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Chapter 23


As I woke up I thought I'd have a peaceful day and do nothing until I turned to Sage, "What day is it?" I asked, "Erm Friday?" She questioned.., she probably had thought I'd gone mental forgetting the days. Then it clicked. I'm going to Hogsmeade. I groaned while putting my face directly in my pillow wanting to scream, it wasn't Elio, I was excited to go with him. It was because I didn't want leave my fucking bed. "What?" Sage asked confused out of her mind, "I don't want to get up." I protested, "Okay." Sage said still confused, "I don't have a choice." I added, her expressions changed, "Right! You have a date with Elio!" She beamed. "It's not a date." I said while giving her a stern look, "Uh yes it is." She laughed, "Oh fuck off." I laughed while turning my face back to the pillow and screaming.
"I would have preferred a 'good morning' or 'hello' but the screaming works too." Regulus smiled while walking through the door, "Y/n has a date today!" Sage squealed. "Yes she told me about it, with Elio. I do have to admit l/n he is quite handsome-." Regulus laughed, "- But not as handsome as moi." Regulus added with a horrible french accent.
I pushed myself off my bed to start getting ready, and Regulus went and laid on my bed and began to talk to Sage.

"The party has arrived-." Alden began while making an entrance, "At 8 in the morning?" Regulus and Sage said in unison. "-Uh hell yeah at 8 in the morning." Alden laughed while making his way to the foot of Sages bed and sitting down. "Oh great everyone is now here to watch me get ready. Who's next Potter?" I said sarcastically. "About that.." Alden started laughing. Merlin they were distracting. I went to my closet in search of something to wear, "Sage can you come help." I shouted from across the room. "Why does y/n need- ohh y/n has struck a date with Elio." Alden smirked, "Oh don't say the word 'date' it triggers-." Regulus began before getting interrupted, "It's not a date!" I shouted trying not to laugh. "Point proven!" Regulus beamed.

Finally I had picked an outfit and shown it to Regulus and Alden, "Erm no." They both said in unison. "What? Wh-." I was trying to ask but Alden kindly interrupted, "The colour doesn't work with your eyes." Regulus started, "The skirt doesn't work." Alden added.
"Really the jacket?" Regulus asked.
"Oh fine!" I said while going back to my closet finding something else to wear.
"Jeans are too casual." Alden said.
"I like the shirt, but now the pants." Regulus added,
"The jacket is a no." Alden smiled while giving me a dismissive wave as I walked back to the closet.
I walked back to the boys "I swear to Merlin!"
"I like it." Regulus smiled,
"I do too." Alden chimed.
"Finally oh my merlin." I laughed while grabbing my wand and giving a quick smile and wave before rushing towards the great hall to meet with Elio.

"Wow-." Elio beamed with his jaw practically touching the floor, "You look.. beyond gorgeous." He smiled, he kindly offered his arm and I took it as we walked down to Hogsmeade.
As we walked down we talked about our classes and complained about Sirius, "He just- is such a." I began before stopping what I'd said as I noticed the four boys making there was into the three broomsticks, "Of course there here." I groaned,
"Why don't we go somewhere else then? We can just  avoid them." Elio suggested. So we went into honeydukes Elio looked around and read aloud
"Bats blood soup? That sounds ferocious!" Elio declared with a disgusted look on his face, "Its not as bad as you'd expect but still not good." I suggested, he kept looking around and sounded like a little boy on Christmas "Pepermint Toads! We used to get those at Beauxbatons." He smiled, Merlin he was a dork.

We finally were finishing up in honeydukes as he walked to the till to pay, "That will be-." The store owner said before a scream erupted from outside the store. We ran out as quick as possible and the sky had gone dark. We looked up to see a green light with a skull and a snake coming from its mouth. "What in merlin is going on.." I mumbled, "no fucking clue. We should get out of here." Elio suggested. "I need to warn Sirius." I pleaded, "I thought you hated him?" He asked,
"I- I do but not enough to get him killed." I said while running towards the three broomsticks with Elio following. I opened the door scanning for the boys and seeing them at a far table in the back. How did they not hear the scream? That is besides the point I thought. I quickly made my way to the back. "You all need to leave. Now." I demanded. "What, why? Why would we listen to you?" James asked, "Listen to her! Merlin. Just- we will explain later." Elio added, all the boys faces looked confused and they didn't seem to be giving in "Please! Just listen to me for once." I said, and Remus listened "I'm with y/n," Remus stated, "Me too." Sirius added , "Fine." Peter said with a smile, "I swear to Merlin if you made us leave for-." James started before Elio told him to shut up.

We walked out quickly and we're just about to leave before we were greeted by a group with black cloaks and silver masks and they seemed to not be the friendly kind. I went to grab my wand and one of the strange silver masked people pointed there wand at my face, "Don't even." They seethed. More and more began to appear in black smoke, with the same black cloaks and silver masks.
"Merlin." We all said at the same time while being circled by this strange group.

What is happening.

Authors note

Sorry that I had to split it, there will be a part two. It should come out tomorrow sometime.

Have a lovely day/night - c :~)

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