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Chapter 46
All I want

Two more weeks have passed, and still no sign of Regulus, Walburga has been attempting to find him alongside his father Orion and neither have yet to find anything. "He wouldn't just disappear and not tell anyone." I said, "You never know." James replied, "If anyone knows Regulus, it's myself. He would have left a note or told one of us." I added, "Y/n is right, this isn't like him." Sirius responded. Please be okay Regulus, I repeated over and over in my head, Please.

The past weeks have been slow, anxious and agitated, it's an odd feeling knowing your friend is somewhere to be unknown.
School was only 3 weeks away, and I was praying Regulus would be there, then maybe finally this weight would be lifted off my shoulders.
"He's going to be okay," Sirius whispered into my hair as he held me close to his chest.
But what if he is not? What if.

Two weeks until school begins, and still no sign of Regulus, at this point we are thinking of filing a missing person report, but then my owl had flown to my window with a letter, a dot of black wax, Regulus. "Sirius!" I yelled and Sirius came running in, "What?" He sort of shouted, "It's - it's Regulus." I smiled shaking the letter and Sirius quickly came to sit beside me, "Open it." Sirius said with a grin across his face.

To Y/n,

I'm doing well, do not worry.

- Regulus Black

"That's all?" Sirius asked, "No.. no. Sirius go grab that letter off the desk." I said while point to the letter with green wax from a few months ago, Sirius grabbed the letter and handed it to me, I opened the letter and compared them, "Different handwriting, but same signature." I said while pointing out the major difference, "He could be just trying something new?" Sirius suggested, "No, he didn't write this. But he signed it." I replied, "Oh my Merlin." Sirius said shaking his head, "We need to find him." Sirius added.
"I know."

One week until school begins, we'd searched Sirius' cousins place, we'd searched his friends houses and surrounding areas, we'd checked all wizarding inns looking for his name, and nothing. The only place we'd haven't checked was Riddle Manor, otherwise known as Death Eaters headquarters located in little Hangleton.
"We can't just walk up to headquarters and ask 'Sorry to bother Mr dark lord, we're just curious if you've seen my little brother Reggie, and expect the dark lord to open the door and say something like 'Oh yes, he's down the hall on the right'
We can't just show up there." Sirius said,
"Well someone does have an invisibility cloak." I suggested looking to James, "There's still no way, security is high there. We can't just walk in under a cloak." James said, "Also the dark lord is searching for this damn cloak." James added,
"Why?" Peter asked curiously, "Because he wants the 3 symbols of death, if you have all three; you supposedly become 'master of death'." James said, "I heard he has the resurrection stone, it was a family heirloom." Remus added, "So he already has one of three." I inquired, "Yeah, all he needs is to get the elder wand which Dumbledore has, and get the cloak from James." Sirius replied.

"I'd never thought of that." James inquired, "What do you mean 'never thought of that' ?" Peter asked, "The dark lord wants my cloak, he wants me dead." James said beginning to fidget with his fingers and looking to the floor, "He probably doesn't even know you have it." I suggested in hope of comforting him, "let's pray to Merlin he doesn't know." James replied.

One week until school begins. One more week of freedom. One more week until we could lose everything. "We should sneak out tonight." Sirius suggested, "Where to?" I asked, "I have a place in mind." He smiled.

The day had been slow, our exam results had arrived and it consisted of the boys debating over which of the four of them was most likely to get the worst mark on each exam. "Okay, okay DADA." Remus announced and all the boys scattered through there envelopes, "Got it." Sirius chimed, "Oh I've got bets on Peter." James smiled, "What? Why!" Peter laughed, "You couldn't pronounce 'Titillando' until last year." James chuckled, "It's a difficult word!" Peter protested and all the boys just stared at him, "Okay, 3,2,1!" Remus announced and the boys pulled out there papers,
"Ninety eight percent!" Sirius boasted,
"Ninety six!" James smiled,
"Ninety eight as well." Remus replied,
"Seventy four.." Peter mumbled.
"HAH! I knew it!" James chuckled.

"Okay okay, Arithmancy." Remus laughed well knowing he did the best, and all the boys groaned, "one hundred." Remus said laughing,
"Sixty four." James muttered,
"seventy." Sirius mumbled,
"Sixty two." Peter whispered,
"This is why you study you fools!" Remus laughed, "He just tried to make studying cool." James chuckled, and all the boys joined in.
"Y/n what did you get in Arithmancy?" Sirius asked, "Ninety eight." I smirked,
"See! Studying works." Remus smiled.
"Oh shut it." James frowned.

It had reached midnight and the boys had went to bed, "We should go out the window!" Sirius suggested, "Sirius you're a moron. That's a fifty foot drop." I said while pulling him out the door.
We tip toed through the dark hallways, "Lumos." Sirius whispered pointing his wand towards are feet so we could see somewhat where we were going, "Let's go out the back door." He suggested, I obeyed and followed him to the back door.
We continued until we reached the door and slowly turned the knob and pulled trying to make the least amount of noise possible.
We snuck through the door closing it behind, once we made it through the door Sirius grabbed my hand as we ran far enough so we could talk without being heard. We'd made it far enough and Sirius threw his arms in the air "Success!" He smiled and pulled me by my waist quickly into a heated kiss, his lips against mine with his hands travelling through my hair with a mind of there own, I'd placed my arms around his neck deepening the kiss, "I love you." He mumbled against my lips, "I love you too." I replied as I pulled away looking up to the stars, he'd pointed behind me at a bright star, the brightest star in the sky "Thats Sirius." He said before pointing to a constellation "And there is Telescopium." He said while pointing to the left of me and I looked to the right "Aha! There is Scutum." I said pointing at the constellation of a diamond.

We'd ended up walking a bit farther before sitting in front of a small pond, gleaming from the moonlight and in the reflection you could see the stars gleaming from above. "This is where I learned how to skip rocks," Sirius sort of laughed, "A dumb thing, but the memory stuck around." Sirius smiled while shaking his head slowly, "I'd felt loved, Fleamont treated me like his son." Sirius added. Before he put an arm around my shoulder and he laid his head on my shoulder,
"If anything happens during this possible war." Sirius began, "We don't need to talk about this.." I said trying to avoid the topic, "We do love, if anything ever happened. I hope you know how much I love you." Sirius said and a tear began to fall down my cheek, I couldn't bare the thought that something could happen to any of us.
"I- I love you so much Sirius." I said while holding back all my tears.

All I want, is for everything to get better.
Regulus to come home.
Remus to be happy.
James and Lily to finally get together.
And for me, to be able to stay here and lay beside Sirius forever.

That's, all I want.

Authors note

Okay..  I changed my mind.. Next chapter will be back at Hogwarts, but I made this chapter longer than usual to fill the rest of the summer.

I hope everyone is healthy and safe, I love you all and I hope you guys know my messages are always open :) - c <33


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