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Chapter 56
Blood and Tears


The week had passed, the dark lord had arrived alongside his army of hundred of blood hungry death eaters. The teachers shot sparks into the sky repeating "Protego Maxima." Over and over as white sparks shot into the sky creating a dome around the school, but we all knew it wouldn't last long enough. I stood at the edge of the bridge with my hand in Sirius', Dumbledore had given us permission to blow up the bridge and let all the death eaters fall to there death. The thought of killing people hurt my heart, but they are here to kill us. We stood at the edge of the bridge and the only noise you could hear was our own breath and sparks flying into the sky, but the silence disappeared when we heard the sound of footsteps and yelling. They had arrived.
Sirius squeezed my hand, I was ready and so was he. The protective barrier stayed in tact and few death eaters ran through it turning to dust.
But then they all stopped before the barrier and began to shoot spells at it, we knew this would happen but we had to wait until the last second to run. The barrier was about to break and Sirius quickly pushed me forward making me run, he was going to set the bridge on fire and run but gave me a head start. I didn't want to leave, but I knew if I stayed he would be mad, so I ran. I ran as fast as I could to the end of the bridge where James and Lily stood, "He needs to do it soon." Lily said getting nervous, "I know." I breathed getting nervous, "He knows what he is doing." James simply replied. And that's when he started the fire and ran, as he began to run the barrier broke. I burried my head into James shoulder not wanting to watch. I could hear yelling and screaming. But none of the yelling was Sirius.

I felt a hand touching my shoulder, I'd assumed it was Lily but it was a familiar voice,
"Love?" Sirius asked and I quickly pulled him into a tight hug to my chest.
"You really had to wait till the last second didn't you?" I breathed, "Well it wouldn't have been any fun if I hadn't." Sirius laughed.
Merlin he laughs in the most serious situations.
"Did I scare you?" He sort of laughed,
"Yes! Oh my Merlin." I replied while pulling him tighter, I knew I wouldn't be able to hold him any longer later. So I took in every moment I had now.

I pulled away and looked him in the eyes, I wanted to cry. We shouldn't be fighting this, we are sixteen and fighting the most dangerous wizarding army in the world. But we will make it out, I know we will. "We will be okay." Sirius whispered, "I know." I replied while a tear fell down my cheek. Sirius quickly wiped it away with his thumb, "Love. Everything will be okay, I promise." Sirius smiled, "Pinky promise?" I laughed holding out my pinky , "pinky promise." Sirius smiled intertwining his pinky with mine.

We had ran towards the commotion filled with students and masked figures, watching first years attempt to fight off old men and women was one of the most difficult things to watch. With a quick whisp of my wand a purple beam shot out from the end hitting the death eater square in the back forcing him to the ground. I ran towards the death eater and snapped his wand in half and kicked him in the side. "You worthless piece of shit." I spat, and the masked figure said nothing.
I told the first year to run, and Sirius took the mask off the man and threw it to the side, "Coward." Sirius laughed, "Who are you calling a coward boy?" The man seethed, "You. Wearing a mask and fighting an eleven year old? Coward." Sirius laughed again.

We'd eventually made it towards the commotion in front of the great hall, blood everywhere and sears of light coming from every corner.
I'd fought a few death eaters knocking them down and snapping there wands, Sirius by my side the whole time. Death eaters everywhere, but still no sign of the dark lord.
We hadn't seen inside yet, we still were fighting outside during the dusk of night. "Remus!" I shouted while I saw three death eaters fighting him on his own, I ran behind him and pulled Sirius along, "Stupefy!" Sirius shouted to the figure on the left, "Expelliarmus!" Remus yelled to the death eater on the right. I had the last one in the middle, "Stupefy!" I yelled at the masked one in the middle, but within the same time he shouted "Avada Kedavra!" The bursts of red and green bolts of light coming from each wand fought. The green slowly got closer to me, but I couldn't let this be the way I die, a pathetic masked man? If I'm going to go out in the war at least let it be in a battle with the dark lord. Not one of his pathetic followers. I used everything in me, and the red light quickly extinguished the green and shot him to the ground.

When the man hit the ground I was quickly pulled away by Sirius, obviously he didn't want me to duel the man again.
We had been interfered by fight as we ran through, I shot a spell but he deflected quickly, I thought I heard the masked person murmur something but I think I was hearing things, but then I heard his name. "Sirius." The masked boy said, and the voice was familiar, "Sirius, get her out of here." The boy pleaded. "Regulus?" Sirius asked, "Get her out." Regulus pleaded,
"What? What do you mean?" Sirius asked,
"Get- get her out of here." Regulus trembled, and even though we could not see his face, you could hear the sadness through his voice. He was crying.

"Get y/n away, far away. As far as you can." Regulus added and we kept fake fighting to make it look like we weren't talking with the enemy.
"Regulus why?" Sirius asked again,
"I can't- I can't tell you." Regulus replied,
"Reg I can't just leave." I added.
"You need too." Regulus replied.

Authors note

And so the war begins..

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