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Chapter 73
Silver masks


As the scream came from somewhere in the common room, Sirius and I immediately stiffened, and the students began to freak out.
We had them calm, or at least calm enough; but now, they are shaking out of fear. They are 11 and 12, they shouldn't have to be scared to be at school, they should be happy, and stress free.
But that isn't the life the dark lord as put upon us. "I'll go." Sirius and I said in unison, "Well someone has to stay?" I inquired, "Well of course someone has to stay." Sirius said making me sound like a total idiot. We're wasting our time making eachother sound dumb, so I stood up, "You're better with kids, plus you did say I'm the most powerful witch of our age." I smiled, while opening the door and running before he could protest.

Sirius POV

I watched her walk out without another word, and I quickly became nervous. I know she's smart, and strong, but I love her so much it makes me scared. She's powerful, and ambitious, but the dark lord is merciless, and too powerful, he knows spells most dark wizards have never heard of. The dark lord is ruthless.

But I can't let it get to me, I have to keep these kids in line, and ready; ready for anything.


I run up the stairs hoping to find something, or anything out of the ordinary but everything seems fine. I kept running, but a hand flew over my mouth and pulled me backwards, I tried to kick, and scream but they had a firm hold, I was pulled in through a door and then the hand flew from my mouth and a finger was put to my mouth telling me to shut up.
It was a familiar face; James.

"What the fuck!" I half whispered, half yelled.
"There is someone up there, and you were walking into a fucking trap!" James snapped back. I didn't say anything I just stared back.
"Not even a thank you for saving your life?" James laughed, "Merlin. You're never serious!" I replied hitting him in the arm. James stopped laughing when we began to hear footsteps, and whoever was there was not alone. James put his hand up showing a countdown from three, I pulled my wand clearly ready to fight, and James did the same.



James opened the door, and I quickly recognized the silver masks. Merlin how do they get in here.
"Expelliarmus!" James yelled disarming the first death eater, "Expelliarmus," I yelled getting the next. "Accio dumbass' wand." James laughed, but nothing happened. "Too soon?" James chuckled, but no one laughed. The death eaters scrambled for their wands, but not so fast "Wingardium leviosa." I said while levitating the wand and with a swift motion one of their wands was thrown down the stairs. As James disarmed the death eater again in the narrow hallway, we finally looked to each other, "Stupefy!" We said in unison pointing to the two death eaters knocking them to the wall and they both fell unconscious.

"That's definitely not all of them." I said, "Oh I know, should we find more?" James asked, "Why not?" I shrugged, as those last two were as if they've never duelled in their lives. On our way up the stairs James began to laugh. "What?" I asked, "I can't believe you used a spell we learnt in first year." James smiled. "Levitating spells are handy, don't judge." I protested.
"No judgment, no judgment." James said while putting his hands up in a fake surrender with his dumb smirk.

Sirius POV

I heard mumbling from upstairs, and James laugh. They must be fine, and y/n isn't on her own. It's been boring down here, half of the students have fell asleep and the other half are practicing levitating spells, quite interesting. Not.
I wish I could leave, get some action knocking some silver masked dim whits out, but no, I get to hang out with these kids.
And half of them are afraid of me, they all know I was in Azkaban for .. however many.. too many days. I've reassured over 7 times now that I didn't commit those crimes. Merlin.
Why didn't y/n and I take the 7th years so we could BOTH leave.
11 year olds are.. boring.

To be continued...

Sorry for short chapter, wanted to get something out tonight..

I'll try to get the next part out soon :)

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