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Chapter 27

"So you two are saying, we will make an army? And attack this group, maybe even cult that follows the 'dark lord'?" Sage asks still confused, "Well yes." I added. It shouldn't be this difficult to convince some teens to duel some no good wizard and witches, but it is. "And what's with the masks and wands?" Alden asked, "Souvenirs." Sirius smiled, but Alden and Regulus just exchanged weird looks and looked back to Sirius and I, "I want one." Alden smiled,
"Me too." Regulus stated. "Then we need your help. All of you." I added and the Slytherins exchanged glances but ended up agreeing, "We did it." Sirius whispered in my ear,"Of course we did." I smiled back.

"Alright 4th years listen up! You guys are in charge of keeping the younger students safe, no one in or out. If somehow someone manages to get in, there's 24 of you. Shoot simple disarming spells and if it comes to it, just scream." Sirius smiles, "Why does Regulus get to go?" One of the 4th years demanded, "Because he is my brother." Sirius declared, "Anything else?" I asked, and everyone went quiet. "Alright, let's go." I demanded and we began to leave towards the great hall.

"I think that was a success." Sirius smiled, "I agree." I added and from a distance I heard Sage yell, "Me too!" When we began going down the stairs towards the great hall around the corner came the Gryffindor's and Ravenclaws. I turned to Sirius, "How did they get Ravenclaw?" I asked, "James probably sent Elio through one of our secret passage ways." Sirius chimed. James and Remus walked towards us, "You two did it." James smiled, "Of course we did, but what about Hufflepuff?" I asked, "We don't have a secret passage there, and they are really far away." Sirius added, and I just nodded my head in a agreement. Looking around seeing over 45 people ready to fight was breathtaking. "We put together an army." Remus said, "More of an alliance if you ask me, the Gryffindor and Slytherin students are talking to each other and not fight.." I laughed, "This is a first, and probably a last." James chimed.

"What in the Merlin are you students doing?" Dumbledore shouted, "Fighting." James laughed,
"I told you to stay in your common rooms!" Dumbledore announced, "10 points to Hufflepuff for not listening!" Dumbledore added, but luck was not on his side when Peter came around the corner with 15 Hufflepuff students behind him, "I was wondering where he was." I murmured to Sirius. "How did you? How did you 6 manage to get this many students?" Dumbledore asked, "It actually was quite easy, we just told them they could fight." I laughed, "Yes and everyone wanted to come, we had to force the 4th years to stay." Sirius beamed. "These people are dangerous! They work under the dark lord!" Dumbledore inquired. "So you knew? Why didn't you do anything? And how do you know about the dark lord?" I asked, Dumbledore looked appalled to me asking him such a question. But he's a fool, a fool for not protecting us or warning us. He said this was the safest place to be. "I, I didn't expect it to be this soon, and the dark lord, was a student who went to this very school." Dumbledore added."2 galleons he was in Slytherin." James whispered to Sirius, "That's not a fair bet!" Sirius laughed. "He was in Slytherin Mr Potter, in fact the heir of Slytherin and had opened the chamber of secrets." Dumbledore inquired, "I thought it was a myth." I heard a student murmur."The dark lord is a threat, and we should all be prepared for what is coming." Dumbledore announced.

What have we got ourselves into?

"We've contacted the Ministry, and they will be sending dementors for our help, hopefully our students have used the patronus charm. The dark lords army, they call themselves 'death eaters' will be coming through soon." Dumbledore announced. That's when it all clicked, the dark lord.. is you know who. I've heard rumours of the uprising army, but never knew it was actually true. I thought it was some sick joke. While I knew Étienne's father was a death eater, I was unaware how big this group was. I swore it was a small group of pureblood supremacists.

