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Chapter 8
An arrogant one


Sirius has officially ruined my summer.
His stupid little comment has had me stressed out of my mind. It's just the constant thought of him and his stupid face. But he's so perfect.
But stupid. Cause i'm currently so aggravated, because summer was supposed to be fun and being around family and friends, while taking in the sun and the freedom of being away from school, but this summer was nothing like that; it consisted of contemplating opening the letters Regulus sent (I haven't yet) And figuring something to say to Sirius when I see him in September. I shouldn't be stressing so much about such a small thing especially at this time.
But I am. I need to get my mind off everything so, I wrote Sage. I am going to ask her to stay for a week maybe two, just to get my mind off everything.

"Dear Sage, I know I literally wrote to you like three days ago, but i'm beginning to go crazy over Sirius's dumb comment. I need you here.. now, like ASAP. Could you possibly stay at the summer house for a week .. maybe two, or maybe even two and half? I've already asked my parents and they have said yes so if you can, you should come. We have a floo network working here so you can just arrive that way. Please Please Please!! - Y/n"

I passed my letter to my owl, and Bones took off immediately already knowing it was going to Sage.

The next day I received a response from Sage, she is coming to stay within the next week. A sense of relief fell over me when I found out she was coming, I hadn't seen her in weeks and I missed her dearly. When I saw a familiar owl show up  to my window, jet black with bright green eyes.
Regulus's Owl; Blade. I opened it; I usually wouldn't, but I was curious. I skimmed through the letter to the end signed
"Sincerely Regulus Arcturus Black."
I then actually read the letter knowing it was from Regulus.

"Dear y/n, I hope all is well. I am writing this letter seeking of forgiveness I know we didn't leave on the best of terms and I am incredibly dreadful of what I have done to you and I am pleading of forgiveness. I am utterly regretful and disgusted with myself. I know it is truly a lot to ask for but I miss hearing from you and your company. I am anxiously
awaiting for your response - Regulus Arcturus Black."

Regulus truly knew how to wreck my day. I wrote back saying I would consider talking to him but not until school began again in September. I didn't need to have two problems on my hands especially with the two problems being brothers.
During the day I received a third letter but this one was Alden and he was just telling me all about his fabulous manor and his travels to Italy, Greece and Sweden. Oh to be rich. He'd been travelling across Europe and to his summer house in the Maldives. Merlin he's a jerk. An arrogant one. He didn't even invite me, but I still love him. But definitely offended.

A week later Sage has arrived to my summer home and I ranted about how fed up with the Black brothers I was. "Well, there is a boy transferring from Beauxbatons." Sage inquired, "Tell me more.." I said intrigued. "His name is Étienne Marcel, he's really pretty, with brown hair and green eyes; not my type, but yours." She smiled. "Yeah, your type is Alden." I laughed.
Sage shot me a look, but ignored my comment and kept going on about 'Mr Marcel'

"He also has a French accent and is quite the gentleman I'd say." Sage added.
"And he's coming to Hogwarts?" I asked making sure I'd heard her right. Making sure this isn't some dream.. but she nodded in response.
Things were finally taking a turn for the better?

Sage stayed for the next week and half and made most thoughts of Sirius and Regulus disappear.
I had received more letters; some from Alden, Remus and even James. Regulus sent two letters, but I refused to open them. There was only two weeks until we return to Hogwarts, and the summer seemed to have passed way too fast.
I'm excited to meet Étienne and see Remus, but the lingering thought that I am needing to speak to Sirius and Regulus terrifies me.

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