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Chapter 12
I'm paying

Sage and I walked down to the great hall for dinner, and while we walked through we watched Alden run to Regulus. "Bloody hell." I muttered. "This can't be good." Sage replied.
We kept walking, and Regulus looked .. happy.
"Good evening ladies." Regulus chimed with a huge grin across his face. Why is he so.. happy?
I looked around the great hall to see four Gryffindors walking through the entrance.
James, Remus, Peter and there was Sirius, he was holding a cloth to his nose covered in blood.


"Regulus?" I hissed, "Yes darling?" Regulus replied acting absolutely oblivious. "What did you do to Sirius?" I asked clearly beginning to get angry. Regulus didn't say anything.
"Well, there is no getting out of this one." Regulus teased finding this all clearly amusing.
"What happened?" I asked hoping for an actual answer, "Bloody jealous brother happened." Sirius laughed while sneaking up behind me.

Sirius quickly pulled me away by a simple tug at my arm. "Are you okay?" I asked looking up to him with his bloody cloth.
"Of course I am love," Sirius replied, not wanting to admit to being hurt. "Are you sure? Cause he look like he threw more than a punch," I laughed.
Sirius smiled, but didn't reply, "Well do you want to meet me at the astronomy tower tonight?" Sirius asked curiously. "But we can't, it's locked?" Or at least that is what I thought?

"Pft, if you don't think me and James haven't stole the keys for up there yet, you're crazy." Sirius grinned, "10pm?" I asked.
"10pm." Sirius confirmed. I walked back to the table sitting by Sage not saying a word to Regulus, but when I looked over to him he was examining his ribs with his hand. So Sirius fought back. Good. Fair enough. It's just brotherly love? Maybe not.

When dinner finally finished, Sage and I made our way back to the common room; and I obviously told her I had someone to meet up with, yet she seemed skeptical.  "He's always pulling pranks, what if he doesn't show?" Sage asked, "He will, and if he doesn't I'll go to the ball with Regulus." I laughed. "Id love to see his face is you did that." Sage replied. "He'd be bloody jealous." I laughed so much my stomach hurt.

When the clock hit 9:55, I decided to finally leave, but before I left I knew Sage had to give her usual lecture like a mother. "If you're not back by midnight, I'm sending Alden, and if he's not back by 12:30, I'll send a search party." Sage said, but she wasn't sarcastic.
"I'll be back by 1 Sai." I smiled while running out the door so she didn't even have the chance to stop me.

I walked through the cold halls keeping away from certain corridors where the prefects would be. I had to walk in the dark just to be cautious of being caught, especially with the portraits, they snitch I swear. "I'm screwed." A voice said from behind that sound very familiar, but when I turned no one was there. "Lumos." I said while light came from the tip of my wand, and I watched Sirius fade from invisibility while he took off a cloak.

The invisibility cloak.

"What.. no, no way," I said in pure disbelief, "I thought it was a myth." I admitted.  "Its not mine, it's James, but we will get caught if we don't have this so he lent it to me." Sirius exclaimed, "How did you find me?" I asked,
"Intuition." Sirius smiled. Sirius pulled the cloak around us both and we made our ways through the halls very slowly, we walked passed Mcgonagall and I began to laugh. But a hand was quickly slapped across my mouth, "This cloak is only for invisibility, she can still hear us." Sirius whispered, and we watched Mcgonagall turn around looking clueless as ever.
She was looking directly at us, and Sirius and I were both holding in our laughs.
Mcgonagall eventually turned around and left and that's when Sirius and I burst into laughter, "Did you see her face? She looked so confused." I said trying not to cry laughing while I began to lose my breath.
"Maybe I won't give this bloody thing back." Sirius teased.

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