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Chapter 53

Sirius POV

I sat in the library studying on my own for the upcoming potions test, I'd usually be forced into studying by Remus or Y/n. But not this time.
I'd heard a scream from down the hall but thought nothing of it, possibly a harmless prank but then there was another, I got up clutching my wand in my hand, I'd walked out and there was a flash of silver. Death eaters.
"Expelliarmus." I shouted leaning my wand forward and knocking the wand out of the death eaters hand, "Stupefy!" I yelled knocking him to the floor, I quickly ran up to him and grabbed his wand snapping it in half.

I looked around the corridors to students fighting off death eaters, and I know I should be focused on battling death eaters. But the only thing on my mind was y/n, I know she can fend for herself, she proved it yesterday. But I still wanted her by my side. So I ran, I ran towards the great hall hoping she's in the commotion.


I ran, I ran as fast as I could upstairs towards the library, I ran in "Sirius!" I shouted, no response.
"Sirius!" I shouted again, and nothing so I ran out dodging spells and running back down the stairs going through any and every corridor hoping to find him and make sure he is alright.
I know he's alright, I just want him by my side.
I kept running through corridors and they were all empty, I ran towards the great hall because that's where the commotion was, I searched the hall looking for the boy.

Sirius POV

I had searched the great hall looking for y/n and no sight of her, I'd decided to run to the courtyard to see the boys and Lily,
"Have you guys seen y/n?" I asked concerned,
"She left ten minutes ago looking for you." James said, "Where did she go?" I asked, "We don't know." Peter added. Fuck.
I turned around and ran back into the school, y/n please be okay. I ran as fast I could, shooting spells at the silver masked army on my way through the corridors, I ran through the great hall, right through the middle. I sprinted as fast as I could, "Y/n?" I shouted, but no one responded, "Y/n!" I yelled as loud as I possibly could, behind me I felt a hand on my shoulder, a familiar touch that made my knees want to buckle.


"Y/n I was so worried about-." I began before she pulled me into a kiss, pushing her body against mine. Her hands travelled through my hair and my hands went to her waist, I was taken aback by the kiss, I was scared at first but then I got my head wrapped around everything. This is y/n, she is back and in my arms once again.

"I've missed you." She breathed,
"I've missed you too." I smiled.
I brought my hand down to hers before pulling her towards the courtyard so we could be with our friends, but black smoke covered the hall, they were retreating. I looked to my left to see Peter sprinting through the halls "Peter?" I yelled and no response.

Peter POV

I need to get out fast. I ran towards Hogsmeade, I could not be followed. I slipped on my silver mask and appararted to Riddle Manor.
I shouldn't have agreed, I shouldn't be here. I'm so stupid, but there is no turning back now.
"Ah Mr Pettigrew, you've arrived." The dark lord seethed sitting at his desk in a dark room.
"Ye- yes my lord." I trembled, "And have you brought me my information this time?" He asked, "Yes my lord." I said.
"Now where is that invisibility cloak?" The dark lord asked, "It's -." I couldn't say, I couldn't just give James away like this.
"Mr Pettigrew, Peter if I may, I'll kill everyone you hold dearly, in front of your own eyes, and then leave you to see their limp bodies. Then I'll kill you slowly and painfully," the dark lord seemed amused. "It's in James possession," I blurted, "Aha, Mr Potter." The dark lord seethed,
"You may go, but Peter.. if you ever hide information from me again. I'll kill your family," The dark lord said with an evil smirk across his face, "Y- yes my lord." I said before apparating back to Hogwarts.
I need to warn James.

Authors note

Super short chapter, I'm sorry.
But I wanted to get it out tonight but I am so tired right now I couldn't get anything else written.

Have a lovely day or night -c <33

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