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Chapter 42

It is the final day of O.W.L.S and I had been more focused on planning this damn party with James.
"What's more important than a big party?" James asked, "Passing?" I laughed, "Passing is for losersss." James chuckled. James has been planning this party for a month and tonight was the night we would execute. "Ravenclaw got there invites correct?" I asked James, "Remus got Hufflepuff, I had Gryffindor, and Peter had Slytherin. Sirius was supposed to do Ravenclaw." James said, "Sirius is in an exam, I'll go do it." I smiled while grabbing around 30 envelopes, "You got Regulus an invite right?" I asked,
"Of course." James smiled.

I left walking towards Ravenclaw common room, at least here I don't have to remember a password I just need to answer a riddle. I arrived at the entrance and the door began to speak,
"You have me today, tomorrow you'll have more; as your time passes, I'm not easy to store, I don't take up space, but I'm only in one place. I am what you saw, but not what you see." The door spoke, "I am what you saw but now what you see-." I mumbled underneath my breath, "Memories?" I asked and I heard a simple click. "Aha!" I grinned while walking through.

I was quick to notice the huge marble statue of Rowena Ravenclaw it was gorgeous, with blue velvet chairs and couches and bookshelf's on each wall. "Y/n? What are you doing here." I heard a familiar voice, Elio Laurier alongside Étienne Marcel. "I'm here to drop off invitations." I said while offering a fake smile, "Wow your inviting us? I thought you were too good for us now that your hanging out with Black and Potter." Elio laughed, "I've never said I was better than anyone." I replied, "Well we can all see it, you've become a new person y/n." Étienne added. A different person? Not different, better. I placed the invitations down on the table in front of me and began to turn, "Not so fast." Étienne laughed, "You know something, we can see it in your eyes," Elio inquired.
"I don't know anything." I lied, I know all about that mark on your arm.
"Don't lie y/n." Étienne chuckled, "Why would I lie? Doesn't sound like something I'd do." I lied again but with a convincing smile.
"Very well, just know you're on the recruitment list, and so is Regulus." Elio laughed.

The beautiful blue common room turned to a blur and began to feel hot as my cheeks went red, recruitment list? Why me? Then it hit me, I hit all of the requirements, Slytherin, comes from a noble family, and currently dating a Black. That'd be two birds with one stone. The dark lord is smart, but not smart enough if he thinks I'll join his stupid cult, but I'd gladly burn it to the ground. All of it.

"You got the invitations to Ravenclaw correct?" James asked me while I laid across the couch in Gryffindor's common room. "Yes." I blankly responded, "Good, that means everything is set." He smiled. "What if someone tells the professors?" I asked, "No one will, who wouldn't want to come to my party." James boasted with a cheeky grin. I just shook my head in disagreement, oh to have the confidence of James Fleamont Potter. I stayed laying on the couch in deep thought of Étienne and Elio's comments, how did they know I knew? And how do they know myself and Regulus are on the recruitment list. "Y/n! I didn't fail!" I heard Sirius chime while he walked towards me, "You sound shocked." I inquired, "Well, I can't actually own up to being bad at something." Sirius laughed before laying down in front of me. He looked down to me, "You look tired.. you look sick, is everything alright?" Sirius asked,
"Everything is alright." I lied.
I'd rather not tell him the dark lord wants to recruit myself when I'm apart of the army trying to defeat him. Sirius just pulled me closer to his chest and whispered,
"Okay, but just know you can tell me anything."

It was an hour before the party was supposedly going to begin, students had already began to enter Gryffindor common room, "I still haven't even began getting ready." I complained to Sirius, "Why can't you just wear what your wearing now?" Sirius laughed pulling me in by my waist, "Because." I blankly responded, "Because isn't a good enough reason." Sirius smiled before planting a kiss on my forehead.
"Hurry up." James complained while walking into our dorm, "Ew! I hate you two." James laughed while covering his eyes.
"Just hurry up okay?" James demanded before practically running out.

I walked towards Sirius closet where I kept some of my clothes, I had pulled out a short black silk slip dress, and had gotten changed, "How about this?" I asked Sirius, his eyes went wide. "Love, I love it. You look gorgeous but your not wearing that in front of other boys, you're mine and mine only." Sirius demanded. "Who in there will care?" I complained, "Where do I start? Elio, Étienne, my own brother." Sirius began, "That's enough." I huffed before turning back towards the closet.
"If you stay by my side, you can wear it. I just need everyone to know you are .. off limits." Sirius chimed before grabbing my hand to drag me into the party.

Sirius was a social butterfly, making conversation with everyone. I just stood to the side and smiled and nodded every once and awhile. As we were talking to Sage and Alden a Hufflepuff girl had approached us, "Erm Sirius, I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date with erm me?" The girl asked and Sirius said nothing, he grabbed me by my chin and pulled me into a kiss and turned back to her, "How's that for an answer." He laughed and the girl ran, "Okay. That was damn funny." Alden laughed, "Shes now terrified of both of you." Sage added, "Good." Sirius replied.

Sirius and I had gotten more drinks, and Gryffindor common room was filled with students, there was blaring music and drinking games being played all over. I could hear James yelling from across the room, but I still hadn't seen Elio nor Étienne and I found it suspicious. I tried to ignore it but still had a bad feeling about it, that's when the Gryffindor common door opened and Sirius had already been pulling me by my arm up the stairs. We ran into our dorm before we had time to be caught, Sirius searched for the map off of James desk and found it and Gryffindor was packed with students and there were two names, Albus and Minerva.
"Someone told the professors." Sirius groaned,
"I know who it was." I complained,
"Who?" Sirius asked, "Étienne and Elio." I replied.

"How do you know?" Sirius asked,
"I saw them today. They were acting weird about the invitations."  I replied but didn't speak of the recruitment. "Oh, okay." Sirius said while laying down beside me and throwing his arm around me, "I love you," he breathed, "I love you too." I smiled while placing a kiss on his cheek while we faked slept so we wouldn't get caught downstairs.

Authors note

This wraps up 5th year, I'll be doing a few more happy chapters in the summer, but then all will change.. - c <3

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