit with Sage, Alden and I. Regulus sat down beside me and I asked him if he wanted some of my fire whiskey but he declined and said "I think you need it more than me, plus someone's got to walk you to your dorm." He smiled. With that I took a swig of fire whiskey and then another and another and at that point I don't remember anything, it was a blur and then black.

The next morning I woke up to a horrible headache and tried to ignore the fact that I had class in 20 minutes and to add to that it was with Gryffindor. I got ready and made my way towards potions and was half asleep the whole class, I caught Sirius staring at me plenty times and James kept hitting him and telling him to stop staring. The class felt like the longest class ever and when we were finally dismissed I left immediately rushing out of the room and running right into Regulus, "G-good morning l/n." Reg smiled, "What are you doing here?" I asked, "I thought I'd walk you to your dorm." Regulus added, "What no, I have divination.." I went on, "I know you do, but you need to sleep. I'll let the professor know you are unwell." Regulus stated, "And your not fighting with me on this." He added as he practically pulled me to the common room. I laid down on my bed and before leaving he turned around "I'll bring you lunch, just get some rest. Please." Regulus smiled while walking out.
I settled my head on my pillow and closed my eyes and I was out like a light.

Sirius POV

Y/n looked awfully sick this morning and all I wanted to do was hold her in my arms and take care of her, but that wasn't my place anymore. I'm praying Regulus will do something or notice how unwell she is doing. I miss her so much. I miss her with my whole heart. "Hey." James nudged at my ribs, "What?" I asked annoyed, "You were thinking about y/n weren't you." He whispered, "Fuck off." I mumbled and went back to getting trapped in my thoughts. How do I tell her? I didn't do anything. I would never. How do I tell her I love her? They say love is a powerful word, and I haven't had a lot of love in my life. I've had James, Remus and Peter, my brother and her. That's all. That's all the love in my life. And I am willing to give her my whole heart if she'd let me. I snapped out of my thoughts when class was dismissed and I rushed to the closest lavatory, Is it hot in here? Or just me? I rushed through the halls and felt my tie tighten to my neck and I quickly loosened my tie and pulled off my robes and splashed cold water on my face, I looked up to see a boy a foolish boy. Your a bloody idiot, you should have told her, she would have understood. You wouldn't have lost her. You wouldn't have lost her. You wouldn't have.. I turned around to see Regulus "Uh- Sirius. Are you okay?" He asked, "I'm fine!" I shouted. Regulus flinched at the shout and I wanted to talk to him, ask him about her, but I couldn't. I couldn't right now. I picked up my robes and quickly left.


I woke up to a knock at the door and I stayed laying on my bed, "What?" I groaned as I turned over to be facing the side table and I saw that stupid beautiful ring. Regulus walked in "Do you want me to bring you lunch? Or would you like to come?" Regulus asked. "I'll come." I inquired and grabbed the ring. I looked at it seeing the engraving on the inside 'remember me' I took it clutching it in my hand and walked towards the great hall with Regulus and looked over to the Gryffindor table and saw Sirius with his head in his hands and looked to Regulus, "I'll meet you there." I smiled, and walked towards Sirius. Merlin I didn't want to do this, maybe I can do this tomorrow. No I'll do it now.

I walked up to him, "Erm Sirius?" I asked, he turned around and looked at me in shock, his eye bags looked horrible and he smelt of smoke and alcohol, his eyes red from crying? Or smoking? Maybe both. I snapped out of it and looked to my hand and handed him the ring, "I thought you'd want it back." I mumbled, and before he could say anything I left. I could feel his eyes on my back as I walked towards the Slytherin table sitting next to Regulus and mumbling "I'm not hungry anymore."

I walked back to the common room in hope to run away from my thoughts. Then I saw someone new, a boy maybe 5th or 6th year, and he was gorgeous then all my thoughts were interrupted my the headmaster motioning me over, "This is y/n, she is a wonderful student here at Hogwarts. Would you mind showing our new student around?" Dumbledore asked, "Of course professor." I smiled. I looked to him and saw he had Ravenclaw robes, "Sorry that was a horrible introduction, I'm y/n l/n." I smiled reaching out a hand, "Elio Laurier, pleasure to meet you." He smirked while shaking my hand. I walked him through his basic classes and then showed him the great hall, astronomy tower and the courtyard. "Your common room is here, and believe me it's gorgeous." I smiled, "Gorgeous as you?" Elio smiled, oh merlin this boy will be the end of me. I brought him to see his final class and we were walking towards Sirius and James, I mumbled under my breath "Oh fuck. Save me." And with that Elio pulled me by the collar of my robes into the broom closet beside us, and I whispered "Thank you." And he smiled, "your welcome." We waited a minute before leaving the broom closet and before I left he stopped me with an arm and messed my hair up and his own and we walked out laughing.

I had assumed Sirius and James would have left but they were near the hall and turned to see us laughing and Sirius gave me a sympathetic look but I paid no attention and kept laughing with Elio. "Who is he anyway." Elio asked, "Ex boyfriend. Found out 2 weeks ago he was seeing other girls when we first started talking and didn't tell me." I mumbled, "Fucking jerk, that's no way to treat a woman like you." Elio  laughed. I looked to the time and it was already around dinner. "We should get going to the great hall." I suggested, "After you sunshine." He smiled.

Authors note

I didn't totally want to do a face claim on Elio, but I'll put a photo of how I see Elio, anyways have an amazing day/night -c <33

I didn't totally want to do a face claim on Elio, but I'll put a photo of how I see Elio, anyways have an amazing day/night -c <33

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