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Chapter 44
Strange attack

I've truly never seen James on his best behaviour until these past 3 days, I mean truly what is 'good' behaviour from James? He's been a gentlemen and hasn't broke anything, and best of all we haven't heard him complaining about Severus. "Y/n?" I heard James sort of shout from down the hall, "Yeah?" I shouted back and James walked into my room, "Do you want to come to the city with us?" James asked, "Who's us?" I asked, "Lily, Remus, maybe Sirius." James specified. "What about Peter?" I asked, "He went home to visit his family." James said, "Now are you coming or not?" James asked, "Give me ten." I said while pushing him out of the room whilst I got changed.

I walked downstairs to see Lily standing with James smiling, I thought it's about time they got together. Sirius was standing talking with Remus until he looked up towards me, "It's about time." Sirius complained, "I took ten minutes, calm down." I laughed before my hand slid into his, then we walked out. "They're walking, want to apparate? It will be faster." Sirius suggested, "I'm in." I smiled before the feeling of twisting and turning returned and we landed outside a small cafe. "Me and James used to come here every Saturday during the summer last year, their tea is out of this world." Sirius grinned while walking inside, I took a seat at a small table in the corner while he went and ordered for us.

I had grabbed the newspaper to see on the front page, 'Strange attack by masked men' at the headline, could the death eaters be attacking muggles? When Sirius had sat down I slid the newspaper in his direction mad he took a quick glance "Death eaters?" He asked, "I'd assume so." I responded before James, Lily and Remus walked in the door. Everyone had gotten settled in, sipping their tea, I was talking to Sirius about the strange attack and James and Lily were exchanging glances. "I hate 3rd wheeling." Remus grunted, "5th wheeling." Sirius corrected, "Oh shut up!" Remus laughed, "So, we saw this in the paper." I said trying to help Remus feel more included as I slid the newspaper over the table and James, Lily and Remus observed it.
"Masked men?" James asked, "Death eaters maybe?" Sirius inquired, "They do realize they're not just men." Lily implied, "That's besides the point though, the death eaters could be attacking muggles." Lily added. "We should let Lily into the order." I suggested, "What order?" She asked, "We will tell you all about it when we're back at James." I smiled.

"Be safe. And if your not back here by midnight tonight, I'll come get you myself." Sirius warned, "I'm fine Sirius." I smiled, "Do you have your wand?" He asked, "Of course." I smiled pulling it out of the pocket on the inside of my jacket. "Okay, we'll have fun." He smiled before I left with Alden.
Somehow Alden had also learned how to apparate, "Where are we going?" I asked Alden, "Hale Manor." He smiled while taking ahold of my arm as we felt as if we warped through time and now I was standing in front of a large beautiful white manor, with a long path leading to the large French doors with vines trailing across the house, "Welcome to Hale Manor l/n." Alden smiled, "Is Sage here?" I asked, and with perfect timing Sage ran out in a full sprint and pulling me into a tight hug wrapping her arms tightly around me, "I've missed you!" She squealed, "I've missed you too." I croaked out of the right hug. "We have a lot to talk about." She added before motioning to follow her inside.

When walking inside right away hung a gorgeous chandelier and a grand staircase of marble.
"Where are your parents?" I asked, "Business trip. We've got the whole place to ourselves." Sage murmured while in the midst of dropping a strawberry in her mouth.
"So why you're here.." Alden began, "It's about Regulus." Sage added.
"Oh Merlin." I mumbled.

"So you're telling me, Regulus is a death eater?" I asked concerned, "We think. We are unsure because he hasn't got the mark. But we've been led to believe he is working with the dark lord." Sage huffed. "He hasn't replied to any of our letters either, we haven't seen him in a month," Alden added. Regulus really is... the rumour may be true, the shy but confident, loving Regulus I once knew, is so lost.

"What do we do about it?" I asked, "Nothing." Alden and Sage replied in unison. "We can't just leave our best friend to death eaters. That's not like him." I protested, "We'd do anything we could, but messing with the dark lord is too dangerous." Sage implied, "There is no way to get out. It's a cult." Alden added and I just huffed out of frustration. So now we've lost Regulus, and I have to tell Sirius his own brother possibly could be working with the dark lord and isn't responding to any of our letters.
This will be great.

I'd spent the rest of the day in Alden and Sage's company, I wished I could have enjoyed it but I couldn't get my mind off the issue at hand with Regulus. Alden apparated me back to Potter manor and it was 11:47, we made good timing.
I hugged Alden goodbye and told him we'd meet up soon and to write to me. I walked upstairs and Sirius was sitting on the bed, "I was about to leave." He laughed before flopping down on the bed and I sat down beside him. "We need to talk." I said, "Y/n? What, what's wrong?" Sirius asked concerned. "We should go for a walk." I suggested.

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