"Albus! Albus! Some of them have already made there way in the school!" Mcgonagall pleaded while running into the great hall, "Some students I presume, used a charm to tie them up and they are laying on the floor." Mcgonagall announced with a proud grin across her face, I turned to Sirius for a high five and Mcgonagall smiled at the two of us. "Students! Wands ready," Dumbledore announced and death eaters began to surround the students and teachers, "Bella?" Sirius whispered, "what did you say Sirius?" I asked, "Oh no- thing." Sirius shook his head.
I couldn't distract myself with trying to understand Sirius I needed to focus on the challenge in front of me, a death eater apparated through a black smoke before me and Sirius and shot a spell and I quickly put up a barrier protecting the two of us. As the barrier was down Sirius shot a quick spell "Stupefy!" He shouted and knocked the masked 'death eater' to the ground. Then my mind wandered off, where is Elio? And Sage? And Alden and Reg? I turned to see Elio fighting off 3 death eaters at a time, and Sage and Alden side by side battling death eaters left and right, and Regulus beside Remus as they helped each other.

I shouldn't have looked, and I regretted it when I heard someone yell "Stupefy!" From a near by death eater, they caught me off guard. I knew I didn't have time but I attempted to put up and enchantment but Sirius saw the death eater before I did and went in front of me and yelled "Protego!" And the spell bounced off a clear barrier. "Thank you." I mumbled.
I knew my friends could fend for themselves, so I just focused on the challenge in front of me, we kept battling hearing yelling everywhere, a thud here and there, and light flashing all over.
The room went silent. "Fiendfyre." Dumbledore mumbled making a fire ring around the students making Death eaters back away, the ring surrounded the students in a tight circle with everyone in amazement, "That was insane." I heard Regulus mumble.

The fire simmered and fell to the floor as the room went cold, and the happiness of the world had been taken away, and it started to become dark. "Dementors." Sirius mumbled,
Dementors flooded the room and death eaters began to evacuate, some attempted at the charm. Some were successful but most weren't.
The students began to cast there spells protecting other students.
"Expecto Patronum!" I announced putting my wand upwards into a circular motion thinking back to the dance, dancing with Sirius and him giving me a beautiful ring and us dancing in the rain. A blue eagle of blue light flew making dementors scurry away. Sirius had his patronus a shaggy dog and I was curious.. what was his memory he focused on was. Death eaters began to disperse in black smoke, but not all, I was so focused on me and Sirius dancing in the rain that I didn't notice the death eater shoot a spell my way.

A red bolt of light shot straight to my chest and a burning feeling filled my body, I could hear a bone crack in my leg and then one in my arm and the burning didn't go away until I heard a thud. From the corner of my eye I could see Sirius on top of a death eater and that's when I felt blood seep from my mouth and then everything was black, and all I could hear was someone at my side whispering my name.

I woke up to the sound of Madam Pomfrey walking past and I looked around, I was in the hospital wing and to my left Sirius was in a chair asleep. His hair was a mess, and he had cuts across his face and looked incredibly tired.
I sat up and tapped his knee and his eyes opened immediately "Y/n!" He sighed of relief and took me into a quick embrace and he held me, and I just stayed, it was comforting. Something I hadn't felt in awhile. Madam Pomfrey scurried over and told Sirius I was able to go, Sirius took my hand and placed an arm at my back assisting me walking back to the common room.
"How long was I out?" I asked, "Give or take a week." He replied. A week? Did he stay a week? That would make sense why he looked so tired.
As I arrived at the common room I mumbled the password and Sirius walked in with me, "Regulus!" He shouted, and Regulus came running to the door, "Take care of her. Don't let her do anything stupid." Sirius laughed and left me to Regulus as he dragged his feet making his way back to Gryffindor to sleep or maybe shower.

Sirius POV

I arrived back to Gryffindor common room and went upstairs to see Remus, James and Peter in a circle sipping fire whiskey. "He's back." Peter nudged James, "Snuffles!" James laughed, "You finally left y/n's bed side." James smiled,
"She's awake." I replied. "Where is she? How is she doing?" Remus asked with concern across his face, "She's doing well, really well." I smiled before laying on my bed. Thank Merlin she's okay was my last thought before I passed out on my bed.

Authors note

Hello! I know this was longer then my usual chapters, but I hope you enjoyed!

Until next time - c <33

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