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Chapter 69

James POV

"Well, erm we could go look for her.." I suggested, "Yes, cause you have a clue where that bloody git took her. He didn't even hear out the reasoning." Étienne protested clearly angry.
"I'm sorry, I don't know what to tell you. He's been in love with her for years and you expect him to just give her the green light to go join the most dangerous wizarding army? Especially after they killed his brother. No, he's obviously not going to want her there." I shouted, we'd lost Regulus and didn't need to lose more. We even lost Peter, and as much as I hate to admit it. I miss the stupid git; but he is a stupid git for turning on us.

"I get it! I get it!" Étienne said putting his hands in the air of surrender. "You should fucking get it. She shouldn't have to go!" I fought back,
"She made the deal!" Étienne retorted.
"She made the deal out of the goodness of her heart, she wanted Sirius back. She didn't want to join you two morons in the hell house." I said furious, I'm not letting y/n go. Even if Sirius gave the green light, I'm not.

"And I thought you and him were good people. Proves you can't trust anyone in this world," I said obviously referring to Peter.
"If you don't want her to go so badly, why don't you come Potter. Pureblood, powerful.. enough." Étienne laughed, haha powerful.. powerful enough to knock him out.
I didn't need magic to take out this bloody git, so I swung making my hand into a fist and my fist met his cheek hitting him hard. I heard a groan and then a thud. I looked to my fist now extending my fingers , "Powerful enough." I laughed."What the f-." Lily said walking through the doors, she looked to me and then to Étienne on the floor. "What did he say?" She asked, "he said too many wrong things." I replied while rubbing my sore fist. "Sounds like a good enough reason." She laughed.

"Well that's one of them, I say we leave?" I suggested, "Remus!" Lily yelled and Remus came running in. "What the fuck- oh oh let's go Potter!" Remus said running for a high five.
"Grab your stuff. I'll explain everything later." I said and Remus and Lily went and got their bags together. Little did they know I was planning our escape for awhile; My bag was already packed.

See ya soon Sirius.


Sirius and I were in the kitchen as I sat on the counter while he sung horribly around the kitchen dancing around.
"He'd like to come meet us! But he thinks he'd blow our mindssss." Sirius sung until a knock came from the door.
"Your mother?" I asked, "She wouldn't knock." He retorted. "Maybe it's the starman?" I said sarcastically, "Y/n! He'd blow our minds. Cmon." He smiled while leaving the kitchen and going to the door.

"Who is it?" Sirius said in a horrible imitating voice of his mother , there was no response but we heard a slight whisper.
"Mrs- Mrs Black. Is your dearest son Sirius home?" A boy asked, a familiar voice asked, "Dearest son? Oh my!" Sirius said opening the door quickly and there stood James, Lily and Remus.

"James! Remu! Lils!" Sirius said with a huge grin.
"What did I say about calling me Remu!" Remus laughed, "Lils? Let's not make this a regular nickname.. please." Lily smiled, "Nope. Already is Lils." Sirius said making sure to exaggerate 'Lils'

We all walked to the living room and I sat in my usual spot with Lily beside me, "What have we missed?" Sirius asked. "James punched Étienne unconscious." Lily laughed, "No way! I love you Potter." Sirius chuckled, "That's all. What have we missed with you two?" James asked, "Nothing." Sirius said while winking at me.
"Well where are your mother and father?" Remus asked, "Just cause Lily and I are here." Remus added. "No clue, somewhere off with my aunt I presume. No clue when they'll be back; but we should probably leave soon." Sirius suggested.
"My place?" James asked. "Is that even safe? We got attacked last time we were there." Lily asked.

"Lils. I'm not sure." James said trying not to laugh, "I hate both of you; and James this is serious." Lily informed.
She shouldn't have said this was serious.

"No .. he is Sirius." James said bursting into laughter, "These Sirius jokes are getting old." I added with a small giggle. "You can't be serious, y/n? They never get old." James protested.
"Of course I can't be Sirius, because that's Sirius." I said whilst pointing to Sirius.
"Merlin I hate this." Remus said shaking his head.

Elio POV

I walked into the living room to see Étienne on the floor with a reddened cheek. I shook him awake; he must've said something wrong.
"Étienne. Wake up.. please." I said while shaking him, he finally opened his eyes, "What the fuck." He laughed. "I'm presuming you said something stupid?" I asked, Étienne didn't say anything, he just put his hand to his cheek. "Potters got a good punch." Étienne smiled.
That's when I realized we are back on our own. It always comes back to this duo, we've had Regulus, that didn't last long, Étienne dated Mary, that didn't last.

It's always us two. A duo.


Shorttt chapter

(Also I'm praying someone got my starman reference ..)

-c <3

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