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Chapter 50
False assumptions


The night with Sirius being gone was better, I was free to dance with Remus and hang around Sage and Alden. We danced until our legs began to ache and feet hurt. Remus had walked me back to my common room, "Thank you for tonight." I said while hugging him tight, "You're very welcome." Remus smiled. "Good luck.. with Sirius." I laughed. "Who needs luck when your Remus Lupin?" Remus smiled before turning on his heel toward Gryffindor common room.

I walked in the common room to see Regulus sprawled across the couch with an empty bottle of fire whiskey to his side, "Did you drink it all?" I sort of chuckled, and he just nodded.
"Let's get you to your room." I said while pulling him from the couch and walking him up the steps, there were a few stumbles and close calls but he did make it upstairs in one piece.
"Thank you." He mumbled,
"Goodnight Reg." I said,
"Goodnight y/n." He smiled before closing his eyes and he passed out immediately.

Remus POV

I'd walked back to Gryffindor common room nervous and agitated, I was nervous to see Sirius.
I knew he was angry, but honestly he had no right to be. He messed everything up with y/n, not me. I'd walked into our dorm and Sirius wasn't there. A weird sense of relief rushed over me that I thought I'd never feel. So I laid down in hope of falling asleep but shortly after I laid down James walked in with Peter beside him, "That was so amazing!" James chimed,
"That was great." Peter smiled shyly,
"How was your night with y/n, moony? Peter asked, "It was really good." I grinned,
"Where is Sirius?" James asked,
"I don't know, maybe in the girls dorms with Marlene." I suggested. I couldn't tell y/n that, she would be heart broken. "I never thought they would get together," James said, "I don't think any of us did, especially after y/n." Peter added.
But I sat there in silence.
Sirius loves y/n, and y/n still loves Sirius. But neither of them know.

Sirius walked through the door, his hair scraggly and his eyes red, "Where have you been?" James smirked, "Astronomy tower." Sirius blankly stated. "Ah, we thought you were with Marlene." Peter laughed. "Fuck no." Sirius said before looking at me, and he said nothing but if looks could kill, I'd be a goner.


The next morning I promised to meet Remus at the library to quiz him on our upcoming potions test. I'd walked up stairs and Remus was already there with a huge smile on his face,
"Good morning!" Remus chimed,
"You're in a good mood.." I inquired.
"Indeed! Sirius has not killed me yet." He laughed, I just shook my head, "Key word, yet." Remus added before gesturing for me to take a seat beside him.

We'd tested each other on Felix Felicis, poison antidotes and memory potions. "What are the two side affects to elixir for euphoria?" I asked,
"Aha! Excessive singing and nose tweaking!" Remus replied, "We'd figured that potion out in 3rd year, we used it on Severus. It was hilarious." Remus added, "What potion, trick and prank have you not used on him?" I chuckled, "Erm.. we haven't used any of the unforgivable curses?" Remus suggested, "Well I sure hope not." I chuckled."Okay, name three ingredients you would use in a poly juice potion." Remus said,
"Fluxweed, Leeches and Knot grass!" I replied with ease, "Very good, my turn." Remus smiled,
"What does a memory potion do?" I asked,
"Enhances the drinkers memory." Sirius replied while turning the corner, "It is also golden in colour, and takes around two hours and fifteen minutes to brew, and the four ingredients are, Jobberknoll feathers, stewed mandrake, powdered Sage and Galanthus Nivalis." Sirius said. "You studied for something?" Remus asked,
"No, we used the potion on Peter in second year when he forgot where he left his toad." Sirius laughed.

"What do you want?" I asked,
"Nothing." Sirius said putting his hands up into surrender, "Okay then can you leave." I suggested, "Um no." Sirius said with a cheeky smile."Sirius just leave." Remus added.
This wasn't going to end well. "So now all of the sudden our friendship is gone? Forever?" Sirius said to Remus."I never said that-." Remus hesitated, "Well you chose y/n over me." Sirius inquired. "I'm not choosing one of you." Remus stated."You're scared cause you'd pick her, you'd pick the one who can't let go of a grudge and never forgives." Sirius said while looking me in the eye. "Don't talk to her like that." Remus said standing up,
"Why not?" Sirius laughed.

"Your digging yourself this hole. You know you love her, and every time you see her you say something mean, or a backhanded compliment." Remus said with confidence, "You always do, you find away to make her feel bad about herself every god damn time you see her." Remus kept going, "I don't know if you're driven by heart ache, but you love her, you love her with your whole heart. But you won't do anything about it, cause of what? Cause you're scared." Remus added still staring down Sirius.
"Maybe I do love her. Maybe I don't. That is all gone now, I messed this up Remus." Sirius pleaded. "Yeah you sure did." Remus said and that's when I watched Sirius' wand come out of his pocket and up to Remus' neck.

"Don't talk to me like that." Sirius snarled while slowly digging his wand into Remus' neck.
"The truth?" Remus laughed, he wasn't nervous.
"Oh fuck you Remus!" Sirius said backing away and pointing his wand at Remus, "Stupefy!" Sirius said and Remus hit the floor with a thud.
"Sirius stop it!" I yelled, but Sirius didn't reply.

Where is one of the professors?
Sirius stood over Remus pointing his wand towards him, "You took her away from me." Sirius said with empathy in his tone, "I didn't. You put yourself in this position." Remus replied while laying his head down on the floor.  "Do you have to remind me everywhere I go about it? I messed up okay? I'm sorry!" Sirius pleaded
"You're not sorry! If you were sorry you would have actually apologized to y/n, you would have done more! You wouldn't have cowered and went to the dance with Marlene! You would have brought her flowers and have wrote a sonnet! You would have done more Sirius." Remus began to tremble.

"Have you ever thought I might be scared?" Sirius inquired, "You? Scared? Mr Arrogance alongside your best friend Mr Confidence. You are the last person to be scared." Remus added while referring to James. "Well you obviously don't know me very well, and I thought you were my best friend." Sirius stated. "I thought you were in love with y/n, a lot of us make false assumptions." Remus inquired. And Sirius raised his wand once again but this time I got behind Sirius and took his wand from his hand and tucked it into the inside of my robe.
I looked down and grabbed Remus hand and pulled him up.

I raised my wand towards Sirius, "Leave." I said, "What about my wand-." Sirius asked,
"Remus will give it to you later." I said while pointing again to the door. "We're not even friends." Sirius said while looking towards Remus, "I didn't mean it." Remus trembled,
"I also didn't mean anything when I blamed y/n, but not all of us forgive." Sirius said before turning and walking out. I looked to Remus and his eyes filled with tears, I hugged him tight,
"You two will be alright, I promise."

Authors note

I might get one more chapter out tonight, we will see :)

- c<33

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